Buttercup Class Blog

On this page you can see updates over the term of our activities and learning.

Reading at Stanford School Home learning Guidance

23rd May
Posted by:
Mrs Hill

Founders Day Celebrations 

We were excited to see the flag flying when we came into school this morning. Mrs Brady lead a fantastic assembly sharing our unique history as well as singing our special school song.

In class we made our own Stanford flags and finished our Birthday Cards.

We are looking forward to bun and juice later.

22nd May
Posted by:
Mrs Hill

Our School History

This week we have been learning about our school history. This week we will celebrate the school’s birthday.

We used our creative skills to make our school badge.  Some year 5 pupils came to help us.

17th May
Posted by:
Mrs Hill

Reading Collaboration 

Buttercup Class were joined by members of year 5 to share stories.

A love of reading was shared by all

9th May
Posted by:
Mrs Hill

Bug Hotels

We have been exploring habitats for different mini beasts. This afternoon Mrs Druar came in to help us make bug hotels.  I wonder which creatures will visit?

24th April
Posted by:
Mrs Hill

Errol's Garden

We have been reading about Errol’s garden. We are working in groups to design a rooftop garden.

24th April
Posted by:
Mrs Hill

Intra school sporting event

Buttercup class has great fun and learnt lots of skills taking part in their first intra school sporting event.   Some KS2 pupils also did a fantastic job in their role coaching, supporting and encouraging.

19th March
Posted by:
Mrs Hill

3D shape hunting

We have been learning about the properties of 3D shapes. We went on a 3D shape hunt and look what we found:

15th March
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Science Week - Buttercup

We have been exploring how creatures can camouflage themselves for protection or to sneak up on their prey.
We mixed paint to make crocodile colours
We printed using different things to make the texture of the crocodile’s skin.
We used different materials to create habitats for crocodiles.
We enjoyed looking at photos trying to spot the camouflaged animals.

13th March
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Virtual Reality Workshop

We were so lucky to experience VR glasses to go on an adventure looking at our planet.  We shared what we thought of this experience.

C “liked the robots telling us about rubbish and packaging.”
R “I saw  the Earth and the robots called it a planet.”
N “I saw the whole planet.  I saw everything.  It looked amazing.”
FD “There was a speed car.  It was electric.”
M “The robots showed different parts of the world.”
T “The robot’s hands were so realistic.”
MC “They showed us how rubbish was in the deep sea.”
M “The coral has changed colour and died”

6 March
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Buttercup visit to Stanford Library

Buttercup class enjoyed their trip to Stanford Library.   We loved looking at the books and all chose one to take back to class.   Mrs Wink spoke to us about what happens in a library.  She also shared the sorts of stories she enjoyed when she was little.  We compared her old books with the shiny, colourful books we chose today. We can’t wait to share our new stories back in class.

1 March
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

EYFS and Year 1 Maths Collaboration

Today the Year 1 children went into our Early Years Class to be ‘mini-teachers’. The aim of the session was to help the younger children with their maths learning and fill our Year 1 children with confidence to explain problem solving to others. The session was really successful. Pupils enjoyed the collaboration and said:

Pupil 1: I like the big children coming to help me.
Pupil 2: I explained to A that 1 more than 9 is 10.
Pupil 3: I helped some children count the keys up to 15.
Pupil 4: B helped me make numbers in the dough.

23 February
Posted by:
Mrs Hill

WB 19th February  - Celebrating Chinese New Year

We have had a busy week learning about Chinese New Year.   This has included: looking at Chinese writing; sharing and acting out the New Year zodiac story; cutting and painting Chinese lanterns; learning about Chinese food and role play in our Chinese Restaurant; using our maths within the restaurant to pay the bill; dressing up in traditional costumes; learning about where in the world China is; using chopsticks to pick up noodles and learning about how the New year is celebrated. 

Finally, we used the dragon head well made to create our own Chinese dragon dance, dancing across the playground and through the KS 1 classes. We also sang a Kung Hei Fat Choy song and played instruments.

9th February
Posted by:
Mrs Hill

Parachute games

We have been practising our Team Work,  Turn Taking,  Communication and language skills,  Hand-eye Coordination, Following instructions, Sensory development, Gross Motor Skills

And having    Fun, Fun, Fun!

We played 4 little monkeys, washing and Drying game, Fruit salad and Popcorn! We hardly noticed the rain.

8th February
Posted by:
Mrs Hill

Buttercup Learning Share

Buttercup Class were so excited to share their learning with their families.

Here are some of the things we shared:

How we do dough disco to strengthen our hands for writing.

Phonics sounds, Sounding out and Word building

Sharing the Traditional Tales we have been learning including showing our talk for writing story maps

We use our RWI sayings to help us remember letter formation

We practise development of our fine motor skills in so many ways – here we are weaving letters and screwing and unscrewing nuts and bolts

We have been learning about the body including naming the parts and keeping our bodies healthy including our teeth

We shared the Superveg stories we made using SEASAW

In maths we shared how we can represent numbers in different ways and doubling. We also showed our family members how fantastic we are getting at subitising.

6th February
Posted by:
Mrs Hill

What makes a bed Comfy? Science Investigation

We agreed that a good bed should be soft and comfortable and keep us warm
We explored a range of materials to try and find the best materials.  We discussed the different textures and feel of a range of materials eg soft, squishy, bumpy, fluffy, scratchy, hard, cold, snuggly.

Outside we used materials to make a bed. It was not comfortable. It was hard, cold and the sack was scratchy and rough.

31st January
Posted by:
Mrs Hill

Goldilocks and the 3 Bears.

Today we started looking at the traditional tale – Goldilocks and the 3 Bears.
This afternoon we looked at how to make Porridge.
In Science we made porridge and investigated adding different toppings.
At first the porridge was too hot. It had steam coming out of it.
Our favourite flavour was golden syrup and second favourite was banana.

30th January
Posted by:
Mrs Hill

Play Avenue 

We were so excited to travel on a coach to Play Avenue today.  What a fantastic time we had role playing, letting our imagination fly.  We went shopping, had our hair done, visited the vets and the doctors. We were police officers, fire chiefs, race track drivers, pirates, campers, builders, Knights and princesses as well as construction workers.  What a wonderful time we all had!

Thursday 25th January
Posted by:
Mrs Hill

People that Help us – the Police

We were so lucky to have a special visitor come to talk to us this afternoon – Inspector Harvey.

She showed us her special uniform and the equipment she carries.   She brought lots of uniform for us to try on. Some of it was so heavy.  We learnt about how Police help us.  We asked lots of sensible questions such as Why do Police officers have hats? Do you enjoy your job? What do you use a Baton for? …Even Had she captured Evil Pea? (He visited our class last week and did terrible crimes to our vegetables!

Inspector Harvey was kind enough to bring in us a helmet, a pencil and a sticker.  Lots of us want to work in the Police force when we are grown up

Wednesday 17th January
Posted by:
Mrs Hill

People that help us – Nurses

This afternoon we had a special visitor, Mrs Hurdman who told us all about her job working at the hospital as a Student Nurse.   We all had a go at using a stethoscope and listened to each other’s hearts.     We learnt that it is a busy job looking after people and helping them get well.  Lots of us want to be a nurse or Doctor when we are grown up.

12th January
Posted by:
Mrs Hill


Buttercup class have been learning about British Birds this week. We went to the nature area to do some bird spotting as part of RSPB Big School Birdwatch. We completed the survey back in class. We saw wood pigeons, crows, a magpie and seagulls. We could hear other birds in the closeby bushes but they were hiding out of site. We did meet a couple of squirrels in the nature area which was very exciting.

Friday 5th January
Posted by:
Mrs Hill

Superhero Hook Day

Buttercup class wowed us in their fantastic Superhero costumes.

We had such a busy day sharing super hero powers, creating super heros from vegetables linked to our Supertato story, designing our own superhero capes and playing hunt the Evil Pea. In addition we all took part in a Spiderman Yoga session.

19th December
Posted by:
Mrs Hill

Christmas Party

Today we had such fun! We created our own part hats and coloured our own table cloth ready for this afternoon's party. This afternoon we danced, played games, had party food and even had a special visitor from Santa. Because we have been good, he even gave us a present!

6 December
Posted by:
Mrs Hill

Grow your own Vegetables

This morning we learnt all about fruit and vegetables that can be grown locally.   Many of us had never seen ginger, asparagus, leeks or avocado before.    Vegetables need sun and water to grow.
We looked at the roots and the leaves.  Peppers are fruit because their seeds are in the middle.
The best bit was when we tasted homemade vegetable soup made with leek, shallots, carrots and potatoes alongside homemade bread.

4th Decembe
Posted by:
Mrs Hill

Christmas cards and Calendars

We have been busy using our creatives skills making our Christmas cards.  We practised our letter formation and our name writing inside the cards.

We learnt about the different seasons throughout the year. We dressed up in different seasons to create our calendars.

27 November
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

🌟 Foundation Stage Grand Opening Event 🌟

On Friday 17th November we celebrated the grand opening of our new Foundation Stage unit. Assets, Governors and friends of the school joined the celebrations. As well as Parents, carers and family members being invited where our wonderful Buttercups welcomed them all to their wonderful new unit!

This space is just one area around the school that has been developed to provide new pupil places within the school. This project was managed and funded by the LA in partnership with Equans- Thank you!

Local Councillor David Hasthorpe and MP Martin Vickers officially opened the unit followed by our parent and carers coming to visit the unit. Our wonderful Buttercup class performed to songs with their handmade Diva lamps- magical!

Thank to you all that have been involved in this project and to our Stanford family for their continued support- we hope you enjoyed the cake!!

24 November
Posted by:
Mrs Hill

Week beginning 20th November – Road Safety Week

This week we have been learning about how to stay safe near roads. We learnt about Stop, look, listen and think when crossing a road. We looked at safe places to cross roads including Zebra crossings and Pelican crossings.

We enjoyed playing the Stop and Go game on the KS1 playground.

In our continuious provision we decided on where to put zebra crossings on roads in our small play area. Outside we used Stop, Go and give way signs as well as a zebra crossing. When we are on the bikes we wear a helmet to protect our head.

10 November
Posted by:
Mrs Hill

Diva Lamps

As part of our interfaith week we have made diva lamps from salt dough, then we painted them in lovely bright colours and finally we decorated them.

8 November
Posted by:
Mrs Hill


This week Buttercup class have been learning about why we wear poppies. We made our own poppies:

6 November
Posted by:
Mrs Hill

Learning about Diwali

This week we have been learning our Diwali. On Monday we had a special visitor who shared the Rama and Sita story.

In class we have been exploring ways that Diwali is celebrated including making Diwa lamps, Rangoli patterns, Mendi hand patterns.

5 November
Posted by:
Mrs Hill

Pumpkin Power!

Buttercup class have loved exploring pumpkins from our class pumpkin patch role play area.

3 November
Posted by:
Mrs Hill

Learning about Bonfire night

This afternoon we learnt the history behind Bonfire night. We then used chalk, wax crayon, pencil crayon or paint to create our own fireworks.

Here are some of our finished Firework night pictures.

We also learnt about keeping safe on Firework night and looking after our pets.

18 October
Posted by:
Mrs Hill

Autumn Walk – Home Learning

Buttercup class were so excited to share the goodies they collected on their Autumn walks. Some great language used to describe the crispy, crunchy leaves, shiny conkers, pricky leaves, hard fir cones, orange pumpkins.

We used our treasures to make Autumn Collages

16 October
Posted by:
Mrs Hill


We explored the size and weight. We described the shape and the texture of outside and inside the pumpkins. It was a great sensory experiencing looking, touching and smelling and a super opportunity to extend our vocabulary.

10 October
Posted by:
Mrs Hill

Mental Health Day

We all look so cheerful in our yellow clothes today supporting Mental Health awareness day.

We started the day with a good mood song and actions.

We revisited our Mood monster story. We thought about different things that can go in the different colour jars.

29 September
Posted by:
Mrs Hill

Week beginning 25th September

We have started learning our phonics sounds.

27 September
Posted by:
Mrs Hill

Preparing for Macmillian Coffee Morning

This afternoon we all followed a recipe to make chocolate crispie cakes. We learnt about the importance of clean hands and taking turns. It was such fun and we can’t wait to taste them.

26 September
Posted by:
Mrs Hill

We’re going on a Bear Hunt

26 September
Posted by:
Mrs Hill

Planting Winter Pansies

Mrs Petyt showed us how to plant our Winter Pansies. We saw the roots that needed covering in compost and noticed the bright colours of the petals. We had to water them so they will stay alive. We took it in turns and showed good listening.

26 September
Posted by:
Miss Perrin

Harvest Festival

The Harvest Festival was an amazing event. Each of the classes prepared something to share - pieces of art, letters, poems and songs. It was lovely seeing the Foundation children join us to share their song. Rev Chris came to talk to us about harvest and spoke about how it is important to share and care for each other, qualities which we treasure within our school.

18th September
Posted by:
Mrs Hill

Creating Faces

We used natural material to create our faces.

15th September
Posted by:
Mrs Hill

Hook Day – My Favourite Things

We had a brilliant hook day learning about each other. It was great to be dressed in our favourite clothes and to share our favourite toys.

8 September
Posted by:
Mrs Hill

Our first day

Our first Day all together a Buttercup class, making friends and exploring our environment.

7 September
Posted by:
Mrs Hill

Our First Day - Thursday

Another fantastic first day for our Buttercup pupils. Looking forward to seeing the whole class tomorrow.

Date: 6 September
Posted by: Mrs Hill

Our First Day - Wednesday

Wow! What a busy time Buttercup Class have had exploring their new classroom. A fantastic first day.