Barley Class Blog

On this page you can see updates over the term of our activities and learning.

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13th June
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Year 6 are bakers! 🧁

To celebrate the completion of our successful maths project surrounding baking, we put our packaging to the test and created some of the most delicious cupcakes! We followed a recipes independently, measuring the ingredients accurately. We then ensured all the cupcakes were equal - we couldn’t have anyone having a bigger cake! And finally we used precision and care in creating different designs within the icing. We tested out our packaging to see the finished result. Some exceptional work created - and some extremely yummy cupcakes to enjoy! 😋

Thursday 6th June
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

We are mathematicians! 👩🏻‍🏫

In maths this week year 6 have been using a variety of skills surrounding our current baking project. From ratio, proportion, costings, profit and loss, to most recently packaging and the 3D nets involved with this. We have looked at packaging that has already been created and used for cupcakes and we have designed and planned our own. Today we created a prototype to ensure our measurements and net shapes were accurate and would work correctly for our packaging. Next week we will be able to show the final product, even including a cupcake! 🧁

24th May
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Compass Go workshop- Test stress 🧠

Year 6 had a great session with Zowie all about SATs and stress. We looked at our brain bullies vs brain besties, and how we can turn negative thoughts into positive thoughts! It was a very helpful session, and we will be using some of the strategies Zowie taught us over the next few weeks!

Thursday 23rd May
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Year 6 Founders’ Day Service 2024

Year 6 celebrated Founders’ day with a wonderful service at St Margaret’s Church! Pupils shared the Stanford legacy, memories of of their time at Stanford and their hopes and dreams for the future! As part of their English work, Barley class wrote a wonderful poem on our 5Cs: creativity, community, care, curriculum and challenge! We also had some wonderful piano pieces performed by Stanford pupils, showcasing their wonderful, musical talents!

Lead by our Head pupils and Rev Chris, they performed these pieces, along with the wonderful Live your story song to Governors, community members and the Stanford Trust!

Wednesday 15th May
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Final Maths Revision

Our Year 6 pupils working with their peers on the final revision session, ready for the Maths SATs papers tomorrow. Amazing discussions, explanations and reasoning skills showing their learning and understanding in different ways- you’ve got this Year 6!! 🌟

Monday 13th May
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

SATs Breakfast

Our wonderful Year 6 pupils had a wonderful breakfast and are all ready to smash their SATs tests this week!! You’ve got this!! 🌟

9th May
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Scavenger Hunt

Year 6 had an afternoon scavenger hunting! To help with their Maths revision, they worked in teams to find the different questions around the school. They scanned each QR code to reveal the question, worked as a team to solve this and then collect the letter to form a funny joke! Some questions were fun challenges…. Stand as a scary scarecrow for 30 seconds!

Wednesday 1st May
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Investigating Refraction

Today, in year 6, we were being scientists 🧑‍🔬 We have been investigating refraction and how light changes direction when travelling through different mediums. We worked in teams to predict, investigate and observe the effects of refraction by viewing images through a glass of water. We noticed that the image flipped upside down or even completely disappeared!

Tuesday 30th April
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Using Art to express ourselves

This week in year 6, we were being artists 🧑‍🎨 We have started a new project focussing on the concept of self and today we learnt about how art can be used to express ourselves. We analyzed the sculptural works of Nicola Anthony and Yinka Shinibare and then we were set a challenge to plan, create and evaluate a sculptural piece that expresses something about us using limited natural/recycled resources including: newspaper, sticks, leaves, stones, cardboard, wire and wool. The resilience and determination shown through this lesson was superb and the final products are fantastic! 🎨🖌️

Wednesday 24th April
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Intra School Competition

Barley class took part in our intra school competition this week where the sport was javelin!

Pupils gained points for their house team depending on the distance- the further the distance, the more points they earned!

A fantastic event where pupils showcased their athletic skills- great work!!

Tuesday 23rd April
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Year 6 Crime and Punishment Hook Day

We had a marvellous day in Barley Class today (or HMP BARLEY as it will now be known!), to introduce our new topic, 'Crime and Punishment'.

We looked at the different types of crimes that can be committed in modern day Britain, how they can be different in other countries and also how they have changed over time. We then became criminals on the run and created WANTED posters for own crimes!

Part of solving crimes is investigating what has happened - we began to find out about the importance of DNA and fingerprints - analysing our own and identifying if we have whorls, swirls or ridges!

We had to be investigators to see who ‘killed Mrs Smith! Using the different pieces of evidence found at the scene of the crime, we had to work out which of her colleagues was guilty!!

We are very excited about this topic - keep checking our blog to see all of the fabulous things we will be learning about this term.

27 March
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Egg Design Competition

WOW, what an egg-cellent response to our egg design competition in Barley Class!!! Amazing designs and entries!

With so many egg-straordinary and outstanding displays to choose from, staff had the difficult task of choosing their top 3 winners!!

The 3 winners were:
🥇 Ice Hockey
🥈 The Plague
🥉 Lilo and Stitch

15 March
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Barley Class celebrate and support Red Nose Day 2024!!

15 March
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

VR Workshop 🌍

Barley class had a wonderful experience at our VR workshop, learning all about the environment !! We got to see how global warming is changing the world and what we can do to become more environmentally friendly.

15 March
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Barley Class Reading Breakfast 📖 🥞

Barley Class pupils had a wonderful morning inviting their parents/carers and family members to join them in reading in school on Tuesday. A lovely atmosphere by all and a wonderful opportunity to see the pupils read together with their family members!!

“Lovely idea and nice to spend time reading with O and chatting with the other children and teachers, lovely half an hour! “

“Lovely relaxed class. A lovely morning, thank you!”

“It’s lovely to be able to come in to the classroom and spend time with our daughter. It’s a lovely way to meet the teachers and have a catch up. The kids love the breakfast! Thank you!”

7 March
Posted by:
Mrs Smith


Barley Class love to use Kahoot! This morning pupils consolidated their learning on multiplication to answer a range of multiplication questions, including word problems, in a ln online quiz! Pupils worked in teams to solve the questions, against the clock! Speed was key!

7 March
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Barley Class Celebrate World Book Day 📖

To celebrate World Book Day this year we have been looking at the wonderful picture book ‘FArTHER’ by Grahame Baker- Smith.

This is a great book with super illustrations, which we used as a stimulus to create a flying device. Pupils wrote letters in character and researched different flying devices. They then designed their own flying machine inspired from this fabulous book. Many of us dressed up in costumes and brought the book that our character was from. We also enjoyed reading for pleasure with the Year 1 pupils. What a great day!!

7 March
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Reading Collaboration

On World Book Day Barley Class and Daisy Class got together to share our favourite books.
Year 6s were amazing as they enjoyed reading to the younger children and answering their questions about the Non-fiction books they shared also.
Year 1 and 2 children also showed the Year 6s how great they were at reading and impressed everyone.
Most of all the children all enjoyed reading together, sharing books and chatting about them.

1 March
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

🧘 Yoga 🧘

Barley class have started to learn about yoga and the benefits of this. In this session pupils looked at different yoga positions, transitioning from one to the other, focusing on their breathing and core strength.

Thursday 29th February
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Maths Collaboration

Year 5 and 6 pupils worked collaboratively this week, combining both their knowledge on fractions and measures to solve problem solving questions based on this area in Maths.

Our challenge used trial and error which was rather difficult! We kept going and never gave up to find the answer!

It was great to put our skills together and work together to solve the questions!

25 February
Posted by:
Mrs Smith


This week our upper key stage 2 children enjoyed a workshop from the NSPCC, thinking about how they can #speakoutstaysafe 💛💙

11 February
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Key Stage 2 Disco 🪩

Pupils in Key Stage 2 enjoyed the Friendship Disco- a great time had by all!

11 February
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Art- Lubaina Himid

Barley class have been studying Lubaina Himid this week, exploring how art is used to convey messages and raise awareness of cultural and social issues. Pupils first worked in pairs to draw a piece of art by Himid- one was the described, the other the interpreter, this was trickier than we thought!!

1st February
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Children Challenging Industry visit to Croda

Year 6 pupils had the most inspiring day visiting Croda on Tuesday. The Children challenging industry project Barley class have been taking part in, resulted in the pupils visiting the site where their product, Lenolin, is created. Pupils took part in different activities, from investigating which product is best for hand cream to how Croda's product works in beauty and household products. Pupils generated amazing questions and learnt all about the Science industry... we may have some future scientists!

Wednesday 17th January
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Children Challenging Industry- Pastillator 🧫 🧪

Barley class continued their investigations into lanolin this week, as part of the Challenging Industry project. They had a challenge from Croda to investigate pastilles using different liquids and materials. The pastilles had to be of the same size and pupils worked within their teams to see if varying the liquid, changing the surface the liquid landed on or varying the tools in which they made the pastilles made a difference to the pastille formation and speed in which these could be made! Great scientific work!

Monday 8th January
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Children Challenging Industry

Our Year 6 pupils are taking part in a fantastic programme ,with York University, which aims to give the opportunity of children learning about science and industry. The programme combines classroom science lessons led by expert advisory teachers, with visits to industry, tailored to meet the needs of the science curriculum.

In the first session this week, pupils worked together to complete an investigation on substances that needed separating. Our next session will be looking at particles. These investigations link with our industry visit to Croda at the end of the month!

Monday 8th January
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Year 6 PE

This week in PE we were working together as a small group to create a dance phrase that was repeated and involved movement. We used a video as the stimulus to create a short dance piece with confidence. Pupils took different elements from the basic dance skills; actions, dynamics, space and relationships and incorporated them into their dance phrase. Groups then performed and gave positive feedback.

‘ I really enjoyed this PE lesson!’

18 December
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Maths collaboration: Reasoning & Problem solving

Blossom and Barley pupils have been working together to solve different reasoning and problem solving questions using their wide range of math skills. These problems were to extend their knowledge by applying what they know to solve the problems. Pupils worked in small groups and pairs and used concrete, technology and pictorial resources to help solve the answers.

17 December
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Alarms ⏰

This half term Barley class have been designing, planning and then creating their own alarm system based on a given design. Pupils have used their knowledge on circuits, alarms and switches to create an alarm system. They used different electrical components and materials to create their design.

17 December
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Debate writing and discussion

As part of their writing in English, Barley class are looking at debates and balanced arguments. This week pupils had a verbal debate in small groups on whether Odysseus should have told his crew the dangers or not… the pupils discussed the different views and then came together to discuss this in a formal debate. Well done Barley, great discussions had!

17 December
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Creative assembly writing

Some of our Peer Well-being Mentors have been busy working with Zowie Compass GO. NEL Mental Health Support Team to create an assembly to deliver to the whole school on Anti-bullying. They worked collaboratively to write the assembly and will be delivering this in the new year. Keep looking as we will be recording this to share with all our parent/ carers!!

30 November
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

DT Enterprise Projects

Year 6 completed their DT enterprise projects ready to sell at the Christmas fayre. Pupils designed and then calculated the costings for this to ensure they made the most profit.

Using a range of DT skills, they then created their designs!

Tuesday 28th November
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Handball 🤾‍♀️

Over this half term, Barley class have been learning different skills in PE to enable them to play handball. From learning different passes to defending techniques, pupils have started to use these skills in a competitive game- great work!

21 November
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

🎄 Christmas Fayre Preparations 🎄

Our Year 6 pupils have been busy elves this morning making and baking gingerbread ready for our Christmas Fayre next week! Children will be able to decorate a gingerbread person at our annual fayre on Wednesday 29th November… doors open at 3:20pm!

7 November
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Digital Footprint 👣

In Computing, Barley class learnt about the digital footprint and how and why people use their information and online presence to create an image of themselves. They then looked at what information is appropriate to be shared online and identified what could be changed/ improved to keep them safe.

7 November
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

MP Martin Vickers

On Monday our local MP, Martin Vickers visited Year 5 and 6 pupils to talk to them about his role as MP and Parliament. Pupils learnt when Parliament was formed and what happens within the House of Commons. There was then an opportunity for Q and A from the pupils- great questions asked! Pupils then followed this exciting assembly, with work all about Parliament. Thank you Martin Vickers for the inspirational talk!

2 November
Posted by:
Mrs Smith


Year 6 pupils learnt about the drawing and painting technique of chiaroscuro in art this week. They applied their understanding of using light and dark to create form and impact to create Maya- inspired word art. Well done Barley class, these are incredible! 🤩

18 October
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Year 6 are artists 👩‍🎨

Year 6 pupils have been using the Maya belief that everyone has a spirit companion to discover their own as a drawing. Using combined inspiration from the Maya and the style of modern artist Dan Fenelon, pupils developed their symbols to represent themselves, creating a drawn tile of line, pattern and colour. They then used different media to bring their art to life!

18 October
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Sporting achievements

We love celebrating the sporting achievements of our pupils outside of school! A huge Well done on your swimming achievement 🌟

15 October
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Compass Go Workshop

Year 6 had a great session with Zowie from Compass Go. We looked at positive and negative relationships and how to spot them and also how to manage friendship issues from low, medium and high problems and how best to deal with these. Sometimes we may need to compromise with friends if they are doing something that makes you unhappy. We also looked at social media and ensuring we only engage with friends.

‘ I really liked taking part in the I can statements, it was a lot harder than I thought!’

‘ Healthy and unhealthy relationships are important to identify’

‘ I know that I can solve problems with my friends’

15 October
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Peer Mentoring Training with Compass Go!

At Stanford we care about positive mental health and wellbeing and want to support anyone who may need help. Sarah at Compass Go came this week to train some of our Year 5 and 6 pupils to become our new Peer mentoring group. This group learnt all about positive well-being and what they can do to support others who may be struggling- offering advice, finger breathing, grounding technique etc These pupils will be a champion to our peers! Listening to what pupils need, helping others to improve their own wellbeing and learning about mental health. We want tio ensure ALL pupils at Stanford:

  • Feel good in both body and mind
  • Feel enjoyment or calmness
  • Are interested in new things
  • Have healthy relationships and friendships
  • Know how to manage a bad day or situation

Our Peer wellbeing Ambassadors can help! Keep updated with their progress in school!

10 October
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Topcon Competition Winners

A huge well done to these year 6 pupils on winning the poster competition Topcon set!!

Pupils had to design safety posters to be placed on our building site to remind people to stay safe… Zoe from Topcon came and presented prizes to the winning designs- how amazing do they look!

These will now be displayed around school site and then used for future building sites- well done!! 🌟

10 October
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

We love to read!! 📚

Barley and Pumpkin class came together to share their love of reading! Pumpkin class shared their favourite book with year 6 pupils whilst enjoying the sunshine!

"I loved reading with a year 6"

"The year 6 explained to me about speech marks in my story"

"I read my favourite story outside and it was very calming"

"I had a lovely time reading"

"Me and my partner took it in turns to read"

"I liked my partners book more than my own"

"I liked the author of my partners book and have looked for another book by that author"

10 October
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Hello Yellow: World Mental Health Day 10th October

Barley Class came together for World Mental Health day by wearing some yellow and giving kind donations to the Young Minds charity. #HelloYellow

7 October
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Rounders: Bowling skills

This week in PE, Year 6 pupils were developing their bowling skills under pressure whilst abiding by rules of a game. Pupils worked in small teams to learn how to bowl using the underarm technique, increasing the distance over time.

7 October
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

It’s Electrifying! 💡

In science this week, Barley class learnt the difference between an electric current and voltage. They conducted a mini-investigation on how voltage affects the brightness of a bulb.

6 October
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Inspirational talk

Mr Bray, Governor at School came in today to talk to Year 6 pupils about his career progression and job role at Orsted. Mr Bray gave an inspirational talk about the wide range of job roles within the sector. Pupils gained an insight into this industry and impressed them with the vast size and location of wind farms. Year 6 pupils asked inquisitive questions to further expand their knowledge and encourage them to think about their aspirations and careers for the future! Thank you Mr Bray!!

“ I really enjoyed the talk from Mr Bray, I would like to be an engineer when I am older”

“ It was great to learn about the companies within our area!”

“ I didn’t realise how many opportunities there was in the Orsted company”

26 September
Posted by:
Miss Perrin

Girls Football Team

These girls are just amazing!

Although they were the youngest team at the tournament today, they played with their hearts on their sleeves. Win/lose/draw they had big smiles on their faces right to the end. Mr Marshall and Stanford school couldn't be prouder, well-done girls ⚽😊

26 September
Posted by:
Miss Perrin

Harvest Festival

The Harvest Festival was an amazing event. Each of the classes prepared something to share - pieces of art, letters, poems and songs. It was lovely seeing the Foundation children join us to share their song. Rev Chris came to talk to us about harvest and spoke about how it is important to share and care for each other, qualities which we treasure within our school.

25 September
Posted by:
Miss Perrin

Year 6 - Being Artists

The children have been learning about Mayan Art. They learnt about Diego Rivera who likes to create murals on buildings in Mexico. They were then given examples of Mayan Art for them to use to create a mood board in their sketch books.

25 September
Posted by:
Miss Perrin

Football Crazy!!

Well done to the boys who recently represented the school playing football. They were amazing ambassadors for the school showing determination, teamwork and sportsmanship. Their smiles say it all.

18 September
Posted by:
Mr Middleton

Head Pupils

We are delighted to share the faces of our 3 head pupils for this year. We are so proud of all of the pupils that applied for the role - it was a very close race. It was a perfect opportunity for children to learn how a democracy works, as well as valuing pupil voice (linked to our rights respecting charter). We look forward to how they are going to support the school during their final year here.

15 September
Posted by:
Miss Perrin

Ancient Greece Hook Day!

Barley class had a fantastic Hook day learning all about different aspects of Ancient Greece! We started our day by researching Greek God and Goddesses, looking at what power they held and why they were so important. We then focused on the Greek myth, Theseus and the Minotaur, discovering the mythical creature who lived in a labyrinth. Our interest on labyrinths enabled us to use our shape, space and measures maths skills to design our own, complex labyrinth designs- This was tricky but we persevered and succeeded- just like Theseus did!

In the afternoon we continued our journey through Greek culture and lifestyle but tasting Greek food, designing a Greek pot using Greek designs and also the artefacts and finished our day with a mini Greek Olympics!

15 September
Posted by:
Mr Middleton

Head Pupils

The year 6 pupils were incredible today as they delivered their speeches to run for head pupil. A large number of pupils have nominated themselves for this responsibility and we will find out next week which two were lucky enough to receive the most votes.

It was the perfect day to be running the vote as it is the International Day of Democracy. We are so proud of all of the pupils and were so impressed by the thought and effort that had gone into all of the speeches and other preparations. Pupil voice is so important to us, as a Rights Respecting school. Good luck to all of you and well done!