Pupil Voice

Pupil voice at Stanford means a whole-school commitment to listening to the views, wishes and experiences of all of our pupils. It places value on what children tell school staff about their experiences.

Pupils are provided with meaningful opportunities to share their experiences, views and hopes about their school and know that it is safe and that it is important for them to express their views on what happens at school. Through our regular meetings and class discussions, pupils know that what they say is valued and will be listened to and considered.

Pupil Voice Outlines

Head Pupils

We are delighted to share the faces of our 3 head pupils for this year. We are so proud of all of the pupils that applied for the role - it was a very close race. It was a perfect opportunity for children to learn how a democracy works, as well as valuing pupil voice (linked to our rights respecting charter). We look forward to how they are going to support the school during their final year here.

Pupil Voice Meetings

Pupil Voice is passionate on ensuring all pupils are engaged with, heard and encouraged! We have two representatives from each year group to join a meeting every fortnight. In these meeting pupils get the opportunity to make decisions and express their opinions about the school from their point of view on behalf of their peers. The agenda is decided by staff and head pupils. We are committed to having a whole-school commitment to listening to the voices of young people their experiences, views and wishes, and putting these at the heart of all decisions within school.

Eco Warriors

ECO warriors aim is to educate and empower young people to make positive changes within school, to become change makers for an environmentally sustainable world. Each class has an ECO warrior and they have the responsibly of helping to look after the school environment. This may include; litter-picking around the school and encouraging their class to recycle. They also promote campaigns across the school, such as switching off interactive whiteboards and lights.

Y6 Roles and Responsibilities

Our superb Y6 pupils have the wonderful responsibility of also being our school Prefects. This role enables pupils to contribute to the Stanford community, support and coach their peers and also put their ideas into action!

Here are some of the roles that our Prefects have;

Pupil Initiatives

Pupil Voice is very important to us at Stanford School. This wonderful group of Year 5 pupils came up with a plan to make our golden time even better! They presented their ideas in our recent Pupil Voice meeting with Miss Purshouse 🌟

Pupil Voice - Charity Fundraisers

During our Pupil Voice meetings, we decided, as a school, to help to raise money and awareness for numerous local and worldwide charity events throughout the year.

Harbour Place

As part of our Harvest Celebration, pupil voice decided we would like to support Harbour Place again this year. There were lots of donations from the pupils and families.


Our annual Macmillan coffee morning is always a huge success! This year, each class performed a class piece – a poem, song or shared some artwork, linked to their learning in classrooms. Parents and families were invited to see the performances and have a coffee and cake, too! We raised a wonderful £420.38 for Macmillan Cancer Research.

Afghan Aid

As part of our Children’s Mental Health Week (which was on Friday 4th February), we are really proud that with your generous donations we have raised an amazing £146.69!

With this money, we decided that we would like to donate to Aghan Aid, to help the families that have been devastated by the recent events. The amount we have donated is going to enable a family to have a waterproof shelter to live in and 40 apple trees to plant – this will support the family not only with food, but also financially.


Pupils felt we needed to help and support the crisis in Ukraine in any way that we could, so we asked for donations of food, toiletries, clothing and other essentials.

Children in Need

Pupils chose to have a non-uniform day, take part in the Joe Wicks work out and a Dr Ranj wellbeing workshop. There was a suggested donation of £1 per pupil and £258.85 was raised.

T4U Shoebox Appeal

Two of our Y6 pupils asked their peers if they would like to take part in the T4U Shoebox Appeal. Pupil Voice unanimously said yes! In total, we created 46 shoeboxes to send to children in Romania.

Royal British Legion

Each year we support the Royal British Legion, including a whole school project (this year we wrote poetry and artwork). Year 6 pupils also lead a whole school assembly as well as selling merchandise to help raise money to support soldiers and veterans.