On this page you can see updates over the term of our activities and learning.
Year 5 children have been making a start on their new class text, Viking Boy. For one activity this week, we had a go at making our own "blackout poetry". This is when you take a written piece of text from a book, newspaper, or magazine and redact words, in order to come up with your very own poetry, selecting words or phrases for impact.
Mark from Humberside Fire & Safety paid us a special visit to deliver a whole school assembly this week. We have been learning about road safety in our classes through different activities. He used demonstrations and visuals to show us the importance of wearing helmets when we cycle or scooter, as well as how important it is to be visible and wear bright colours around roads.
Year 5 had an excellent trip to the Grimsby Fishing Heritage Centre. The children were really enthusiastic and polite when exploring the museum and the Ross Tiger trawler. They learned about what life was like at the height of the fishing industry in Grimsby (around the 1950s) through hands-on experiences with historical artefacts. They were able to make links back to some of the themes we used in our Taiko drumming performance from September as well.
Children in year 5 have been learning about seasonal ingredients and balanced diets. Using this knowledge, we are going to make soups and bread that might appeal to someone after a long day out fishing (linked to our trip!) We have sampled some existing products and completed sensory evaluations. This will help inform the planning of our own meals later this term.
The Year 2 and the Year 5 children joined together for a drink and chat to mark World Mental Health Day. They enjoyed spending time with their siblings and meeting old and new friends on Well-being Wednesday.
“It was lovely to talk to the younger children.”
“We chilled out with some relaxing colouring in.”
“I made a new friend in Year 5.”
“I liked going into Mr. Middleton’s classroom and seeing the older children.”
“Everyone was so friendly.”
“I had a chat with Mrs. Brady about music.”
“When you have a chat with someone, it can make you feel better.”
“I hope we can do this again. It was fun and interesting.”
“I looked forward to this all day.”
This week, year 5 had a fantastic full day of learning a new skill - Taiko drumming! Emma from Humber Taiko spent the day with us and we learned an entire piece about our local fishing heritage. Taiko is a type of Japanese drumming and Emma has trained and performed all over the world. In addition to learning the drums, we also learned dance and chimes to perform alongside the percussion. We learned key skills about attitude, energy and effort, which all Taiko players have to follow to be successful. It was a fantastic day and we finished by performing to the whole school. The children learned so much in a short space of time and we are very proud.
All key stage 2 pupils have the opportunity to access tuck shop every Friday, for the cost of 50p. Each week, we ensure that a class or a focus group contribute something that they have made to the items that we sell. Year 5 started things off this year with some banana and oat cookies. As it is Fair Trade fortnight, we ensured that the produce that we used was sustainably and fairly sourced. We then advertised our product to the rest of key stage two.