....Swimming starts on 21st March.....
....EYFS Reading Picnic 24th March 2.30pm.....
....Y1 Learning Share 28th March 2.30pm.....
....Y5 Bikability 31st March .....
....Film Night 2nd April.....
....Easter holidays - Early Finish on 4th April at 2.30pm.....
.... Polite reminder gates close at 8.50am ....

Welcome to Laceby Stanford Primary Academy

On behalf of the children, staff and governors we wish you a very warm welcome.

At Laceby Stanford Primary Academy we believe our role is to ensure that all of our children achieve the best they possibly can in an environment that stimulates a love of learning. We support our children to succeed academically, socially, personally and physically. We are extremely proud of our broad and balanced curriculum, which the children are fully engaged in.

The school environment is wonderful and we all ensure our school is a calm and safe place where children feel they are able to ask for support and advice.

Within our village school we continually work hard to keep developing a team of teachers, non-teaching and support staff that support each child in reaching their potential. Visitors comment on our supportive and friendly team and the positive atmosphere within our school.

We hope, as you visit our website, you will gain a sense of the value that we place in each child and our relentless aim to ensure high standards in all areas. Please feel free to contact the school if you would like any further information. We are always happy to help and look forward to showing you our wonderful school.

Mrs L Hackfath
Head Teacher

Contact the

Follow Us On Facebook!

 Keep up to date with the latest goings-on in school via our fantastic Facebook page. Scroll down to see our latest learning!

Weekly Attendance Winners

Week Beginning 24th February


Class attendance winners for this week:
Buttercup with 98.8%

Attendance Figures

Paper copies of documents on our website are available on request.

Please contact your child’s class teacher in the first instance if you have any concerns. If you have general enquiries please contact the school office/ Miss King, Schools Business Manager.

News and Reminders

September New Starters

If your child is due to start school with us in September, take a look at this new Government Advice Leaflet. It's full of useful information to support you and your child through this transition. We are looking forward to meeting you too.

See the Starting Reception Leaflet

Coffee Mornings

Over the next coming terms we will be hosting a series of coffee mornings for parents from different year groups to come into school and celebrate our community! The first coffee mornings will be for for year 4 parents. Zowie from Compass Go will also be in attendance if you have any questions for her.

💖🍕You got a Pizza my heart 🍕 💖

A wonderful Valentine themed lunch! Thank you to Wellspring catering team for organising this event! A lunch filled with friendship and love!

Wraparound Childcare

You can see our before and after school provision on our Clubs page.

Wind Turbine 

Thank you to Mr Kemp from Caistor Lions for visiting our school and donating the wind turbine model - lots of exciting STEM work planned. Watch this space! Caistor Lions also have donated funds for our enrichment clubs which we are really grateful for too - Mr Kemp enjoyed seeing the sewing and science work we have done! Well done everyone!

Attendance Matters

Don't forget that children should not arrive before 8.45 am unless they are taking part in a pre-school club. Registration is 8.50 am.

Please let us know by 9.15 am if your child is ill and going to miss school.

Introducing Stanford’s Community Pantry - A Place of Support and Sharing! 🛒❤️

We are thrilled to introduce and open our Community Pantry.

🛍️ What is the Stanford Community Pantry, you might wonder? It's a pantry filled with care, generosity, and essential items right here in our school. Whether you want to contribute or need a helping hand, this is the space to connect.

🤗 How it Works:

  1. Give: Have some extra baby supplies, snacks, or essentials? Share them in our pantry for fellow parents. Let's create a nurturing environment together!
  2. Take What You Need: If you find yourself running low on supplies or facing a challenging day, visit the pantry to pick up some essentials. We're here to support each other without judgment.

🕐 Location & Access:

Our Stanford Community Pantry is conveniently located in the Reception main office. It's accessible 9:00am - 4:300pm, making it easy for you to use when it suits your schedule.

🤩 Join us in building a fantastic support system! Share your surplus or receive assistance when you require it. Let's strengthen our parent community, one act of kindness at a time. 💪

Thank you for being part of our extraordinary parent community. Together, we can make life a little easier and more joyful for all our families. 💞👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 #ParentingTogether #SupportingParents #SharingIsCaring

Measles / MMR vaccination

Measles cases are rising across the country, with over 102,000 children starting primary school in England being at risk of catching the disease.

Measles is highly infectious and if left unvaccinated nine out of ten children in a classroom can catch the disease if just one child is infectious.

Be a Swap Rockstar!

Take a look at the leaflet and website for great ideas on how to make healthy food choices for the whole family.

Swap Rockstar Leaflet

Swap Rockstar website

"Ask For Jesse"

Have you heard about Boots' scheme, 'Ask for Jesse'?

Boots UK is working in partnership with The Hygiene Bank to help close the hygiene poverty gap by providing free dental products to vulnerable families.

(Fun fact: Jesse Boot was the son of John Boot, who founded The Boots Company. However, it was Jesse that transformed Boots into a national retailer).


Parking at School: a message from the Road Safety Education Team

“It has been brought to the attention of the Road Safety Team that parents at this school are parking dangerously and irresponsibly in the area around Stanford School and causing unnecessary problems for residents as well as safety concerns for the children/parents walking to school.

  1. Yellow zig zag lines outside schools indicate the length of road where stopping is strictly prohibited during the times shown on the upright sign. In the case of Stanford School vehicles must not stop on these markings Monday to Friday between the hours of 8.00am to 9.00am and 3pm to 4pm. Any vehicle which is observed to be stopped on the zig zags may receive an instant Penalty Charge Notice.  The zig zags lines are there to safeguard children’s lives as they allow a clear view of the road.
  2. The Single Yellow Line near the school indicates that drivers must not wait in these areas and are much the same as a double yellow line except they only apply during certain times. The hours of operation of the Single Yellow Line restrictions in this area are Monday to Friday 8am-5pm. Drivers are allowed to stop on Single Yellow Lines to drop off or pick up passengers however, this should only be where the driver feels it is safe to do so and the vehicle should only be stopped for as long as it takes to get the passenger in or out of the vehicle. If parents wish to accompany their child into school we would strongly advise they park in a location that is not subject to any parking restrictions, in order to avoid receiving a Penalty Charge Notice.

We have scheduled regular visits from the Civil Enforcement Officers to monitor the area and may issue Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) to parents parked in contravention of the markings.  These restrictions are in place for the safety of all children/parents at your school.

We thank all parents who comply with current restrictions and would like to take the opportunity to remind all drivers to park legally, safely and with consideration for local residents who live in the area.

The Road Safety team and Stanford School will work closely together to ensure the safety of ALL pupils going to and from school and take the appropriate measures to stop dangerous and illegal parking.”

Kind regards,




School Nurse

The school nurse now has a duty line between 3-5pm. Parents can contact the nurse on 01472 323660 in order to gain advice and support.

Learning Powers at Stanford. Which learning powers do you use?

Letters to Parents

Useful Numbers

Childline - 0800 1111

NSPCC - 0808 800 5000

Families FIrst

Safeguarding &
Child Protection


Our 5C's

NHS inform helpline

If you feel unwell or have a clinical question, please contact your GP or the 111 service.

If you’re well, but have a question about your health or local NHS services, phone our helpline on 0800 22 44 88.
Our helpline is open 7 days a week, from 8.00am to 8.00pm.

Heads Together
mental health initiative 

School Games Silver Award Music Mark International Schools Award Intermediate Woodland Trust Green Tree School - Gold Award Achievement for all - Quality Mark 2017 Silver Healthy Places Award ELSA Quality Mark - EBBSA Aware