Daisy Class Blog

On this page you can see updates over the term of our activities and learning.

Reading at Laceby Stanford Primary Academy Reading Changes at Laceby Stanford Primary Academy

6 March
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

World Book Day 2025: A wonderful day full of stories!

The Year 2 children had a great time celebrating World Book Day. It was lovely to see them all dressed up as their favourite book characters and enjoying reading lots of books.

“I like World Book Day because you get to dress up and you can bring in your favourite book.”

“I like taking my books outside and reading at playtime.”

“We wrote about our costumes and drew a picture of ourselves.”

“I enjoyed listening to a penguin story and writing a book review.”

“It was fun to get crafty and make a penguin puppet. I really enjoyed it.”

5 March
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Year 1s Visit The Deep

What a fantastic day we had today! Year 1s travelled over and under the Humber Bridge today (which was very exciting in itself!!) to get to The Deep. We have been exploring underwater animals and this trip gave us the opportunity to see the creatures we have been learning about. Children were thrilled to see jellyfish, sharks, swordfish, poisonous frogs, penguins and turtles. In the afternoon we enjoyed a workshop and learnt all about river turtles and how to keep them safe. We even got to make a turtle puppet to bring back to school. Have a look at our photos. This is what we thought of the trip:

Pupil 1: I loved the bubble lift because when we went up we could see the sharks.
Pupil 2: My favourite was the puffer fish. 
Pupil 3: I liked it when we saw the divers go underwater and feed the fish.
Pupil 4: I liked watching the penguins because we saw them jumping in the water, swimming and doing rolly-pollys!

24 February
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Reading for Information: Animal Facts

The Year 2 children really enjoyed their visit to Laceby Library to explore a wide variety of books all about animals.

‘Mrs. Wink showed us fiction and non-fiction books.’
‘I told everyone that I wanted to find out information about red pandas.’
‘It was exciting because we got to look at lots of books and take some books back to school with us.’
‘We shared our animal facts with the class. I learnt lots of facts about frogs.’
‘I think we are so lucky to have a library in Laceby. I like to go every week with my mum and read books.’
‘I know lots of new animal facts now which will help me in Science.’

13 February
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

A Fond Farewell

The Year 2 children have loved being taught by our wonderful trainee teacher Miss Munger this half term. Today they all said a big thank you to her for all her hard work and amazing lessons. We will be sorry to see her go, but we wish her well for her future career!

Wednesday 12th February
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Film Night 🎥 🍿

Pupils had a wonderful evening at our Film Night, watching the Emoji movie! Pupils enjoyed snacks and drinks with their friends! A big THANK YOU to all parents and carers who supported us raising funds with the film night!!

7 February
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Fantastic Friday Winners!

Congratulations to all the Year 2 children for being this week’s top Spelling Shed spellers and also for winning the home reading challenge! Mrs. Brady was so proud of all the children that everyone got a special frog sticker! 🐸

6 February
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

A Military Campaign for Justice!

The children in Year 2 enjoyed learning all about the amazing life of Walter Tull.

"Walter was the first black professional footballer. He ended up playing for Spurs!"
"Walter became the first black British officer in the army during WWI."
"Walter had a very hard life and it was shocking to hear that he was treated so badly because of the colour of his skin."
"We found out that there is a memorial to help people learn all about Walter Tull and when we watched a 
programme about it. We saw some members of his family who are still alive today."
"It is so sad that Walter died in WWI and his family did not get a medal in his memory."

The children felt very strongly about Walter's family not receiving a Military Cross medal, like so many of the other families
who had lost an officer. So they got to work and wrote some very strongly worded letters to Sir Keir Starmer!
They were absolutely thrilled to receive a reply.

19 January
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Listening to Classical Music

The Year 2 children listened carefully to ‘Venus’ from the Planet Suite by Gustav Holst. They discussed the sounds and instruments they could hear and drew wonderful pictures to show how the music made them feel or what the music made them imagine.

‘It was very peaceful and it made me feel calm.’
‘There was a triangle that made a twinkly sound and it reminded me of a sky full of stars.’
‘I imagined that I was floating around in space in my space suit.’

19 January
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Year 2 Hook Day: A Journey Into Space!

What an incredibly amazing time Year 2 had on their cosmic hook day recently.

We met aliens and astronauts, saw stars, planets, rockets and UFOs and we even met ET!  All the costumes were fantastic!

‘I made a big rocket at home and I have been drawing space pictures.’
‘It was fun to do the big solar system jigsaw together.’
‘I really enjoyed making my space rocket. I used shiny paper and stars.’
‘We have been learning so much about space. We have been reading space books and watching videos.’
‘I enjoyed the Solar System song because it told me lots of facts about planets.’
‘We have been writing lots of interesting space facts.’
‘It was good fun to create space music with our voices. I can’t wait to do it again!’

19 January
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Look Up

On their space hook day, the Year 2 children enjoyed learning about the author Nathan Bryon. They read his book called ‘Look Up’ which was about a little girl who was lucky enough to see a meteor shower. The children answered questions about the story and wrote their own book reviews.

17 January
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

RSPB Birdwatch 2025

The Year 2 children enjoyed learning about UK birds, their needs, habitats and bird calls. They had a great time birdwatching in the school grounds. These keen twitchers kindly left lots of bird seed, fat balls and apples for the birds to enjoy!

9 January
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

The Rainbow Fish

This week Year 1s have been learning about sharing, through the wonderful book 'The Rainbow Fish'. We used drama and art and craft to make the characters in the story, re-enact the story and understand the feelings of others. 

Pupil 1: Rainbow Fish was beautiful because he was covered in sparkly scales.
Pupil 2: He was mean to the other fish and would not share his shiny scales.
Pupil 3: He asked the wise octopus what he should do and he told Rainbow Fish to share his scales and he would know happiness.
Pupil 4: We shared the pretty scales like in the story so we could all have one.
Pupil 5: We learnt that sharing makes friendship.

9 January
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Underwater Hook Day

Year 1s had a fantastic day on Wednesday as an introduction to their new learning project: Underwater Animals. We enjoyed dressing up as different underwater creatures and deep sea divers. In the morning we learnt about the Rainbow Fish.

Pupil 1: 'The Rainbow Fish was mean at the start of the book but kind at the end.'
Pupil 2: 'My favourite bit was when the Rainbow Fish shared its scales with all the other fish because they were all friends.'
Pupil 3: 'The Octopus scared me when he spoke with a deep voice.'

We shared our thoughts about the book and produced some lovely writing to display. In the afternoon we made lots of creatures using different techniques: weaving, finger painting and paper-chain making. What a fantastic day we had!

9 January
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Colour Mixing

This week Year 1s have been learning how to mix the Primary Colours and make Secondary Colours. We experimenting and found out that 
Red + Yellow = Orange
Red + Blue = Purple
Yellow + Blue = Green
We used our secondary colours to add scales to our fish.

8 January
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Year 2 PE: Gymnastics

The Year 2 children enjoyed learning some gymnastic shapes in PE. They worked in groups and it was great to see them sharing their ideas and teaching each other the different shapes.

“We have learnt the star, the straddle and the pike. I liked doing those shapes.”
“The tuck was easy, but the dish was tricky. I kept wobbling.”
“You need strong arms and feet for the front support and the back support shapes.”
“I love gymnastics because I go to a gymnastics club on a Thursday night.”

18 December
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Merry Christmas from Year 2!

The children had a wonderful Christmas party and they got very excited when a special guest arrived! Thank you Santa for taking time out of your busy schedule to visit us!

13 December
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Christmas Wellbeing

Today we had some Christmas Wellbeing time. After all our hard work preparing for and performing our concert we had some time to choose an activity we love. We listened to lovely Christmas Calm Music whilst we enjoyed our activities.

Child 1: I love to do craft with my friends.
Child 2 and 3: We like building train tracks. We made Santa's workshop and delivered the presents.
Child 4: I like a jigsaw challenge.
Child 5: We like being in the book corner, reading and sharing stories and leaving it tidy and looking good!

13 December
Posted by:
Mrs Smith


Year 1s have been learning all about Advent. We talked about the different ways in which Christians prepare for Christmas. We looked at an Advent Wreath from a church and learnt all about lighting a candle on the Sundays up to Christmas Day.

Pupil 1: I learnt that Advent is the days leading up to Christmas. That's why we have advent calendars.
Pupil 2: Some people light a candle at home and each day it burns down a little bit more.
Pupil 3: In church Christians light candles on an Advent Wreath. There are 3 purple ones and 1 pink one - that one means Joy. On Christmas day they light a white candle in the middle.
Pupil 4: In some countries children wear Advent Wreaths on their heads to celebrate advent and walk in the parade.
Pupil 5: I liked making my Advent Wreath and sticking the candles on.

13 December
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Fancy Dress

Daisy Class had a fun day last week dressing up for a fancy dress competition. Don't we look great!!

Pupil 1: Dressing up is good fun, we get to be a different character for the day.
Pupil 2: We all had a go at drawing each other in our costumes. I drew a funny elf!

13 December
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Christmas Jumper Day 2024

The Year 2 children all dressed up in colourful Christmas clothes for Christmas Jumper Day. They learnt about the Save the Children charity and how their donations could help other children. 

9 December
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Festive Singing in Laceby

The Year 2 children enjoyed singing Christmas songs at Laceby Co-op. It was great to see lots of family members who came along to support them.
Also many thanks to Glen’s shop in the High Street for all the lovely chocolates!

9 December
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Year Two Nativity Play

Well done to all the children for their amazing performance of ‘Woolly the Sheep.’ They all worked so hard and had wonderful singing, dancing, acting and speaking skills. Thank you to all the parents for the lovely costumes.

9 December
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

School Fair

Well done to all the children in Year 2 for raising £160 at the school fair. Their wooden reindeer and festive wreaths were fantastic. Many thanks to Mrs Drury for all her hard work and help making them. Also many thanks to Mrs. Bennett for her lovely knitted snowmen!

3 December
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Enchanting Christmas Stories at Laceby Library

The Year 2 children had a wonderful time visiting the library to explore some lovely Christmas stories with Mrs. Wink.
They were very keen to answer and ask lots of questions about Christmas and also the stories.
Thank you for inviting us Mrs. Wink!

"I love listening to Mrs. Wink read stories. She has a lovely voice."
"I liked choosing some Christmas stories for us to take back to school."
"I didn't know that the library has so many Christmas books. I am definitely going to go back and read some of them"

2 December
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Calendar Crafting

The Year 2 children have had great fun creating lots of fun froggy calendars. They had to
carefully read and follow all the instructions.
By making their frogs, they have improved their cutting and sticking skills and have explored colour mixing using a range of different kinds of crayons and paints. Well done everyone!

25 November
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Road Safety Week

The Year 2 children have been busy learning all about road safety. They have enjoyed making information posters and showing their friends how to cross a road safely.

25 November
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Road Safety

Mark from Humberside Fire & Safety paid us a special visit to deliver a whole school assembly this week. We have been learning about road safety in our classes through different activities. He used demonstrations and visuals to show us the importance of wearing helmets when we cycle or scooter, as well as how important it is to be visible and wear bright colours around roads. 

25 November
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Oracy in Year 1

As part of our PSHE work on friendships, we practised our oracy skills.

We were using the terms ‘I agree…’ and ‘I disagree…’

We are learning to discuss issues, and if we disagree, we have to do this politely.

Child A: ‘I think the girl is helping the boy so it’s a friendly behaviour.’
Child B: ‘I disagree because the boy looks like he has an angry face.’
Child A: ‘Oh yes, so it must be unfriendly behaviour.’

25 November
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Can We Cross The Road Safely?

Year 1s have been learning all about crossing the road safely. We had discussions, took part in some drama and drew pictures.

Pupil 1: I have to tell my grown-up to come off the phone when we cross the road.
Pupil 2: I hold a grown-ups hand to cross the road.
Pupil 3: We can use a Zebra Crossing.
Pupil 4: In Cleethorpes there is a crossing with a button to push and you wait for the green man.

25 November
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Sharing and Editing our Writing

In Year 1 we have been learning how to edit our writing by reading it to a buddie.

When we are finished, we sit on the carpet with a buddie and read our writing together.

This is helping us to spot any missing words, punctuation and also to check it makes sense.

We look forward to sharing our writing with you.
Child 1: I like to read my writing to a friend.
Child 2: My buddie will help me to get it right.
Child 3: We work together to check full stops at the end of sentences.

20 November
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Oracy Skills

Our lovely Year 2 pupil gave a wonderful 'show and tell' session for his peers. He demonstrated how to use a special dome magnifying glass to read a book and how it would help him with his reading in lessons. He also explained how to clean it and how it should be stored carefully. The children all listened very carefully.

"I've been given this magnifier to help me with my eyesight. I want everyone to see how it works."
"When a book has smaller letters, I move the magnifier across the words and it makes them look so much bigger. This will be very good for me because I will be able to read everything now!"
"It is made of glass and it is very special. I have a little cloth to clean it and it has to be put into the box carefully."
"You might get chance to use it with me when I am doing partner reading."

19 November
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Year 2 History and Remembrance

At the going down of the sun and in the morning…
We will remember them.

The children have been learning about the First World War from a wide range of sources.
They have been fascinated to learn about the life of Walter Tull and to read a special poetry book called “Where the Poppies Now Grow.”

“We watched the Cenotaph on the TV and we joined in with the two minutes’ silence. I think it is very important to remember the brave soldiers from the wars.”
“Walter Tull gave his life for our country. He was an amazing man who became the first black officer in the British Army. I have been thinking about him a lot because he was so brave.”
“It has taken a very long time before people have found out about Walter Tull. I think it is very good that he has a statue that people can visit in Northampton. I wonder if people laid poppies there?”

“The story about the poppies is a very special book because it tells the story of two friends. They played together as children, fought in the First World War and then they looked after each other when they became old.”

15 November
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

A Good Friend

As part of our learning in ‘Anti-bullying Week’, Year 1s have been looking at FRIENDLY behaviours and actions. We used drama to act out scenarios and looked at pictures of actions too. In pairs the children discussed each scenario and decided if the children in the picture were acting in a FRIENDLY or unfriendly way. We sorted the images well and all the children thought of many ways to be friendly to each other.

Child 1: We can help each other if we get stuck.
Child 2: I help my friend if he is hurt.
Child 3: It is kind to share
Child 4: Playing together is friendly
Child 5: Doing a high 5 is friendly

15 November
Posted by:
Mrs Brady and Mrs Smith

Children in Need Day

The children in Key Stage One had great fun dressing up in spotty clothes, favourite clothes and superhero costumes. They watched a special assembly all about the charity, they drew pictures of Pudsey and enjoyed some great Pudsey maths challenges. 

Year 1s have also been making ‘dancing Pudsey’

15 November
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Anti-Bullying Week 2024: Choose Respect

The Year 2 children discussed different kinds of bullying:
“Bullying is when someone hurts another person, like hitting them or saying horrible things.”
“Bullying can hurt people’s feelings.”
“Bullying is when bad things keep happening to someone. People should not be unkind.”
“If anyone was hurting me, I would tell a trusted adult like my teacher or my mum and they could help me.”

The Year 2 children explored how respect can help to stop bullying and help everyone to feel good on the inside. They thought about ways that we can show respect and kindness to others. They acted out scenarios and drew pictures.

11 November
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Year 2 Home Learning

We can't believe it! Some more amazing egg box dragons have flown into our school.
Well done everyone- they are fantastic and all very different.

4 November
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Designing, Making and Evaluating  Healthy Fruit Smoothies

The Year 2 children had some great ideas for making healthy and very fruity fruit smoothies.

They carefully selected their fresh ingredients and learnt how to prepare their smoothies using a range of techniques. Under the expert guidance of Mrs. Lawson, they whizzed up some amazing drinks.

L- I really enjoyed making my smoothie.
J- I was amazed at the lovely pink colour I got.
I- Some people's drinks were a bit sour. They needed to add sweeter fruit like I did.
E- My smoothie had a lovely smell. I think next time I would whizz it up more, so there aren't any lumpy bits at the bottom.
A- I used milk in mine, next time I would like to try adding orange juice.
O- I can't wait  to make fruit smoothies at home!

3 November
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Addition Facts

This week we have been working out addition facts with beanbags. Outside we generated different combinations of beanbags landing in and out of the hoop. We drew pictures of these and wrote number sentences to match. When we returned to the class room we recalled the addition facts. What fun we had!

Child 1: I love maths outside because it’s always easy to understand.
Child 2: I got all 5 beanbags in the hoop so 5+0=5!
Child 3: We drew four different pictures.
Child 5: I learnt how to write a number sentence.

3 November
Posted by:
Mrs Smith


Year 1s loved our celebrations on Friday 1st November as we became ‘Laceby Stanford Primary Academy’. We made cards telling others what we loved to do most in school, with the new badge on the front. Two of these went into our school Time-Capsule.

We celebrated under our balloon arch and enjoyed cakes made by cookery club. Guess What!!! They turned our tongues BLUE!

29 October
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Black History Month

For Black History Month the Year 2 children learnt all about an inspirational woman called Mae Jemison. They researched lots of information from books, fact files and video clips. 

'I found out that Mae Jemison was the first black African American woman to become an astronaut.'

'It was amazing that she achieved her dream of being an astronaut and flying into space.'

'I was shocked when I realised that people with black skin didn't get the same chances as people with white skin.'

'Mae didn't give up. She worked really hard to become a scientist and then an astronaut.'

16th October
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

🍁 Autumn Craft Event 🍁

Pupils had a wonderful Autumn craft event making and crafting lots of autumn themed activities! From Leaf faces to 3D trees… lots of crafting fun! The cherry pie and drink was yummy too!!

15 October
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Beware of the Dragons!

Look at the dragons that have arrived in Year 2! Well done everyone for your amazing egg box craft work. 

11 October
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

World Mental Health Day

The Year 2 and the Year 5 children joined together for a drink and chat to mark World Mental Health Day. They enjoyed spending time with their siblings and meeting old and new friends on Well-being Wednesday.

“It was lovely to talk to the younger children.”
“We chilled out with some relaxing colouring in.”
“I made a new friend in Year 5.”
“I liked going into Mr. Middleton’s classroom and seeing the older children.”
“Everyone was so friendly.”
“I had a chat with Mrs. Brady about music.”
“When you have a chat with someone, it can make you feel better.”
“I hope we can do this again. It was fun and interesting.”
“I looked forward to this all day.”

11 October
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Laceby Field Work Walk

Year 1s have been doing some field work around Laceby.

We have been learning about the different types of houses and looking at the age of houses.

After looking at a map of Laceby, we went on a walk to spot as many different styles of home as we could.
We found: detached, semi-detached, terraced, bungalows, cottages and even a house in the style of a Tudor house.

Pupil A: “I spotted the black stripes made out of wood”

Pupil B: “We know it’s a modern house because it has bricks as well and Tudors didn’t use bricks.” We also found Daisy Cottage, which children were fascinated to learn, used to be our school! Look out for our local artwork later this Term.

11 October
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Year 1 Reading Breakfast

This week Year 1 have hosted a special breakfast for their grown-ups to attend.

We provided fresh bread, fruit and juices for all and enjoyed sharing books.

It was great to see so many visitors joining us, thank you to those who came.

Pupils shared their views afterwards:
Pupil 1: It was great because my little sisters came too and we all shared stories.
Pupil 2: My Grandma enjoyed the bread.
Pupil 3: I showed my Mum the phonics things in our room.
Pupil 4: My brother always loves coming in to school to see me.

7 October
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Observational Drawing: A Toy Story

The Year 2 children drew favourite soft toys from observation. They added texture by applying their mark-making skills.

“I could recognise and describe the shapes I could see in my teddy and start drawing.”
“I looked carefully at the frog, so that I could add more details.”
“I can use mark-making, like cross-hatching and scribbling to add texture like the fur on the teddy.”

2 October
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

More or Less?

This week Year 1s have been solving problems of 1 more and 1 less than a given number.
We have used different materials, number lines, ten frames and today we used Lego.
It has been so much fun and we all know 1 more and 1 less than numbers to 20.

1 October
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Computing Creativity

Year 2 have been recognising how technology can be controlled. So they have been designing their own robots with screens, buttons and lights. Some robots even had remote and voice controls!

27 September
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

More Fantastic Home Learning!

Look at all the Egg Box Dragons who flew into the Year 2 classrooms this week.
Aren’t they amazing? Well done dragon creators.

20 September
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Harvest Time

The Year 2 children enjoyed a wonderful Harvest festival. Together they talked about why we celebrate the Harvest.

“We are so lucky to have enough food to eat. So when it’s the Harvest festival, we are saying thank you.”
“Christian people celebrate the Harvest and go to church. They pray and say thank you to God for all the food.”
“I think it’s about sharing.”
“Our food is going to go to Harbour Place and it will be used to make dinners for homeless people.”
“At school near the office, some of the food will be there to help anyone who needs some food.”
“We sang a song about driving tractors and that helped us remember to thank all the farmers for growing all our food.”

20 September
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Jeans for Genes Day 2024: Fundraising for the Genetic Condition Community

The KS1 children had fun wearing their jeans to school in support of the Jeans for Genes charity.

“We wanted to raise some money to help people who are poorly.”
“Some people get ill because it runs in their family. It is in their genes.”
“The money could help doctors and scientists find out how to make better medicines.”
“I think the money could be used to get poorly people nurses.”
“I liked wearing my jeans. Did you know that jeans and genes are homophones?!”

16 September
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

A Brilliant Reading Breakfast!

The Year 2 children enjoyed sharing books and delicious food with their family, friends and community members. It was great to see everyone enjoying reading together!

“I loved it because I got to read with my mum and there was yummy food like oranges, grapes and bananas. I read Paddington at Buckingham Palace and it was my favourite book.”

“It was wonderful. My mum came and I read my favourite book called Milly’s First Day of Magic School.”

“I could read my book to my mummy. It was amazing and so interesting.”

“My Dad enjoyed reading to me too.”

“I loved reading to my parents. It was fun with delicious food.”

Parent and Carers Feedback

“I really enjoy coming into school and reading with my son. It makes me feel proud of how far he has come.”

“A lovely reading breakfast, we thoroughly enjoyed it.”

“Some good reading and nice snacks.”

“Such a lovely morning at Y2 reading breakfast; thank you for organising it.”

13 September
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Reading Response

Our first book study in Year 1 is ‘Lubna and Pebble’. This story is about friendship and feelings. Lubna – a girl in the story – makes a friend out of a pebble she finds in her new home. To understand how she felt, we all made a ‘pebble friend’. We washed our pebbles and drew smiley faces on them – just as Lubna did.

We loved giving our friends a name and talking to them, pretending to be the girl in the story.

Now we are taking them home and plan to find a warm place for them to sleep, just as Lubna did in Winter.

Pupil 1: I loved pretending to get off the ship and go on the beach to find a pebble.
Pupil 2: I washed my pebble clean and now it’s got a golden smile.
Pupil 3: I think Lubna must have been lonely without a real friend.
Pupil 4: Lubna took care of her pebble friend. We take care of our real friends.

13 September
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Beware of the Dragons!

The Year 2 children are enjoying reading a story called The Adventures of Egg Box Dragon by Richard Adams. For their home learning they are beginning to make their own amazing egg box dragons. Look at the wonderful dragons that arrived this week!

8 September
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

We Are Artists: Exploring Mark Making Techniques

For their Hook Day, the Year 2 children enjoyed dressing up as artists and getting really creative! They learnt different ways to make marks, using a range of materials. They created patterned surfaces to explore texture and add detail to their drawings.

H- I liked drawing with charcoal. It is burnt wood from a willow tree and you can make light grey marks and thick black marks.
T- I’d never used graphite before. I drew thin lines and thick lines with it.
L- We learnt how to do make lots of different marks, like cross hatching, stippling and squiggling.
E- We felt the textures of different objects like feather and shells.
S- I liked using paint and making marks with feathers, sticks, straws and Lego bricks. We made all our marks look like different textures.
M- I liked listening to the story called ‘Paddington the Artist.’ Paddington was a good painter.
E- It was fun to dress up and look at famous paintings in the art gallery online.

6 September
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Hook Day

Year 1 enjoyed a special ‘Elmer Day’ on Friday as a start to learning about friendship and individuality.
We read Elmer the book by David McKee and learnt that we are all special as individuals. We also learnt that friends are so important.
Our activities included: making Friendship Flowers, making friendship bracelets, painting Elmer for a display, designing our own elephant celebration outfits and creating a long paperchain in Elmer’s bright colours. We had a fantastic day.

Pupil 1: It has been the best day!
Pupil 2: I brought an Elmer book to school and we shared the story.
Pupil 3: I loved threading beads to make my bracelet.
Pupil 4: We get to take our bracelet home!

Look at our photos to see the fun we had.