Our Governors

The governing body is a group of dedicated volunteers who help to set the vision and shape the direction of the school.  The body is made up of the Executive Principal, parents governors who are elected by the parent body, staff governors who work at the school and are elected by their colleagues, and Trust-appointed governors.

The governors are responsible for making sure the school provides a high quality education, and for raising educational standards in school. They do this by setting policies to ensure the safety of pupils and promoting effective teaching and learning; they do this with the headteacher who is responsible for the day to day management of the school.

If you are interested in becoming a governor, wish to know more about the role, or have a complaint, please contact Melanie Gibbons, Governance Professional on telephone 07729 105871 or via e-mail m.gibbons@wellspringacademies.org.uk

If you would like to contact our Chair of Governors, please write c/o the school or contact the Governance Professional using her email address above.

Mrs Susan Wink

Chair of Governors


Early Years, SEND, Leadership & Management, DSEN, English, Music, Art


Personnel, Standards, Policy

Pecuniary interests

None declared

Start of Term 06/05/2022
End of Term 04/05/2026

Mr Josh Bray

Vice Chair of Governors


Finance & Business, Leadership & Management, Safeguarding, Science, Maths & Enterprise


Standards and Policy

Pecuniary Interests:

Start of term 17/04/23
End of term 16/04/2027

Mrs Leona Hackfath

Headteacher, Staff Governor




Personnel, Finance, Standards, policy, Premises

Pecuniary interests

None declared

Mrs Jenny Griffiths

Co-opted Governor


Early Years, Quality Of Curriculum and Standards, PSHE, SMSC, History, Geography


Standards, Policy

Pecuniary interests

None declared

Start of term 14/11/2022,
End of Term 13/11/2026

Mrs L Robinson

Parent Governor


Community & Stakeholder Engagement, Behaviour and Attendance, MFL, Music and Art


Finance, Policy, Premises

Pecuniary interests

Spouse of Mrs Robinson (Support staff, Stanford.)

Start of Term 19/10/2020
End of Term 18/10/2024

Mr Joe Middleton

Staff Governor


Community & Stakeholder Engagement



Pecuniary interests

None declared

Start of Term 01/10/2019
End of Term 31/09/2023

Mr Scott Smith

Co-opted Governor


Finance & Business, Safeguarding, Pupil Premium and LACE, Sports Premium, PE


Personal, Premises, Health & Safety, Policy

Pecuniary interests

Spouse of Clair Smith (Deputy Head, Stanford.)

Start of Term 13/11/2022,
End of Term 12/11/2026

Mrs Julie Jones

Staff Governor


Behaviour and Attendance



Pecuniary Interests:

None Declared 

Start of term 05/05/2021
End of term 05/05/2025

Mrs Naomi Rodgers

Parent Governor


Quality Of Curriculum and Standards, SEND, RE and DT


Policy and Premises  

Pecuniary Interests:

None Declared 

Start of term 11/07/2022
End of term 20/07/2026

Sue Wink

The subjects I support are Music and Art, IT, SEN, and Out Door learning. I am also linked to Sunflower Class and enjoy working with them each week on various projects and accompanying them on School trips.
In my working life I was a Development Officer for Children’s and School libraries in North East Lincolnshire.
Since I retired, I together with other volunteers have reopened Laceby Library as a Community library. The library is going from strength to strength and has close links with Laceby School. Together we run Reading initiatives which are very well supported.
In my spare time I love gardening, looking after my daughters Cockapoo and supporting my son at track days and rallies.

Leona Hackfath

Hello, my name is Leona Hackfath and I am honoured to be the Headteacher of Stanford Junior and Infant School since 2014. Our school is a wonderful place - with hard-working and polite pupils, dedicated staff, supportive parents/carers and an experienced, forward-looking Governing Body.

We are extremely proud of our ambitious curriculum for all- as our latest Ofsted said, 'The senior leadership team is passionate about providing each individual pupil with a well-rounded education.' Our holistic approach to pupil development is fundamental and - pastoral support is strong and the school has a very caring ethos. We are a Stanford family and aim to ensure every one reaches their potential.

Out of school, I love meeting up with my family and friends for a coffee and a chat! I love reading and particularly enjoy crime novels, autobiographies and can often be found with my i-pad reading educational news and emails!

Naomi Rodgers

Hi, I’m Naomi and I’m a parent governor at Stanford. I am married to Matt, a vicar, and we have three children, one of whom currently attends Stanford and one at preschool. We have lived in Laceby since 2021. I am now a stay-at-home mum but previously I was a primary school teacher in Lincoln. I have enjoyed meeting the staff and pupils at Stanford and am looking forward to supporting the school as a governor. I hope that I can get to know and represent the views of other parents during my time here. Other than looking after my children, I also run a toddler group called Little Lions and support the work of our church. I love getting outside to enjoy the lovely countryside and coastline, as well as baking, gardening and every kind of craft!

Scott Smith

My name is Scott Smith and I have been a Co-opted Governor l since November 2018. Since starting this role I have gained valuable insight into the life at Stanford Academy and truly believe that it is a unique place for pupils to grow and achieve in every way possible. I am married to my wife Clair and we enjoy walking our dog Archie in our spare time.
I work within the coal industry as a site manager where I hope to bring my high health and safety and financial abilities to assist the school where possible.
I am a member of The Grimsby Tri Club where I enjoy taking part in open water swimming, long distance biking and half marathon and full marathon training. My achievements include swimming from Barton to Hull in aid of The Humber Rescue charity, 70.3 Outlaw race at Nottingham and most recently becoming an ‘Iron Man’, completing the 140.6 Ironman distance race.
I look forward to continuing our work with staff, Governors and the community to continue the schools development and vision. 

Mrs Jenny Griffiths

Mrs Jenny Griffiths

My name is Jen Griffiths, currently a governor for the school and big fan of the school and its pupils.
I have lived in Laceby since my family from Grimsby in 1962.
My husband, Terry and I married in St Margaret’s Laceby Church in 1966. We have two children both of whom attended the school. We also have 3 grown up grandchildren.
Terry was in the Air Force when we met which resulted in us spending the first three years of our marriage in Singapore from 1966-69. I found this a fascinating country with a diverse population and cultures all of which widen my view of our world.
I have always had an interested in history and the natural world and have been lucky to have travelled to some amazing and interesting places.
Being part of the school family has given me opportunities to accompany the children visits closer to home learning more about local history and wildlife.
I have made stone age bangles, learnt how to dress, and march like a roman legion. I have also hunted bugs, been pond dipping and very much looking forward to being part of the children’s learning opportunities for a while yet.

Mr Josh Bray

Hello, I am Josh Bray. I grew up in Laceby and have very fond memories from my time as a student at Stanford.

At the beginning of my career I studied Marine Operations which included working onboard ships navigating all over the world as a Trainee Navigation Officer. I now work in the offshore wind industry as a Senior Offshore Coordinator in the offshore operations control room. As part of a team, I support six wind farms one of which is the largest offshore windfarm in the world! These six wind farms sometimes provide more than 20% of the UK’s electricity demand all based here in Grimsby in the shadow of the Dock Tower!

Ms L Campbell

Ms L Smith

My name is Lea Campbell and I live in Laceby village with my partner and 4 children who all attend Stanford Academy.
Myself and most of my family have attended the school over the years so I have had links with Stanford all of my life which has been a fantastic experience.
I am a qualified hairdresser and nail technician but have also taken on administrative work in the past.
I am looking forward to undertaking my new role as Parent Governor and supporting staff, children and families at Stanford.

Mrs Julie Jones

Mrs Julie Jones

My name is Julie Jones and I have worked at the school since 2018.  Since working here, I have become a Learning Mentor in which I thoroughly enjoy. I work with lots of children throughout the week, nurturing their needs. In 2021 I became a Governor because I wanted to make a difference for our children.  I was interested in what made our school great and what support I good give. I have found it very interesting role and inspirational of all the qualities the school has.  I have qualified as an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) in December, 2022.  This helps me to support children in a unique way, either in small groups or 1:1.  I enjoy my time at school as every day is different, with a whole range of challenges.
My hobbies are reading, walking, traveling  and spending quality time with my family. I have been married for 30 years and have two grown up children. During my married life, I have travelled all around England and finally moving back to Cleethorpes in 2006.

A Fond Farewell

We all said a huge 'Thank You' to Mrs. Val Brumfield in a special assembly today as she retires from the school's governing body. Mrs. Brumfield (a former pupil and teacher of the school) has volunteered and supported the school in many many ways over the years:including governor, chair of governors and as a volunteer.

We all thanked her with special gifts, and cards made by all the children.

Thank you once again Mrs. Brumfield!


Thank you to the Governor and volunteer who helped improve our polytunnel at school.

They have helped plant winter veg - the pupils are excited about watching the cauliflowers, cabbage and cos lettuce grow and using the produce in their cooking!

Infant Singing Festival

On Wednesday we travelled to the Auditorium and took part in the Infant Singing Festival.

We have been working hard to learn the songs and we had the chance to perform with other schools from our local area.

We performed confidently and we brought some of that confidence and skills back to school.

We enjoyed our day tremendously. We were supported by school governors Mrs Wink and Mrs Tatler.

Mrs Wink commented “Poppy class were outstanding, listening attentively, singing their hearts out and enjoying every minute of the experience of performing on a stage to a live audience.”

World Book Day Governor Visit

At Laceby Stanford Primary Academy our governors take an active interest in everything that we do. Our English Governor is Jill Tatler. Mrs Tatler came into school nice and early and even shared the morning door duty with Miss Whiting. She chatted to parents and the children as they entered school for their exciting World Book Day.

We invited Mrs Tatler to join in with the fun and we gave her the very tricky job of judging the books bags to find the most creative designs in each class. She said that it was a really tricky job as every single one was an absolute winner!