
The curriculum at Stanford Junior and Infant School

The Intent, implementation and Impact of our Curriculum – Maths

Traditionally, Maths has been taught by memorising key facts and procedures, which tends to lead to superficial understanding that can easily be forgotten. At Stanford, we believe that children should be able to select which mathematical approach is most effective in different scenarios.
All pupils can achieve in mathematics! There is no such thing as a ‘Maths person’, that is the belief that some pupils can do maths and others cannot. A typical Maths lesson will provide the opportunity for all children, regardless of their ability, to work through Fluency, Reasoning AND Problem Solving activities. 


Maths is a journey and long-term goal, achieved through exploration, clarification, practice and application over time. At each stage of learning, children should be able to demonstrate a deep, conceptual understanding of the topic and be able to build on this over time.

There are 3 levels of learning:

  • Shallow learning: surface, temporary, often lost 
  • Deep learning: it sticks, can be recalled and used
  • Deepest learning: can be transferred and applied in different contexts

The deep and deepest levels are what we are aiming for by teaching maths using the Mastery approach.


Multiple representations for all!
Concrete, pictorial, abstract

Objects, pictures, words, numbers and symbols are everywhere. The mastery approach incorporates all of these to help children explore and demonstrate mathematical ideas, enrich their learning experience and deepen understanding. Together, these elements help cement knowledge so pupils truly understand what they’ve learnt.

All pupils, when introduced to a key new concept, should have the opportunity to build competency in this topic by taking this approach. Pupils are encouraged to physically represent mathematical concepts. Objects and pictures are used to demonstrate and visualise abstract ideas, alongside numbers and symbols.

Concrete – children have the opportunity to use concrete objects and manipulatives to help them understand and explain what they are doing.
Pictorial – children then build on this concrete approach by using pictorial representations, which can then be used to reason and solve problems.
Abstract – With the foundations firmly laid, children can move to an abstract approach using numbers and key concepts with confidence.


  • Quick recall of facts and procedures
  • The flexibility and fluidity to move between different contexts and representations of mathematics.
  • The ability to recognise relationships and make connections in mathematics

A mathematical concept or skill has been mastered when a child can show it in multiple ways, using the mathematical language to explain their ideas, and can independently apply the concept to new problems in unfamiliar situations.

Maths Basic Schools

At Stanford School we are focussing on developing our basic maths skills. Each class dedicates 15 minutes of the day to basic maths - we focus on mental maths skills, calculations and number.

We have lots of exciting resources to help us improve our basic skills, including number squares, fans, whiteboards, dice, counters, stopwatch challenges and iPods.

We also enjoy helping each other with basic skills and pair up with our partner classes for some of these sessions, which we really enjoy!

Here are examples of the Maths Basic Skills targets for each year group:

About our Calculation Policy

The following Calculation Policy has been designed to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum 2014 for the teaching and learning of mathematics, and is also designed to give pupils a consistent and smooth progression of learning in calculations across the school, Please note that early learning in number and calculation in Reception follows the "Development Matters" EYFS document, and this Calculation Policy is designed to build on progressively from the content and methods established in the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Age stage expectations

The Calculation Policy is organised according to age stage expectations as set out in the National Curriculum. However it is vital that pupils are taught according to the stage that they are currently working at, being moved onto the next level as soon as they are ready, or are working at a lower stage until they are secure enough to move on.

Download our Calculations Policy

Download Calculation Guidelines for Foundation Stage

Times Table Challenge

We are introducing a new Mathematics challenge aimed at developing quicker recall of the multiplication facts (times tables). The new National Curriculum from 2014 states that: ‘By the end of year 4, pupils should have memorised their multiplication tables up to and including the 12 multiplication table.’

The new Key Stage 2 tests that came into place this year has an arithmetic test specifically on calculations. Therefore to ensure children are confident and prepared, learning tables’ facts plus recalling these quickly and accurately will give children a distinct advantage.

Learning multiplication facts does not have to be boring and repetitive; we will be encouraging the children to recall facts in different ways through games, challenges and investigations as well as the weekly speed tests that will be held in class each week. We will be using an online resource, in school, called TT Rockstars, which focuses on times table challenges, improving pupil’s rapid recall. This will be completed in class and will follow a programme of teaching and learning times tables. Pupils must though spend the time trying to learn the facts to make it easier in the classroom. Each child will have a record sheet for them to copy in their multiplication facts and record their progress.

Times Tables Rockstars

The rewards for this will be bronze, silver and gold stickers that will be presented by class teachers and eventually the children will receive the platinum certificate for Multiplication Excellence which will be presented in the Friday assembly. Each year group will have their own targets which are outlined below:

FS and Y1- Counting on in steps of 2, 5 and 10
Y2- 2, 5 and 10.
Y3- 2,3,4,5,8,10
Y5- ALL and completed 12× 12 mixed tables square in under 8 minutes
Y6- ALL and completed 12× 12 mixed tables square in under 6 minutes

TT rockstars is a daily practice of the times tables, through listening to rock music. Pupils have to answer 50 questions and time themselves. This will then work out your rick status. The idea is that pupils’ rapid recall will become quicker for each times table.

Times Tables Playlist

Here are some websites that offer games, grid challenges and interactive tests:

For more information please go to the website

Mrs Smith's Maths Challenge: We Love Maths

Maths Progression

White Rose Home Learning Support - Place Value
Booklets fo parents

The booklets below have some great information about the level and type of work we do in class and aome helpful ideas for home learning activities:

Times Tables Rockstars letter to parents

I Can Target Sheets

FS Fun Maths at Home

Year 1 Fun Maths at Home


A parents guide to the new National Curriculum (not Foundation/Seedlngs class). More information can be found on the Rising Stars website

Times Table Records Card

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A variety of learning tools, puzzles and real-time Chess against our computer robots or other humans, provide brain-stimulating challenges and hours of entertainment to kids, even through the natural growing pains of learning the demanding game of Chess.
ChessKid boasts a fully curated curriculum, video content and a Level Progression system keeps kids hungry to learn and motivated to keep improving and moving up. So whether your kid is an eager Knight or an experienced Queen, you will notice immediate differences in their over-the-board quality and game results!
The game of Chess is a timeless game that will give your child a lifetime of benefits. Give your child the gift of Chess.

Link to the webpage What is Chesskid

Maths Basic Skills

Every day the children practice their basic skills in Maths. They work on the four operations; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. They have been doing this in fun and creative ways.

C- I love the Top Marks challenges that I play on the ipad. I am getting a better score!
D- I have really liked the different challenges that we go and do around the room.
P- We use Base 10, Numicon, cubes and whiteboards to help us.
N- I loved it when we used chalk to challenge our friends to multiply two numbers.


Barley Class love to use Kahoot! This morning pupils consolidated their learning on multiplication to answer a range of multiplication questions, including word problems, in a ln online quiz! Pupils worked in teams to solve the questions, against the clock! Speed was key!

Fractions of amounts

This week in our basic skills we have been looking at fractions of amounts. Today we worked together to have a go at drawing and labelling our own amounts outside. We worked on making sure the numerator and denominator of our amounts were in the correct places.

Years 5 and 6 Maths Collaboration

Year 5 and 6 pupils worked collaboratively this week, combining both their knowledge on fractions and measures to solve problem solving questions based on this area in Maths.

Our challenge used trial and error which was rather difficult! We kept going and never gave up to find the answer!

It was great to put our skills together and work together to solve the questions!

EYFS and Year 1 Maths Collaboration

Today the Year 1 children went into our Early Years Class to be ‘mini-teachers’. The aim of the session was to help the younger children with their maths learning and fill our Year 1 children with confidence to explain problem solving to others. The session was really successful. Pupils enjoyed the collaboration and said:

Pupil 1: I like the big children coming to help me.
Pupil 2: I explained to A that 1 more than 9 is 10.
Pupil 3: I helped some children count the keys up to 15.
Pupil 4: B helped me make numbers in the dough.

Maths Collaboration: Money

The Year 2 children helped the Year 1 children learn all about money. They were really good teachers; explaining how to count with coins, showing them ways to solve shopping problems and how to work out change.

C- I used the visualiser to explain the question to everyone.
C- I used my fingers to show how to take away.
N- I explained how to work out the answer.
A- The Year 2 children read the prices and helped me.
O- I drew ten 1p coins to show the Year 1 children how to exchange.
P- If something was 12p, I showed the Year 1 children how to start with a 10p and then add on the ones.

Timestables Collaboration

Today in Pumpkin and Willow class we have been collaborating. We collaborated on timetables. Different tables had different activities to do such as; rolling a dice and multiplying, using iPads for 1 minute maths games, challenge cards and year 4 teaching 3 year how to work out different multiplication questions.

"Collaboration is always really fun"
"I like it because I learn things"
"We can be like teachers showing year 3 skills they not have used yet!" 

Buttercup Learning Share

Buttercup Class were so excited to share their learning with their families.

Here are some of the things we shared:

In maths we shared how we can represent numbers in different ways and doubling. We also showed our family members how fantastic we are getting at subitising.

Science Investigation- Soil Permeability

Today in Pumpkin class we have been scientists. We identifed how to make careful observations and observed how much water had filtered through different types of soil. We made sure we used the same equipment and length of time for each observation to make our investigation a fair one. We also found that we were using skills from other lessons, such as maths for reading the units of measurement and time. The conclusion to our investigation was that the soil from our tyre plants was the most permeable. 

Multiplication and division collaboration

Today Pumpkin and Willow classes have collaborated with multiplication and division. We paired up and each had a go at rolling the dice and adding up the sum to multiply this with the next roll of the dice. Once we had completed the multiplication sentence, we used this to write division facts.

"It was quite a fun game"
"I really like working with year 4!"
"I love helping the year 3, I feel a bit like a teacher"

Tens and Ones

Year 1s this week have been representing the ‘teen’ numbers using different equipment. They have also been able to record how many tens and ones in each number.

Pupil 1: I like using these tens and ones ‘cos they help me.
Pupil 2: I can use all the ‘teen’ numbers really well.
Pupil 3: sixteen has 1 ten and six ones, look (showing me their work).

Maths collaboration: Reasoning & Problem solving

Blossom and Barley pupils have been working together to solve different reasoning and problem solving questions using their wide range of math skills. These problems were to extend their knowledge by applying what they know to solve the problems. Pupils worked in small groups and pairs and used concrete, technology and pictorial resources to help solve the answers.

2D Shapes

This week Year 1s have been using sticks gathered from outdoors to make different 2D shapes.
We started with triangles and went on to make squares and rectangles.

Pupil 1: I used 3 sticks to make a triangle.
Pupil 2: we needed 1 more than 3 to make a square or a rectangle
Pupil 3: Maths is great when we get to go outside.
Pupil 4: I never knew we could make shapes with sticks!
Pupil 5: We made triangles and squares.

Years 3 and 4 Maths collaboration

Year 3 and 4 have been collaborating with their maths skills this half term. Year 4 have been learning all of the times tables and are helping to pass on some knowledge and skills to year 3. Today we looked at solving problems using the 4 and 8 times tables.

Year 1 and 2 Maths Collaboration:
Problem Solving and Reasoning Skills Involving 2D and 3D Shapes

Together, the children have been exploring 2D and 3D shapes.
The extra challenges (continuous provision) in the classrooms have enabled the children to extend their learning. They challenge and support each other in small groups and enjoy problem solving together.

Pupil Comments

I’ve liked the Year 2s teaching me things I didn’t know. I  know lots of names of shapes now.
My Year 2 partner has been giving me ideas about how to sort shapes into different kinds of groups.
We’ve been counting sides of shapes and putting them in order.
The Year 2 children told me about vertices and I learnt how to count them on 2D shapes.
With my friend, I found all the shapes with fewer vertices than a hexagon.
Next time, I have seen some other problems solving challenges that I want to have a go at!

DT Enterprise Projects

Year 6 completed their DT enterprise projects ready to sell at the Christmas fayre. Pupils designed and then calculated the costings for this to ensure they made the most profit.

Using a range of DT skills, they then created their designs!

Using a Number Line

Year 1s have been using number lines to subtract this week. They were able to work practically and transfer word problems into number sentences. Using jumps back on the number lines, pupils were able to answer problems accurately. Well done Year 1s.
Next step is to work with abstract number sentences.

Times Tables

The Year 2 children are enjoying learning their 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables.

Every day they love to sing along to their favourite Maths songs.

They are getting more and more confident each day, as well as having lots of fun.


Year 1 have been learning how to make a whole from two parts. We can split one whole into two parts in different ways. We use stem sentences to explain the parts of a whole.

Parts of a whole

Year 1 have been learning how a whole can be partitioned into different parts. Taking 5 bean bags, we threw at the target and recorded how many landed in and out of it. We found many combinations of how the bean bags landed. Back in the classroom we drew the combinations. We had lots of fun and learnt so much about number.

Child A: ‘We did a kind of PE – Maths lesson it was great!’

Child B: ‘My group found 6 different ways of doing it.’

Child C: ‘We had 5 as a whole and then 2 different parts.’

Child D: ‘We love maths outside.’

Reasoning and problem-solving

This week, Blossom Class have been working hard at trying some reasoning and problem-solving questions. We have focused on reading the question carefully, highlighting key information and deciding which operation we need to use. Today we had a practical session using whiteboards, coaching our buddies and collaborating with our peers.

Representing Numbers

Year 1 have been learning how to represent numbers in digits and as words. We have enjoyed playing Match the Pairs and Bingo this week to help us.

Using 10s to count to 100

In year 1 Maths we have started a new module this week; Place Value (within 100.) Today as our starter activity we used 10s to count to 100. We did this by throwing beanbags into a target of 10. We then had to calculate our score up to 100.

"Me and my partner got all our bean bags in the target, so we got 100 altogether."

"We missed a few so we got 60."

Where am I going!

Year 1s today have been using new vocabulary today to direct mini people around their maps.

Forwards, Backwards, Left and Right

We really enjoyed moving the people from place to place and using our new directional vocabulary.

Child A: This is the best way to do maths!
Child B: I can send him to the beach and then to the swimming pool.
Child C: I know my left and my right now.

Healthy Eating and Sharing

This week it has been healthy eating week and we have focused on healthy lifestyles and learning about which foods we should have more/less of. Children have learned some new vocabulary such as 'carbohydrate' and 'protein'. We have also learned about Clean Air Day.

We have also been learning about sharing into equal groups in maths. We shared out bananas for monkeys at the zoo and shared out dinner for the 3 bears.

Year 6 have been baking 🧁

As part of our Maths lessons this week we have been learning about ratio, proportion, profit and loss. As a class we have looked at a recipe that was intended to make 6 cupcakes and we had to calculate the ingredients needed to make 42 for the class (and a few extras for teachers of course!). Once we had calculated this, we researched the size of packaging our ingredients were sold in, for example butter in 250g. Continuing our research skills, we compared the cost of the ingredients across different supermarkets. So to end the week we combined our baking and maths skills to measure accurately, portion up the mixture and decorate some yummy cupcakes! These were definitely enjoyed by all! 👩‍🍳

Maths Teamwork

Year 6 pupils showed their Maths knowledge with a fun activity, working in small teams. Mrs Smith & Miss Chilvers were so impressed with their teamwork and skills- great work Year 6! ⭐️

Maths Scavenger Hunt

Year 6 had an afternoon scavenger hunting! To help with their Maths revision, they worked in teams to find the different questions around the school. They scanned each QR code to reveal the question, worked as a team to solve this and then collect the letter to form a funny joke! Some questions were fun challenges…. Stand as a scary scarecrow for 30 seconds! Year 6 are ready for their tests today! #youvegothis #year6sats ⭐️

Year 6 Maths Circles ⭕️

Year 6 have been busy investigating circles. We learnt the different parts of a circle and how to find the diameter and radius of different size circles. We did this n a variety of ways and are now confident in solving reasoning questions on this!

Year 3 - Being a mathematician

In maths we have started to learn about perimeter and what it means. The children enjoyed taking our learning outside where we walked around the perimeter of shapes in the playground. They also used chalk to draw shapes in the quad for their peers to work out the perimeter by counting the sides of the square slabs.

Year 1 Maths Learning Share

We had a wonderful afternoon in Year 1, our grown ups came to look at how we learn Maths. We even had some juice and biscuits. Thank you to everyone who attended and left such lovely feedback.

"It was lovely to see all the creative ways that are used to teach Maths"
"It was really informative and fun ton see how children learn Maths"
"It was lovely to see how much they love being here"
"Staff friendly, welcoming and knowledgeable" 

Collaborative Maths

Pupils worked together to find the area of different triangles. They used the formula for the area of a triangle to solve the different reasoning and problem solving question!


Today in Maths we have been estimating using a number line to 20. We had to estimate where different numbers to 20 would be. At first, we found it tricky but by the end of the lesson we had the hang of it!

"I liked trying to find out where the number would be like a detective like Miss Purshouse said"
"I found it hard but I got better at it"
"I liked finding the numbers"

Year 6 Long division ➗

Pupils in year 6 have been learning how to use long division to help solve a range of questions. This method is tricky, however all pupils showed great resilience and never gave up! Well done Barley and Blossom!


Today in Miss Purshouse's Maths group we have been Mathematicians. We investigated the playground and found numerals to 20 hidden around, there were even numbers that were bigger than 20 hidden to trick us! We put the numbers in order, and had a go at writing our own number lines from 10 to 20.

WH "It was so FUN!"

CS "I found a bigger number than 20"

EH "I knew where my number should go"

Times Tables

Year 4 have been working really hard on practising times tables, in preparation for the multiplication checks this year. We have been learning through songs, chants, daily quizzes, problem solving activities and interactive games. Keep practising at home as well, as we're making great progress!