On this page you can see updates over the term of our activities and learning.
Pupils from Year 6 worked collaboratively with Year 4 pupils to edit and improve their writing using editing stations. Editing stations are designated areas where pupils can independently review and improve their work, focusing on specific aspects of editing like grammar, punctuation, spelling or sentence structure. Scaffold and visual aids guide the pupils focus. Year 6 pupils modelled and supported pupils in Year 4 on how to edit their work effectively, amazing collaboration!
This half term in Art, Year 6 have been looking at some incredible artists and their artwork in preparation of creating their own final piece. We’ve had a great time acting out and exploring the different emotions in paintings, trying out different tools and techniques along the way. This week the pupils especially enjoyed recreating a painting by John Singer Sargent, showing soldiers on the front line in WW1. They used what they learned about finding emotions in art and brought that into their own final paintings.
These pupils travelled to a dodgeball tournament yesterday in what was their first ever time doing so, not that you'd have guessed after they competed in the best way possible. Finishing 3rd overall but only being 1 point away from finishing 1st on goal difference. They used different tactics in each game to show they can mix things up and take a different approach to all opponents. More importantly they made some great memories and represented the school the real Stanford way, respectful and courageous whilst smiling at every moment 😊 Well done to you all, we are all incredibly proud of you 👏❤
In Science, Year 6 planned and conducted an investigation to find out how exercise affected their heart rates💪🏼 They measured their resting heart rate, and then measured it again after taking part in some moderate and vigorous intensity exercise to see what different it had made to the heart rate. They also worked out their recovery rates! What a fun and interactive science lesson!
Pupils in Year 6 have been using the short film Alma to create a narrative piece of writing. In this session we learnt how to express the emotions of a character by tracking moments of suspense and tension in a story. We first listened to the short film, how the change in sound and pace moved the narrative along and then plotted this on an emotions graph.
Barley class used a range of clay skills to create a plague mask. Pupils added surface detail, created different shapes by blending the clay and executed a clay piece from a design concept… amazing results!!
Year 6 pupils had a fantastic hook day, learning about medicine and disease in prehistoric and Ancient Egyptian times. We also learnt about the history of medicine and what germs are and how to prevent them from spreading! We created our own 3D germs and took part in different Roman circuits as exercise prevents illness. Using our Art skills, we used clay to create our own plague masks and completed an investigation on germs!! We look forward to the rest of this exciting topic!
An amazing piece of home learning by one of our Year 6 pupils!! Creativity, perseverance and key skills used to create this masterpiece piece! Amazing work! 🌈 🦄
In art this week we have been creating our own photorealistic self-portrait. We had to look in detail at our photograph, and using the grid method we translated the photo into a drawing. Using this method helped to retain the same proportion as the original image. After drawing we used water colours, looking carefully to try to achieve the same colour as the photo.
Barely class pupils who took part in the fancy dress competition… from Father Christmas to Home Alone!! Amazing! 🤩
In Year 6 we have decided to create our very own festive snowman for our Enterprise Project.
We looked at some existing design ideas for inspiration and then designed our own designs clearly labelling these and ensuring we listed the materials we would need to create these.
In order to decide on a price to sell our products, we conducted some market research to find out the price that we could reasonably sell this item, we then deducted the cost of materials and calculated our potential product.
As well as this, pupils will be creating a Christmas game for the fayre too!!
Mark from Humberside Fire & Safety paid us a special visit to deliver a whole school assembly this week. We have been learning about road safety in our classes through different activities. He used demonstrations and visuals to show us the importance of wearing helmets when we cycle or scooter, as well as how important it is to be visible and wear bright colours around roads.
In year 6, we have been learning about #macrophotography. We looked at the work of #EdwardWeston and used our analysis of his work to take our own #photographs. We have photographed various items, both indoors and outdoors thinking about the light sources, saturation levels and the background to capture the various details and patterns.
Year 6 enjoyed celebrating and supporting. Children in Need today, starting with a live, virtual assembly with the gladiators! Pupils then used their mathematical skills to try and escape from a virtual room by solving different problems!!
Year 6's art unit this term has involved studying street art that is used to convey a powerful message. The children have learnt a drawing technique called chiaroscuro, which is used to create light and dark, and they have used a range of media to create their final pieces. They've all done an amazing job and have managed to showcase important messages.
Well done, Year 6! 🙌👏🎨
Barley Class had a special visit from Steve, who is part of the Laceby British Legion this week. Steve shared his experiences whilst serving his country and the importance of Remembrance Day!
Thank you Steve for speaking with our Year 6 pupils!
To conclude their sessions in basketball, Year 6 pupils took part in a tournament, applying their dribbling, passing and shooting skills to gain as many points, playing against each other.
There were some fantastic skills and amazing teamwork.. well done to our winning team!!
As part of our Electricity unit, Year 6 pupils have been investigating if different components affect the brightness of a bulb. Pupils planned their investigation, looking carefully at the variables and how to ensure to make it a fair test. Pupils then used different components to test the brightness of a bulb… great work Barley class!
Year 6 pupils focused on shooting in PE this week using the BEEF method: Balance, elbow, eyes and follow through. Pupils worked together to use the skills they’ve been learning to manoeuvre the ball towards the hoop… dribble, pass, shoot.
There was some fantastic shooting with great teamwork! Well done Year 6!
In Year 6 we have been discovering the evolution of computers overtime and identifying the use of code breaking and password hacking. Today we took a step back in time and had a try of the ‘retro’ arcade game - Frogger - which was originally released in 1981.
Barley class thoroughly enjoyed this journey into the past and were shocked by the advancements in gaming software. Games today are no longer ‘pixelated’. We then began research into Bletchley Park, historical figures within computing and what some of the first computers were really like!
Our new home reading scheme has been a huge success in Year 6! The wide variety of books have grabbed everyone’s attention and shown how much Barley pupils love to read! This week we achieved 83% of pupils who had read 3 times of more this week!! Amazing work Barley… keep it up!!!
We are delighted to share the faces of our 3 head pupils for this year. We are so proud of all of the pupils that applied for the role - it was a very close race. It was a perfect opportunity for children to learn how a democracy works, as well as valuing pupil voice (linked to our rights respecting charter). We look forward to how they are going to support the school during their final year here.
Barley class had a fantastic Hook day learning all about different aspects of Ancient Greece! We started our day by focusing on the Greek myth, Theseus and the Minotaur, discovering the mythical creature who lived in a labyrinth. Our interest on labyrinths enabled us to use our shape, space and measures maths skills to design our own, complex labyrinth designs- This was tricky but we persevered and succeeded- just like Theseus did! We continued our journey through Greek culture and lifestyle but tasting Greek food and studying the history of the Olympics through primary sources: Greek pots as they depicted the events during this time. We ended our day taking part in a range of Olympic sports!
Year 6 will be learning about the sport Basketball this half term. For the first session we focused on dribbling and the skill of control and speed to keep the defender from gaining possession of the ball. This then developed in small games to help practise this skill. We had such a great lesson and showed some great skills. Our hands showed how hard we worked… muddy but great fun!! 🤩
Wow! Well done to our amazing Year 6 pupils who delivered their Head Pupil speeches in our assembly on Friday. Their commitment, dedication, kindness and motivation shone through from all of the candidates. We are all very proud of you!
Mr Childs, Chair of the Parish Council, came to visit the pupils during their speeches. As a former pupil of Laceby Stanford Primary Academy l and a previous candidate for Head Pupil, Mr Childs spoke to the pupils about his role as Chair and what qualities you may need for these important role. Thank you Mr Childs for inspiring our pupils in their future aspirations!