
Intent: The History curriculum at Stanford School is unique. It is broad and balanced with a breadth of engaging opportunities. It is carefully planned and sequenced with key skills, concepts and knowledge that build on previous learning. Pupils revisit their learning and use and apply their knowledge fluently.

Implementation: The History curriculum is purposeful and relevant to the pupils. The knowledge and skills pupils acquire, build on their previous learning, allowing them to transfer key skills, knowledge and concepts to their long-term memories.

Impact: We are proud of the achievements of our pupils in History. Our pupils fluently apply their skills and knowledge within History and make connections to their existing knowledge and to other curriculum areas.

At Stanford School we encourage pupils to be curious about the past and the way it affects our lives today. We aim to give our pupils a greater understanding of the world they live in and its history, to further develop their understanding of values and attitudes. We endeavour to deepen our pupil’s knowledge and understanding of people in other societies, religions, and cultures and countries, as well as their own. We teach key skills progressively from Foundation to Y6 so that the pupils are able to find evidence, weigh it up and reach their own conclusions.

Pupils learn to understand and use specific historical vocabulary called Tier 3 words. (Tier 3 words are subject-specific words that are used within a particular subject. This is the language of scientists, mathematicians, literary critics etc.) For historians, Tier 3 words could be words such as ‘legacy’, ‘heritage’ etc. Please see our progression of Tier 3 words for more examples.

The pupil’s knowledge is enhanced by many visitors, school trips to places of historical interest as a well as drama workshops, themed historical days, and close links with the local history group. We are also very proud of our heritage at Stanford School and enjoy a special celebration each year on Founder’s Day.

Laceby Field Work Walk

Year 1s have been doing some field work around Laceby.

We have been learning about the different types of houses and looking at the age of houses.

After looking at a map of Laceby, we went on a walk to spot as many different styles of home as we could.
We found: detached, semi-detached, terraced, bungalows, cottages and even a house in the style of a Tudor house.

Pupil A: “I spotted the black stripes made out of wood”

Pupil B: “We know it’s a modern house because it has bricks as well and Tudors didn’t use bricks.” We also found Daisy Cottage, which children were fascinated to learn, used to be our school! Look out for our local artwork later this Term.

Year 6 - Ancient Greece Hook Day!

Barley class had a fantastic Hook day learning all about different aspects of Ancient Greece! We started our day by focusing on the Greek myth, Theseus and the Minotaur, discovering the mythical creature who lived in a labyrinth. Our interest on labyrinths enabled us to use our shape, space and measures maths skills to design our own, complex labyrinth designs- This was tricky but we persevered and succeeded- just like Theseus did! We continued our journey through Greek culture and lifestyle but tasting Greek food and studying the history of the Olympics through primary sources: Greek pots as they depicted the events during this time. We ended our day taking part in a range of Olympic sports!

Year 4 - being artists

On our transition week the class learnt about Anglo Saxons and the amazing brooches that they made. We tried to make some ourselves using cardboard, string, tin foil and gems. Don’t they look amazing on our Art Gallery display?

World War 2 Workshop

Blossom class had a fantastic WW2 learning experience this week! Throughout the morning pupils learnt about the road to War and the ARP (Air raid precautions) this then led the pupils in learning about ARP first aid and having the opportunity to administer first aid to their peers. Pupils then had the opportunity to handle a range of objects from WW2. During the afternoon pupils learnt about evacuees and rationing and the dangers of UXB devices.

'This was such a great day! I did not realise what the gas masks looked like for babies- they were huge!'

" Rationing shocked me! i don't think i would have been able to manage on rations'

' I learnt so much today! This was a great workshop on WW2!'

The Collection

Pumpkin class have had a fantastic day at the collection. We got to be Roman centurions and try on the armour they would have worn. We also got to handle some real life artefacts. After lunch we got to have a go at being archeologists and excavate a site.

“It was a fantastic day, I loved being a centurion!”
“I liked exacting a site and finding artefacts”
“I loved being able to pick which artefacts would make it into the museum”

D-Day 80 Remembrance

On 6th June 2024 we marked 80 years since D- Day with a special assembly in school.
The Royal British Legion in Laceby kindly invited a group of us to attend the important 11 o’clock service at the cenotaph in Laceby.

L- We have learnt that D- Day was the largest seaborn invasion in history and it was the beginning of the liberation of Western Europe.

L- We represented the school and we wrote thoughtful messages on a card.

W- I was chosen to lay our poppy wreath. I bowed my head to show respect.

W- Rev. Chris read out prayers and we reflected on all the soldiers who lost their lives on the beaches at Normandy 80 years ago.

M- A trumpet player played the last post.

M- Miss Elwis showed us her great grandfather’s name on the cenotaph. He had died in the war. Mrs. Brady had told us lots of information about D-Day and her own grandfather had even been there in France.

L- It was a moving service and we all said that we would like to attend the 100th anniversary in twenty years time.

Super History Home Learning!

Well done to our fantastic Year 1 pupil who delivered her own History lesson all about
The Great Fire of London to the Year 1 children. She had done lots of research at home and made a very interesting powerpoint presentation. The children all enjoyed learning lots of new facts and making observations of the fascinating illustrations and paintings of London.

Founders Day 2024

Happy Birthday Stanford School!

The Year 2 children enjoyed learning about the rich history of our school and celebrating together on Founder’s Day.

S- I Know when Stanford School was founded and how old the school is. I found 1730 on my timeline. I think it’s amazing that the school in 294 years old!

D- We have been investigating the past. We asked the question- How do we know about Sarah Stanford? Mrs. Brady showed us her deed and I saw her name on it. She had written it with a quill. We also found other information in the Stanford Centre, on Google and we looked at old black and white photos. I was interested in the silver plate which had the Stanford badge on it.

C- Mrs. Brumfield told us about the Stanford Coat of Arms. I noticed that the colours were a bit different to our school badge. It is really special because it came from King Henry VIII.

F- Sarah Stanford’s legacy is that the money she has left has given hundreds of children a school to go to, so that they got the chance to learn reading, writing and maths. Even today, she is helping me and my friends. I think the children in the future will get her help too.

Year 6 Founders’ Day Service 2024

Year 6 celebrated Founders’ day with a wonderful service at St Margaret’s Church! Pupils shared the Stanford legacy, memories of of their time at Stanford and their hopes and dreams for the future! As part of their English work, Barley class wrote a wonderful poem on our 5Cs: creativity, community, care, curriculum and challenge! We also had some wonderful piano pieces performed by Stanford pupils, showcasing their wonderful, musical talents!

Lead by our Head pupils and Rev Chris, they performed these pieces, along with the wonderful Live your story song to Governors, community members and the Stanford Trust!

Our School History

This week we have been learning about our school history. This week we will celebrate the school’s birthday.

We used our creative skills to make our school badge.  Some year 5 pupils came to help us.

Year 1 and 2  Collaboration Work: Imagining Sarah Stanford

The children realised that there aren’t any photographs, paintings or drawings of Sarah Stanford.
They tried to imagine what she might have looked like. Together they researched clothing in the 1700s. They looked at paintings and portraits of ladies and produced sketches and finished drawings.

“I think her clothes would have been made from beautiful fabric because she was a rich lady.”
“She would have worn a long dress and a smart hat.”
“Ladies in the 1700s had big skirts and I think she would have worn a big skirt with a bustle at the back.”
“Sarah Stanford would have a kind face because she was a kind lady leaving money to build Stanford School.”
“I think she was an old lady, so I have given her grey hair and wrinkles.”
“I have drawn Sarah Stanford with a fancy hat and lots of decorations on her clothes. I think she might have worn jewels.”
“There aren’t any photos of her because cameras hadn’t been invented then.”
“I gave Sarah a blue dress like the Stanford badge.”

Year 6 Crime and Punishment Hook Day

We had a marvellous day in Barley Class today (or HMP BARLEY as it will now be known!), to introduce our new topic, 'Crime and Punishment'.

We looked at the different types of crimes that can be committed in modern day Britain, how they can be different in other countries and also how they have changed over time. We then became criminals on the run and created WANTED posters for own crimes!

Part of solving crimes is investigating what has happened - we began to find out about the importance of DNA and fingerprints - analysing our own and identifying if we have whorls, swirls or ridges!

We had to be investigators to see who ‘killed Mrs Smith! Using the different pieces of evidence found at the scene of the crime, we had to work out which of her colleagues was guilty!!

We are very excited about this topic - keep checking our blog to see all of the fabulous things we will be learning about this term.

Year 4 Hook Day

This term we are learning about the Victorian period of British history. For our hook day, we learned about what Victorian schooling was like and how it compares to modern schooling. We started the day by experiencing what it might have been like for Victorian children. Pupils paid a (plastic) penny to their teacher, had to follow strict rules and refer to adults as "Sir" or "Ma'am" and sit in rows facing the front. We practised calligraphy and reciting poetry and times tables, before taking part in a "drill" (which was their version of PE). We also looked at a real head teacher log from Stanford in the 1800s, which was full of interesting information, such as the school having to close due a measles outbreak over 100 years ago. We also had a go at using decoupage as a craft skill.

Pumpkin Romans Hook day!

Today in Pumpkin class we had our Roman hook day. We have been looking at mosaics and how Romans used mosaics to show wealth and importance. We had a look at a mosaic we have in school of our badge for inspiration. Then we got designing our own mosaics using foam and paper squares.

"It was have taken the Romans a long time to make mosaics"
"The little stones they use are called tesserae"
"The tools they used to make mosaics with were a hardie and a chisel"

Stone Age Quizzes

In Pumpkin class today to finish off our topic of the Stone Age in History we used our retrieval quizzes we made to make a quiz on Kahoot!

Well done to team soccer city on their victory.

“It was really fun”
“I was so excited the whole time!”

The History of Communication: Telephones

The Year 2 children have been finding out about the history of the telephone.

They enjoyed a very interesting and informative talk from Mrs. Griffith who told them all about her time working at the telephone exchange in Grimsby. She explained how older phones worked and showed them pictures of the switchboard and explained what an operator or telephonist did when answering and connecting calls.
In the classroom, the children had fun exploring the old phones in their phone museum and also making string telephones to talk to their friends.

H- Alexander Graham Bell was an inventor and he also liked teaching deaf people.
C- Alexander Graham Bell if famous for inventing the world’s first telephone.
J- Mrs. Griffith told us about phones with a dial and she had to use a pen with a round end to move it round to dial a number.
E- Queen Elizabeth was the first person who could make a phone call to someone else without having to call the operator first.
J- Mrs. Griffith showed us how to say telephone numbers clearly over the phone.

Chocolate Workshop

Year 4 had a special visitor this week who taught us lots about chocolate. We learned about its development throughout history and links to the Ancient Maya civilisation (that we have been learning about). We also learned about the conditions for growing cocoa pods within tropical rainforests and where the ingredients for chocolate are harvested. After this, we were taught some of the skills of what it takes to be a chocolate taster, with blind aroma tests, followed by tasting a variety of chocolates and identifying what ingredients they might include.


We love celebrating the fantastic home learning that is produced in Pumpkin class. This fantastic piece of home learning took inspiration from us looking at Stonehenge in our recent History lesson.

Being Historians

Year 1s have been Historians this week. They have been finding out about Amelia Earhart and what she has done. Firstly, the children looked at the questions on the Learning Wall and the photos of two women. They used talk partners and shared their thoughts:

Child A: I think they are very old or not alive any more because the pictures are black and white.
Child B: I think they could have been actresses because they look good.
Child C: They look happy in the photos.
Child D: Maybe they are in the same family.

We then watched an interactive version of Amelia’s story and the children wrote what they had found out. Look at some of our work.

Pumpkin Hook Day!

We had a fantastic hook day in Year 3. We went in our nature area and role played for our English. We asked ourselves what would it have felt like to be in a cave? What senses would we have used? What would we have done? We then used what we role played to write a piece of descriptive writing using exciting vocabulary and expanded noun phrases. 


In History this week we have looked at mummification and the process it entails. We learnt that when people were mummified to reduce the water in the body and to act as a preservative, they used Natron. We investigated using different kinds of salt on different fruits and vegetables to see which one would be a modern-day substitute for Natron. We scooped the insides of the fruit and veg out, weighed it and covered in different salts. Next week we will weigh the fruit and veg out again to see which salt has absorbed the most amount of water.

Remembrance Day

This afternoon Mr Smith from the British Legion came to talk to us all about Remembrance Day. We had a chance to ask questions about Remembrance Day and Mr Smith explained what happens, he also read us a poem called 'The inquisitive mind of a child.' A big thank you to Mr Smith for coming to visit us, and sharing his knowledge with us.

Celebrating our Sisters

Year 5 have been 'celebrating our sisters' for Black History Month! We used a range of secondary sources to research information about black women and their 'first' achievements, such as the first black policewoman, author and MP. We had some great group discussions as to why it is so important to celebrate these achievements.

Black History Month

The children Year 2 have been finding out all about the life of American artist, Alma Thomas. They were very shocked to learn that during her life she had been treated very unfairly because of the colour of her skin. The children learnt the meanings of the words; ‘racism’ and ‘discrimination'. The children enjoyed exploring her art work and found her colourful pictures inspiring, and so they decided to create some of their own.

Ancient Greece Hook Day!

Barley class had a fantastic Hook day learning all about different aspects of Ancient Greece! We started our day by researching Greek God and Goddesses, looking at what power they held and why they were so important. We then focused on the Greek myth, Theseus and the Minotaur, discovering the mythical creature who lived in a labyrinth. Our interest on labyrinths enabled us to use our shape, space and measures maths skills to design our own, complex labyrinth designs- This was tricky but we persevered and succeeded- just like Theseus did!

In the afternoon we continued our journey through Greek culture and lifestyle but tasting Greek food, designing a Greek pot using Greek designs and also the artefacts and finished our day with a mini Greek Olympics!

Egyptian Hook Day!

Today in Pumpkin class we have had our hook day. We have learnt lots about Egyptians and how they used to live, we even had a virtual tour of the British Museum around the Egyptian exhibition. Then we learnt all about papyrus paper and how it was used, then we had a go at making our own! 

The Great Fire of London

Today in Year 1 we have been reenacting the Great Fire of London. We have been reading a book to support our learning and moved onto chapter 2. We had sound effects of a real fire in the background as we were acting out different scenes. This gave us inspiration to write a speech bubble for one of the characters from the book.

Year 2 Historical Enquiry

The children produced wonderful art work and wrote interesting facts about Founder’s Day and the Stanford family. They enjoyed looking at a wide range of sources, including old photographs and Sarah Stanford’s deed of 1721. Well done everyone

Eden Camp

Juniper Class have had an excellent time at Eden Camp! We looking in all of the huts and took part in all of the interactive parts on offer, from playing games to looking at the military vehicles. Some of us were lucky enough to see one of the tanks on the move around the carpark! There were dark, loud huts showing us what it was really like to be in the Blitz and the aftermath of bombings. We read lots of information and went on a fact-finding mission throughout the day. It was a really lovely day!

  1. It was really nice and I learnt a lot from it even if the mannequins were scary! 
  2. I really enjoyed the trip, my favourite part was the U-boat hut because it was really interesting to see what life would have been like on the boats. 
  3. I enjoyed playing some of the old games children would play during World War 2, I also liked the rise of Hitler hut as it had lots of information within it. 
  4. I enjoyed the blackout hut even though we couldn't see if gave me a really good idea of what the blackout would have been like to experience.

The Stanford Legacy

As part of their historical enquiry work about Founder’s Day this year, Pumpkin Class visited the wonderful Stanford exhibition at the Stanford Centre. They were able to read information about Sarah and Philip Stanford, The Stanford Trust and the origins of the Stanford Coat of Arms.
Many thanks to Mrs. Brumfield for her interesting and informative talk.

H- The Stanford badge has diamond shapes on it called mascles.
N- The moon shape on the badge means second son.
H- I noticed the top of the badge is a different shape to our badges on our jumpers.
M- The sword and the helmet made me think that William Stanford had been a knight.
A - Henry VIII gave Philip Stanford’s ancestor, William Staunford the badge in 1543.
L- I liked the church picture. I found the old penny!
H- If you come here, you can read about Sarah Stanford’s deed and what she wanted The Trust to do with her money. She wanted to help poor people, give children a school and she wanted boys and girls to learn maths.

Founders Day

Foundation Stage

Foundation stage really enjoyed learning about their first Founder's Day at Stanford School. We looked at lots of photographs - some that Mrs Brumfield and Mrs Brady had found, as well as some old class photos from Mrs Groves. We found it really interesting to see how much the school and the people had changed. We learned most of the words to the school song and made some birthday cards for the school as well. One of the most fun activities though was making a huge birthday cake, which you can see in our photos!

KS1 and Foundation Stage

The KS1 and Foundation Stage children had a special assembly led by Mrs. Brumfield to mark Founder's Day- The School's Birthday.

Mrs. Brumfield gave a very interesting and exciting talk. She is very knowledgeable about the school's history with many family connections to the school and is also a member of The Stanford Trust. The children were very excited to see all the different artefacts and old photos, as well as finding out about the rich heritage of our school.

J- I spotted Mrs. Brumfield when she was a little girl in an old photo. Her hair was very long then.

L- The school is 293 years old today.

A- Founder's Day was also called Penny Day because all the children got money. They used to get an old penny in the olden days.

G- Mrs. Brumfield's Dad went to the old Stanford School and at playtime he had to drink water out of a bucket!

A- Mrs. Brumfield's Grandad had to write with chalk on a slate.

H- I loved it when Mrs. Brumfield took her coat off and showed us her son's old school uniform. I noticed the blue on the badge was a lighter blue than mine.

S- Sarah Stanford left £40 to build a school for the children because they couldn't read or write.

R- The old school got too small, so it is now someone's home which is called Daisy Cottage.

T- Sarah Stanford gives us money every year on Founder's Day. The Stanford Trust are the people who look after her money. We all got 50p.

T- I enjoyed singing Happy Birthday to the school.

J- Mrs. Brady played The School Song on the piano and we all sang it. It was a really happy day.

Willow Class

In computing this week, we researched our School History in pairs. We collected our information using mind maps. We had a special assembly at the end of the day where we celebrated Sarah Stanford's Legacy.

In addition, we explored extracts from the School Log books looking at the Victorian period. We found it fascinating that these sources of evidence are about our actual school.

Year 6 Founders' Day Service 2023

Year 6 celebrated Founders’ day with a wonderful service at St Margaret’s Church! Pupils reflected on their time at Stanford and presented our Stanford identity: creativity, community, care, curriculum and challenge! Lead by our Head pupils and Rev Chris, they performed these pieces, along with the wonderful Brighter days song to Governors, community members and the Stanford Trust! Well done year 6- a wonderful celebration!

The Victorian Workhouse - A Prison for the Poor?

In English we are reading "Street Child" and learnt the main character, Jim, ended up living at the Workhouse. In history we explored a range of sources of evidence to learn what it was like in the workhouse. We used this history knowledge to write a diary as if we were in the workshouse.

High Tea for the King!

As part of our celebrations, we enjoyed a high tea with scones, in the sunshine, with the whole school! We finished the day singing our national anthem and each pupil received a commemorative bookmark to mark this special event in history! A great day was had by all!

The Pumpkin’s Celebrate the Kings Coronation!

Pumpkin Class enjoyed a lovely day learning all about King Charles and what will happen at his Coronation. They sang songs, made flags and ate yummy scones after their colourful parade on the school field. They used their research skills to find out interesting facts about; King Charles, his family, his regalia and the Coronation ceremony.

E- I found out that King Charles was married twice.

A- I learnt that King Charles has five names.

R- It has been interesting to learn about his family and look at a family tree.

R- I hadn’t realised that his wife will get a crown too at the Coronation.

R- It is interesting that he will wear two crowns. One is called the St. Edward’s Crown and the other one is called The Imperial Crown.

G- I found out about his regalia. The crown jewels are his crown, the orb and the sceptre.

Year 3 - Romans on the Rampage

Once again you have outdone yourselves with the costumes the children were wearing. They looked amazing.

The children had lots of fun taking part in Roman based activities. They used their creative skills to make laurel wreaths which the Romans are famous for wearing. The children also learnt about mosaics which the Romans loved. They were really engrossed in creating their mosaics of Roman ladies, citizens and soldiers. For a bit of fun the children learnt how to play Rota which is a Roman strategy game similar to ‘noughts and crosses’, then it was back to the grindstone for a bit of drill practise to prepare them for going into battle. This has been a very busy week for the children but they loved it!

Fishing Heritage Centre

Juniper class visited the fishing heritage centre, we had a look at making rope and life being a fisherman. We really enjoyed looking at the Ross Tiger and asked lots of insightful questions! We really enjoyed the experience of visiting.

1: I really enjoyed making the rope!

2: I loved asking lots of questions and finding out more about how fisherman

Martin Luther King Day

Year 6 pupils focused on the famous speech made by Martin Luther King, ‘I have a dream’ from 1963. They the speech and then created their own based on their ideal world and place. Some fantastic, thought-provoking dreams!

Year 3 Hook Day - Photo Call

The children really enjoyed dressing up for our Prehistoric hook day. We used our amazing immersive welcome display to copy the picture on the cover of 'Stone Age Boy' which we are studying in English. The children look amazing!!

Year 3 - The organisation of the Egyptian Society - being a historian

To understand how Egyptian life was organised and the roles of different people at that time the children took part in a role play. They had such fun as you can probably tell from the clip!

Year 3 - being a designer

The children have learnt about the jewellery that Egyptians wore. Using this information they designed their own necklaces and created them. Aren't they great?

We Are Historians!
Why should we remember Walter Tull?

Pumpkin Class have been busy researching the life of a man called Walter Tull. They used a range of primary and secondary sources to find out interesting facts. This work linked very well to Black History Month and Remembrance.

E- We saw his birth certificate and also his family tree. I am interested in family trees and I made my own for home learning!
G- Walter had a sad start in life, as both his parents died before he was 9.
F- Walter ended up in a children’s home.
H- Walter didn’t give up; he became very good at playing football. He was so good that he ended up playing football for Spurs.
M- I liked looking at all the old photos of Walter. Sometimes he was dressed as a footballer and sometimes he was in his soldier’s uniform. The pictures were old and in black, brown and white.
A- When Walter was playing football people shouted nasty things at him because of the colour of his skin. I was shocked to hear about this.
R- When the First World War started Walter was very brave and he volunteered to join the army.
H- He worked hard as a soldier and he became the first black British Officer.
O- It was very sad in the end because Walter died during the Battle of the Somme in France and on Poppy Day we should think about him.
J- Walter was a hero because he didn’t give up. He overcame prejudice and racism. We will remember him.


Lest We Forget

To mark Remembrance Day we had a special whole school assembly led by Mrs. Brady.

H- Mrs. Brady told us a true story about her Great Uncle who died in WWI. She explained that on Poppy Day she likes to remember him. We saw his army photo, his gravestone in France and the cenotaph in his village where people still place poppies.

O- Year 2 children read out lots of information to tell us why we have Poppy Day and what happens during Remembrance. They showed us their big poppy wreath that they had made.

V- Children from lots of other classes showed us beautiful poppy art work.

F- Year 6 children had written very thought-provoking poems and everyone listened carefully as they were read out. N- Mrs. Brady reminded us of the 11 o'clock silence which we all did in class. She told us about the leaves on poppies, that they should point to 11.

L- The assembly ended with a short video clip of information for us to watch and a clip of Remembrance Sunday. We saw soldiers marching to classical music. (Nimrod by Elgar.)

We Will Remember Them

Pumpkin Class marked Remembrance Day by making a poppy wreath, sharing their knowledge of Remembrance in assembly and completing a reading comprehension task. At 11 o'clock they were very respectful during the two minutes silence.

Laceby Royal British Legion

Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. Hull from Laceby Royal British Legion led a very informative assembly to launch this year’s Poppy Appeal.

“We found out why it is important to remember.”
“Soldiers gave their lives in wars for us, this is how we can remember them and say thank you.”
“In Flanders Fields, the poppies began to grow after WW:, this is why it is the symbol for Remembrance.”
“The money we spend on poppies, slap bands and key rings all goes to help ex-servicemen and woman.”

Y3 - History - Death on the ........Humber

We were shocked to find that there had been a death in the classroom!!!

Cleopatra was found on the floor surrounded by asps. Seeing as she was the last Egyptian queen we only thought it was important to give her a proper Egyptian burial and mummify her so her body would be preserved until her soul reached the afterlife.

Black History Month

The children in Pumpkin Class have been finding out all about the life of American artist Alma Thomas. They discovered that during her life she had been treated very unfairly because of the colour of her skin. The children enjoyed exploring her art work and found her colourful pictures inspiring and so they decided to create some of their own.

Viking Day

We had the pleasure of having some Vikings in school! They showed us how Vikings live and all sorts of facts and information about them. We then staged what it would be like to be on a long boat and we re-enacted what it would be like to loot other places. We had a lot of fun and enjoyed the Vikings visiting!

Viking Visit

As part of The Grim Falfest we had an exciting visit from some Vikings!

They told us the local legend of Grim and Havelok in a very interesting whole school assembly.

It was great to welcome visitors to our school and learn about historical events and legends with such a strong local significance.

R- It was good to find out how Grimsby got it’s name.

H- Grim saved Havelok when he was a baby.

T- Havelok went to work at Lincoln Castle when he was a man.

R- Havelok one day became the King of Denmark.

S- I want to see the Vikings in their boat at the weekend.