Wraparound Childcare

Lunchtime and After School Clubs

Spring Term


Club- Lead By

Staff member collecting at end of day for club to start


Starting Mon 13th January- 24th March



FS/KS1 Football- Mr Marshall

Choir- Mr Middleton
Years 2-6

Wild Minds Nature Club – Miss Purshouse
All Years

Stitch Club- Miss Perrin
Years 4,5 and 6

KS1 Lego & Chill Club- Miss Marshall
FS and KS1


SM Collect Football to Thrive Hive

EE Collect Choir to Hall


JJ collect Nature and Stitch

JM Collect Lego to Hub

First Aid- see First Aid staff


Starting Tue 14th January- 25th March


KS2 Basketball- Mr Marshall
KS2, Years 3-6

KS1 Create and Craft Club- Mrs Evans  
FS and KS1

KS2 Create and Craft Club- Mrs Jones

Cheerleading- Fierce elite
Years 3,4,5,6


SM Collect Basketball to Thrive Hive

EE Collect BOTH Craft Club to KS1 Intervention


JJ Collect Cheerleading


First Aid- see First Aid staff

Tuesday Lunch

Lunch Mr Marshall
Sports- Competition Prep



Starting Wed 15th January- 26th March


KS2 Football- Mr Marshall
KS2, Years 3-6 

1520-1650 Cooking Club – Mrs Christie
Year 5


SM Collect Football to Thrive Hive

JCh Collect Cooking to The Nook

First Aid- see First Aid staff

Wednesday Lunch

Lunch: Chess Club- Mr Marshall
Years 3-6
Lunch: Dance- Mrs Smith
Years 4,5,6



Starting Thu 16th January- 27th March



KS1 Active and Flexibility- Mrs Shaw
FS, 1,2


Children arrive via KS2 Playground and entre through Hall


SM Collect Badminton to Thrive Hive


JM collect Music Therapy to The Nook


JJ collect Book Club

LS collect Yoga Bugz to Hub

First Aid- see First Aid staff

Badminton- Mr Marshall
KS2, Years 3-6

Music Therapy
Centre4- Selected Pupils Y2-6

Book Club
Years 2-6- Miss Sutton

Yoga Bugz
FS and KS1- Miss Wilson

Thursday Lunch

 Lunch- Mr Marshall
Girls Football


Download the table of Clubs

After school sports clubs are £4 per session, payable in full at the start of the term.

If your child is in receipt of Pupil Premium, please see the School Office for details about free or subsidised entry to these clubs.

Laceby Stanford Primary Academy – Out of School Childcare Provision

Our Breakfast and Afterschool Clubs run 5 days a week to offer before and afterschool care for children which is both affordable and convenient. The clubs are both fun and active and are run in accordance with our 'Healthy School' philosophy, offering a range of activities and food (AM) which promotes a healthy lifestyle.

Breakfast Sessions (includes breakfast)


Breakfast Session – 8.00 – 8.50 am

£ 3.75

Breakfast Session – 7.45 – 8.50 am

£ 4.00

Breakfast Session – 7.30 – 8.50 am

£ 6.50

Breakfast Session – 8.00 – 8.50 am (Siblings)

£ 3.25

Breakfast Session – 7.45 – 8.50 am (Siblings)

£ 3.50

Breakfast Session – 7.30 – 8.50 am (Siblings)

£ 6.00


After School Sessions (includes healthy snack and drink)


After School Session – 15.20 – 17.00

£ 6.00

After School Session - 15.20 – 17.30

£ 7.00

After School Session - 15.20 – 17.45

£ 9.00

After School Session – 15.20 – 17.00 (Siblings)

£ 5.50

After School Session - 15.20 – 17.30 (Siblings)

£ 6.50

After School Session - 15.20 – 17.45 (Siblings)

£ 8.50

After School Session – 16.20 – 17.00 (After Sports Club Rate)

£ 3.00

After School Session - 16.20 – 17.30 (After Sports Club Rate)

£ 4.00

After School Session - 16.20 – 17.45 (After Sports Club Rate)

£ 6.00


*NB – Additional child will now become siblings price where 2 or more siblings all get the reduced price


Pupil Voice


Term 3

Hedgehog Bread

We started the year off making beautiful hedgehog bread at cookery club. We learnt about yeast, and how it works and what it needs to be activated. The bread smelt amazing and everyone couldn’t wait to get home to taste it while it was still warm.

Term 2


This week in cookery we made a pizza, we had lots of different toppings to choose from, and had a great creating them

Christmas Cupcakes

This week our new year 5 cookery club made and decorated Christmas cupcakes. They leant how to pipe and made a little snowman from fondant icing. Everyone had a great time getting creative.

Joining Forces

Craft club and Lego/chill club joined forceslas night! We had a lovely time partaking in craft, some relaxing colouring in and Lego!

“I love being able to relax”
“I really enjoyed making snowflake decorations”

Term 1

KS2 Craft Club

Craft club used clay to make different sized pumpkins. These will now dry and be decorated… how fab do they look already!? 🎃

⚽️ Girls football tournament ⚽️

Yesterday the girls took part in the yr 5/6 football tournament where they showcased fantastic team work, effort and determination. Although results maybe didn’t quite go their way, they played with great big smiles on their faces throughout and showed the real Stanford spirit to keep going right until the end ❤️⚽️

Well done girls, we’re super proud of you!!! 👏

⚽️ Year 5&6 boys football tournament ⚽️

We are all extremely proud of these boys that took on a tough football tournament this afternoon where they competed with 12 other teams. They showed some amazing teamwork and great attitudes, the real Stanford way! 😁

It was a tough challenge where the boys were just 1 point away from finishing joint 1st of the group and go into the final but it wasn’t meant to be. They did however have a 3rd place play off game to play which they won 1-0 to secure a higher finish overall, all whilst conceding just 1 goal in all 6 games they played.

Well done boys, you were super! 💥⚽️

Cookery Club is back!

Last week we made a spiced apple cake, using apples from Mrs Christie's garden, we learnt that cooking seasonal food is important as it's fresher, tastier and more nutritional as it hasn't travelled far.
This week we made pizza loaded up with their favourite toppings. Everyone was looking forward to taking them home for tea.

KS1 Craft Club 🍁

This week the pupils made autumnal wreaths using natural materials… how fab do they look! 🍂