Blossom Class Blog

On this page you can see updates over the term of our activities and learning.

1-Minute Maths App

White Rose Maths new 1-Minute Maths app helps your pupils to build greater number confidence and fluency. It’s all about targeted practice in engaging, one-minute chunks!

Find out more

6 March
Posted by:
Miss Purshouse

World Book Day

In Year 3 we have been celebrating World Book Day by coming up with our music for a part of a book we had been looking at in English. We used djembes to create our music!

“I created music for when the Stone Age boy falls down, so I wanted to music to be loud and quick”

“I focused on when the Stone Age boy and Om see a bear, I made the music quick like their heart beats would be seeing a bear!”

6 March
Posted by:
Miss Perrin

Year 3 & 4 - Being Artists

In art we thought about how we draw and the different parts of the body we use when we draw on a large and small scale. We then looked at how we can make 2D shapes look 3D by shading and using different colours. With the beautiful weather today we took our learning outside and tried using chalks to draw 3D shapes on the pavements and then on a larger scale on the walls.

4 March
Posted by:
Miss Perrin

Year 4 - Visit to the library

The children enjoyed having the opportunity to visit the library and do some research on the Mayan Civilisation and rainforests. They had lots of questions to ask Mrs Wink and enjoyed looking at non-fiction texts to find out interesting facts. For example...

There are 1,500 species of fish in the Amazon river Rainforests are wet and sticky because plants release water that they don't need. We learnt so much in a short time.

4 March
Posted by:
Miss Perrin

Years 3 & 4 - Creating Art by Design

In Art we have been looking at the design process to create pieces of art using textiles. This involved creating mood boards and drawing in fine detail patterns which appealed to us. We used these to create abstract patterns which we painted on textiles with glue. The textiles were then painted and washed leaving negative patterns on the materials. Don't they look great?

18 February
Posted by:
Miss Purshouse


In RE children were challenged with using team work to construct a bridge in order to get from point A to point B. We then looked into how God created a world he wanted, but Adam and Eve made choices that separated humans from God. We then connected the challenge back to what we had learnt and that point A stood for humans being separated from God, point B humans back in relationship with God and the bridge being Jesus.

Wednesday 12th February
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Film Night 🎥 🍿

Pupils had a wonderful evening at our Film Night, watching the Emoji movie! Pupils enjoyed snacks and drinks with their friends! A big THANK YOU to all parents and carers who supported us raising funds with the film night!!

7 February
Posted by:
Miss Perrin

Year 4 Being Scientists - Looking after your teeth

We have been learning about how we should care for our teeth, the names of the different types of teeth and their different purposes. We decided to investigate which drinks cause the most tooth decay by placing hard boiled eggs in different types of drinks and observing them over a period of time.

29 January
Posted by:
Miss Purshouse

Healthy Sandwiches

As part of our Design and Technology unit in year 3 we are looking at designing, making and evaluating healthy sandwiches. We tried different foods which we had previously identified within the eat well plate. We discussed things such as taste, appearance and whether we would add these into our sandwiches. 

“I tried an olive and I didn’t hate it, it tasted very vinegary” 
“I tried something new, cream cheese on brown bread and I don’t usually eat brown bread” 
“I did not like the beetroot! I will not be adding that to my sandwich” 

12 January
Posted by:
Miss Purshouse

We are geologists

Today in year 3 science we have been investigating rocks. We looked into how vinegar (an acid) would react with three different types of rocks; granite, marble and clay. We then investigated how water would react with the types of rocks. We were then able to make a conclusion from our investigation. 

“It was exciting investigating!”
“We used words like permeable which means the rock would let water through them, and impermeable which means they don’t” 

17 December
Posted by:
Miss Purshouse

Party time!

Year 3 had a fabulous time at their Christmas party! 

We played lots of games including; pin the nose on Rudolph, pass the parcel and musical statues.

“My favourite game was pass the parcel!”
“I loved having snacks and listening to Christmas music with my friends”
“It was the BEST party ever!”

28 November
Posted by:
Miss Purshouse

Areas of Significance

Today in year 3 we have been looking at areas of significance as part of our geography lesson. We pointed out where Egypt was, as we having been learning about this in history, and talked about what continent Egypt is in. We also looked at places that our significant to ourselves such as; where family members were born and where classmates have moved to. 

"Our classmate moved to Australia so I looked for Australia which isn’t in Europe” 
“I was born in Thailand which is in the continent of Asia” 

25 November
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Road Safety

Mark from Humberside Fire & Safety paid us a special visit to deliver a whole school assembly this week. We have been learning about road safety in our classes through different activities. He used demonstrations and visuals to show us the importance of wearing helmets when we cycle or scooter, as well as how important it is to be visible and wear bright colours around roads. 

22 November
Posted by:
Miss Purshouse

UK Parliament Week

As part of UK Parliament Week Year 3 held their own mini election to elect some classroom monitor roles. Children had the chance to talk to the class about why think they would be good at the role, and then we voted to see who will be elected for the role.

We are excited to see who our new monitors will be on Monday!

“I would be good as the book mentor because I know where everyone sits”
“I would be good as the whiteboard monitor because I care about the environment and would turn it off when it isn’t in use”

6 November
Posted by:
Miss Purshouse

Remembrance Art

Today year 3 have been focusing on Remembrance art in preparation for Remembrance Day. We used our retrieval skills to discuss what we knew about Remembrance Day. We then went onto creating remembrance stones which we will place in our peace garden on Monday. Year 3 you did a fantastic job!

“I liked working quietly so it was respectful”

“I reflected on my great grandad whilst I painted my stone”

5 November
Posted by:
Miss Purshouse

Making music in Scratch

Today in Year 3 computing we have been using repetition to create a loop in a program (Scratch.) We used blocks of code containing loops to program music. We used key vocabulary such as loop which is a repeated sequence of instruction and repetition doing something over and over again.

1st November
Posted by:
Miss Purshouse

Academy Celebrations

Year 3 celebrated the Academy conversion in style with some delicious cupcakes baked by Mrs Jones' nurture group!

16th October
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

🍁 Autumn Craft Event 🍁

Pupils had a wonderful Autumn craft event making and crafting lots of autumn themed activities! From Leaf faces to 3D trees… lots of crafting fun! The cherry pie and drink was yummy too!!

9 October
Posted by:
Miss Perrin

World Mental Health Day

To recognise this the children had some time for a ‘drink and chat’ as a part of our ‘Wellbeing Wednesday’. It’s always good to make time for a chat with your friends.

7 October
Posted by:
Miss Perrin

Year 4 - The Water Cycle

In science we have been learning about how water constantly changes from solids, liquids and gases through the water cycle. to help the children understand about evaporation, condensation and precipitation we made it ‘rain in a bag’ by putting some water in a bag, sticking it to a window and watching it. Try it at home and see for yourself!

7 October
Posted by:
Miss Perrin

Reading for Pleasure

The love of reading is evident in year 4. I am so proud of the children with their fantastic home reading, getting the highest percentage of readers each week since we returned to school. The support from parents is amazing, both at home and at events like our Reading Breakfasts, we really appreciate it.

30 September
Posted by:
Miss Purshouse

Ancient Egyptian Art

In Art we have been investigating the style, pattern and characteristics of Ancient Egyptian art. We learnt that Egyptians did not work on white paper, so coloured our paper using tea bags and coffee. We looked closely to identify colours, patterns and shapes to add to our art work for our sketchbooks. We will use this work as inspiration for our scrolls using the papyrus paper we have previously made.

25 September
Posted by:
Miss Purshouse

Magnetic Materials

Today in year 3 science we have been looking at which materials are magnetic, and whether a magnet would attract or repel them. We made predictions on each material and then tested them with our magnets to gain a result.

“I recalled that magnets have two sides, and now I know they are called the North and South Poles”
“One of the materials surprised me with the result because it repelled and I really thought it was going to attract the magnet”
“I loved using the magnets around school to see which materials were magnetic” 
“If we made a hide and seek game for year 1 using magnetic materials, I would hide a paper clip for the magnet to pick up”

23 September
Posted by:
Miss Purshouse

Basic Skills

Today in basic skills we have been focusing on our 4 times table. This is one we are finding particularly tricky as a class. We have been playing games to help us remember it more effectively.

“We played a game where if you said a multiple of 4 you were out!”

“It makes it more fun learning them when we get to play as game as well!”

17 September
Posted by:
Miss Purshouse


This half term in Year 3 P.E. we are focusing on football. Today we have been developing movement skills to lose a defender and move into a space. We had to make sure we used different parts of our foot to control the ball as well as thinking about how we can keep possession from the opposition. 

"I have been using the side of my foot to move the ball to where I needed it to go"
"I need to remember to shout to my team mates when I'm ready to get the ball"
"I've found passing a lot harder than I thought I would"

13 September
Posted by:
Miss Perrin

Year 4-Being Musicians

We are learning about using body percussion to make music. We watched a choir recreate a rainstorm by using their bodies. We then tried to do this ourselves. We hope you like our rendition!

9 September
Posted by:
Miss Purshouse

Making Papyrus

As part of our hook day in year 3 we applied our understanding of ancient techniques and followed instructions to construct a new material. The new material being our own papyrus paper. We will use these in an upcoming Art lesson to make these into scrolls by drawing and painting in the style of the ancient civilisation.

6 September
Posted by:
Miss Perrin

Year 4 Changes of State

The children had lots of fun learning about changes of state from solids to liquids to gases. We played a game where they pretended to be particles and they had to move to show the different states of matter.

6 September
Posted by:
Miss Perrin

Year 4 - being artists.

On our transition week the class learnt about Anglo Saxons and the amazing brooches that they made. We tried to make some ourselves using cardboard, string, tin foil and gems. Don’t they look amazing on our Art Gallery display?