
The PE curriculum at Laceby Stanford Primary Academy is unique. It is broad and balanced with a breadth of engaging opportunities. It is our intent to teach children skills through PE that will positively impact on their future. We aim to deliver high-quality teaching and learning opportunities that inspire all children to succeed in physical activities. We want to teach children how to cooperate and collaborate with others, as part of a team, understanding fairness and equity of play to embed life-long values.


The PE curriculum is purposeful and relevant to the pupils. The knowledge and skills pupils acquire, build on their previous learning, allowing them to transfer key skills, knowledge and concepts to their long-term memories. Pupils at Laceby Stanford Primary Academy participate in weekly high quality PE and sporting activities. Our PE programme incorporates a variety of sports to ensure all children develop the confidence, tolerance and the appreciation of their own and others’ strengths and weaknesses. We provide opportunities for all children to engage in extra-curricular activities before, during and after school, in addition to competitive sporting events. This is an inclusive approach which endeavours to encourage not only physical development but also well-being. Children are invited to attend many extra-curricular competitions across the year and are also encouraged to take part in active learning across the curriculum and through a range of PE equipment being available at break times. Pupils are encouraged to develop initiative and leadership skills and to acquire positive attitudes towards physical activities. They are helped to make informed decisions concerning a healthy lifestyle. Through this we hope to provide a lasting legacy of sporting enjoyment and success for our pupils both now and in their future lives.


We are proud of the achievements of our pupils in PE. Our pupils fluently apply their skills and knowledge within PE and make connections to their existing knowledge and to other curriculum areas. At Laceby Stanford Primary Academy, we ensure that our PE curriculum is progressive and allows children to develop fundamental skills and apply them to a variety of sports and activities. All children are provided with the skills and given opportunities to demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best. Our pupils are physically active and this has positive implications on their learning in the classroom. Children understand how to lead a healthy lifestyle and understand the importance of exercise. We are very proud that our PE learning has recently achieved the Silver School Games Mark.

🏀 Yr 3&4 Dodgeball Competition 🏀

Today these children took on 11 other teams at a dodgeball tournament, they showed amazing teamwork.. played with great enthusiasm and proved to be an excellent team after finishing 4th overall out of 12 schools!! More importantly these pupils had the best time learning many different rules and ways to play, they even tweaked their own tactics at one point between them.. amazing to see them leading and making changes if they felt they needed to. They represented the school with great pride 😁 The whole school are so proud of them, well done Dodgeballers 👏

Year 2 PE: Gymnastics

The Year 2 children enjoyed learning some gymnastic shapes in PE. They worked in groups and it was great to see them sharing their ideas and teaching each other the different shapes.

“We have learnt the star, the straddle and the pike. I liked doing those shapes.”
“The tuck was easy, but the dish was tricky. I kept wobbling.”
“You need strong arms and feet for the front support and the back support shapes.”
“I love gymnastics because I go to a gymnastics club on a Thursday night.”


Barley Basketball tournament

To conclude their sessions in basketball, Year 6 pupils took part in a tournament, applying their dribbling, passing and shooting skills to gain as many points, playing against each other.

There were some fantastic skills and amazing teamwork.. well done to our winning team!!

Basketball Shooting

Year 6 pupils focused on shooting in PE this week using the BEEF method: Balance, elbow, eyes and follow through. Pupils worked together to use the skills they’ve been learning to manoeuvre the ball towards the hoop… dribble, pass, shoot.

There was some fantastic shooting with great teamwork! Well done Year 6!

⚽️ Girls football tournament ⚽️

Yesterday the girls took part in the yr 5/6 football tournament where they showcased fantastic team work, effort and determination. Although results maybe didn’t quite go their way, they played with great big smiles on their faces throughout and showed the real Stanford spirit to keep going right until the end ❤️⚽️

Well done girls, we’re super proud of you!!! 👏

⚽️ Year 5&6 boys football tournament ⚽️

We are all extremely proud of these boys that took on a tough football tournament this afternoon where they competed with 12 other teams. They showed some amazing teamwork and great attitudes, the real Stanford way! 😁

It was a tough challenge where the boys were just 1 point away from finishing joint 1st of the group and go into the final but it wasn’t meant to be. They did however have a 3rd place play off game to play which they won 1-0 to secure a higher finish overall, all whilst conceding just 1 goal in all 6 games they played.

Well done boys, you were super! 💥⚽️


This half term in Year 3 P.E. we are focusing on football. Today we have been developing movement skills to lose a defender and move into a space. We had to make sure we used different parts of our foot to control the ball as well as thinking about how we can keep possession from the opposition. 

"I have been using the side of my foot to move the ball to where I needed it to go"
"I need to remember to shout to my team mates when I'm ready to get the ball"
"I've found passing a lot harder than I thought I would"


Year 6 will be learning about the sport Basketball this half term. For the first session we focused on dribbling and the skill of control and speed to keep the defender from gaining possession of the ball. This then developed in small games to help practise this skill. We had such a great lesson and showed some great skills. Our hands showed how hard we worked… muddy but great fun!! 🤩


Walking To Pa2is Event

Year 1 and Year 5 enjoyed an amazing event together this week. Celebrating the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, we all GOT ACTIVE and had a great deal of fun!

The carefully planned route took us through a park, a football field and past many buildings in Laceby; but the highlight for most was the walk through the very long grass in a field! Year 1 children thought it was like a Bear Hunt – SWISHY SWASHY! Year 5 pupils enjoyed looking after the Year 1s, keeping them safe and having lots of conversations en-route.

When we returned to class Year 1s drew their favourite moment from the walk and I’m sure you’ll agree their pictures are FABULOUS.

Rio Daodu

It was wonderful to see Rio Daodu at our Key Stage 2 Sports day! Rio, who attended Stanford School, is an amazing, talented swimmer who recently reached the Olympic trials! Rio qualified for the 100m men's backstroke and 100m men's butterfly in the 2024 British Championships, which were held in London, and which also doubled up as the Olympic trials. Amazingly, he reached the Junior finals on the same day, eventually coming in seventh in both races.

A true inspiration to our pupils, showing dedication and commitment, chasing his dreams! We look forward to Rio visiting our pupils and sharing his swimming joirney and amazing achievements- we are so proud of you Rio! 😀🌟

Sports Days

Our amazing refreshments, fresh produce, cakes and ice lollies went down a treat at both our Sports Day… raising over £100! Thank you to all that bought these- we always appreciate your support! 🌟

KS2 Sports Day

🏅🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️ On Thursday morning, our Key Stage 2 students showcased their incredible athleticism, teamwork and team spirit at Sports Day! A big round of applause to all our pupils for their enthusiasm and effort in the races. 👏👏 Special thanks to Mrs. Smith and Mr. Marshall for organising and running the day so smoothly! Thank you to the staff, parent helpers and Governors who helped and supported the event🌟 A huge shoutout to the parents and carers who supported and cheered on our pupils!!

FS and KS1 Sports Day!

On Tuesday we had a fabulous morning of sports with our Foundation and Key Stage 1 pupils! Everyone tried their very best and it was great to have the support of parents and carers who attended. The behaviour of the children was amazing and they all showed a great sporting spirit. I'm sure you will join us in feeling proud of our school and all the children for such an amazing event! A wonderful event!

🏊‍♀️Swimming Gala 2024 🏊‍♀️

Pupils from Years 4,5 and 6 had a fantastic afternoon last week at the Swimming Gala!

Competing in a range of events from front crawl to freestyle, individual and relay races, the pupils showed their swimming talents!

ALL of the pupils were absolutely incredible, and showed great determination! Throughout the races, the pupils showed excellent sportsmanship by cheering their peers on and had such team spirit.

Because of this and their amazing swimming talents Stanford School came 3rd place!! 🥉

Thank you to the staff and our parents/ carers who came to support and cheer our amazing team on!!

Well done!! We are all so proud of you!! 🏆

Intra School Competition

Buttercup Class

Buttercup class has great fun and learnt lots of skills taking part in their first intra school sporting event.   Some KS2 pupils also did a fantastic job in their role coaching, supporting and encouraging.

Year 2

The Year 2 children had great fun competing against each other and developing their skills at throwing the javelin. Everyone tried their best and cheered each other on! Well done Year 2.

Barley Class

Barley class took part in our intra school competition this week where the sport was javelin!

Pupils gained points for their house team depending on the distance- the further the distance, the more points they earned!

A fantastic event where pupils showcased their athletic skills- great work!!

🧘 Yoga 🧘

Barley class have started to learn about yoga and the benefits of this. In this session pupils looked at different yoga positions, transitioning from one to the other, focusing on their breathing and core strength.

Year 6 PE

This week in PE we were working together as a small group to create a dance phrase that was repeated and involved movement. We used a video as the stimulus to create a short dance piece with confidence. Pupils took different elements from the basic dance skills; actions, dynamics, space and relationships and incorporated them into their dance phrase. Groups then performed and gave positive feedback.

‘ I really enjoyed this PE lesson!’

Handball 🤾‍♀️

Over this half term, Barley class have been learning different skills in PE to enable them to play handball. From learning different passes to defending techniques, pupils have started to use these skills in a competitive game- great work!

Year 1 - Animal Gymnastics

In PE we were looking at moving around the hall in different ways and at different levels pretending to be animals. If they encountered puddles (mats) they had to slither like snakes, on treetops (benches) they moved like giraffes and tree frogs, at the burrows (hoops) they were rabbits and anywhere else they would be any animal of their choosing. The children really enjoyed this and had lots of fun!

Sporting achievements

We love celebrating the sporting achievements of our pupils outside of school! A huge Well done on your swimming achievement 🌟

Year 4 Basketball Skills

Y4 have been practising a range of skills to prepare them for playing basketball games. We have looked at different techniques for dribbling and movement, how to gain possession of the ball from the other team, and how to successfully shoot hoops. We have listened carefully to the rules and look forward to putting all the skills together for a game.


Today Pumpkin Class have been practicing their basketball skills. We have practiced shooting, dribbling, and defending. We have been working really hard at remembering to bounce the ball whilst moving.

Rounders: Bowling skills

This week in PE, Year 6 pupils were developing their bowling skills under pressure whilst abiding by rules of a game. Pupils worked in small teams to learn how to bowl using the underarm technique, increasing the distance over time.

Invasion Games

Year 5 have enjoyed getting involved in different invasion games this term in PE. We have been focusing on using our communication and teamwork to work together and win the game- this weeks game was steal the bacon and it was great fun!

Girls Football Team

These girls are just amazing!

Although they were the youngest team at the tournament today, they played with their hearts on their sleeves. Win/lose/draw they had big smiles on their faces right to the end. Mr Marshall and Stanford school couldn't be prouder, well-done girls ⚽😊

Football Crazy!!

Well done to the boys who recently represented the school playing football. They were amazing ambassadors for the school showing determination, teamwork and sportsmanship. Their smiles say it all.

KS1 Sports Day!

Today we had a fabulous morning of sports. Everyone tried their very best and it was great to have the support of parents and carers who attended. The behaviour of the children was amazing and they all showed a great sporting spirit. I'm sure you will join us in feeling proud of our school and all the children for such an amazing event. A big thank you to both Mrs Smiths and all the teachers involved for making this such a positive day.

Pumpkin Class

The children were all buzzing after a fantastic morning of sporting activities.

H- It was awesome! I loved all the races.

V- I took part in some races and I also enjoyed scoring.

J- It was a lot of fun. My mum came to watch me.

L- I liked running very fast. M- It was nice to do activities with the younger children. I liked helping them. I think I’ve made some new friends.

J- Everyone won stickers and everyone had a brilliant time!

KS2 Girls football ⚽️

Another fantastic friendly match tonight, this time with our KS2 girls, playing Wybers Wood Academy. The girls were phenomenal, winning all 3 of their games- amazing team work, great goals! Well done girls! ⭐️

Thank you to our parents and family members for supporting and to Mr Marshall and Mr Dunn for supporting!

Year 3/4 football match ⚽️

Last week our amazing year 3/4 football team played a friendly match against Wybers Wood Primary. They scored some great goals, worked brilliantly as a team and did the school proud as always! Well done! Amazing! 🌟

Thank you to our parents and family members for supporting!


Today in Year 1 P.E we have been learning all about throwing. We used beanbags to practice our underarm and overarm throwing skills. We had to make sure that our partner was ready to receive the beanbag and ready to catch. Next week we are going progress the skills we have learnt today by using balls.

Year 6 Brownlee Foundation Triathlon 🏊‍♀️ 🏃‍♀️ 🚲

Our Year 6 pupils have had a wonderful day today at the Brownlee Foundation Triathlon! Giving the pupils an opportunity to experience something new, in a non competitive event was the focus of the day… as well as having fun! Each pupil swam 50m, completed an 800m cycle and then a 300m run. It was amazing to see the children cheering each other on and thoroughly enjoying themselves! They had a fantastic day and each left with a goody bag, T-shirt and medals to remember this amazing opportunity!

I- I loved today, it was fun to do something new and even better that I could do it with my friends!

L- Can we do it again!? I loved it!

Sports for Champion Sponsored Event

Pumpkin Class

Liz Mcternan (a champion para triathlete) visited our school this week. Pumpkin Class had a wonderful time taking part in her fitness circuit. Thank you to everyone who raised some sponsor money.

Willow Class

Liz Mcternan (a champion para triathlete) visited our school this week. Willow Class worked off some energy and had great fun taking part in her fitness circuit. Thank you to everyone who raised some sponsor money.

Year 6

We had a fantastic morning with our Sports for Champion para triathlete Liz McTernan! Year 6 took part in their fitness circuit challenge with enthusiasm- well done!

Walk to School Week

Thank you for supporting us with our walk to school week yet again. Our aim this year was to try to keep Cooper Lane free from school traffic, on Wednesday in particular. We also wanted to promote the benefits of walking to school for our physical and mental health. The Travel Plan Group - made up of pupils, governors and staff - prepared designs for some stickers that were shared with everyone who participated. We had a great push this year, with some classes having as many as 100% of pupils being able to walk to school on Wednesday! Thank you for supporting us with this important initiative.

Ramsden’s Girls Cup

Our Year 5 and 6 girls football team took part in the Ramsden’s girls cup this week, playing against local schools. The girls played brilliantly, worked amazing as a team and showed their skills and confidence in each game! Well done girls! ⭐️ ⚽️

Juniper Class Dance

Juniper class had a lot of fun learning a new type of dance in PE. Dance by chance is where you associate dance moves with numbers and then jumble the numbers up to give different routines. We listened to some music and had a really good first try at this type of dance!

Year 3 - Dance: Industrial Factories

We have started a new PE unit of dance - Industrial Factories. The children looked at different machinery - cogs, pistons and levers and thought about how they could make the movements of a machine to industrial music.

We are Gymnasts!

Year 1

This half term in P.E year 1 are focusing on Gymnastics. To start our topic off we explored travelling movements. We used different levels to show the height of different animals. 

"I was tall because I was a Giraffe"
"I was small because I was a turtle"

Year 3

This term we have been learning about gymnastics - balancing using different parts of our bodies and creating sequences of jumps and rolls. In this session we looked at creating interesting balances where the children had to support each other.

Year 3 - Mental Health Superpowers

As a part of our weekly yoga activities we learnt about developing our mental health superpowers - visualisation, breathing, affirmation, movement & relaxation.

What a wonderful way to end the week.....and half term!


Year 3

The children have lots of fun talking parts in yoga sessions each week. It is a great opportunity to clear your mind, stretch your muscles and build your strength and balance.

Year 6

Miss Gibbard led our well-being and physical activity with yoga! We were able to learn different poses in Yoga such as the cobra and lotus. It made us feel very calm and we were able to use our breathing techniques to support this!


In PE, we started our new topic- Gymnastics. We had a great session led by Mr Boswell, learning a number of different rolls, such as a forward roll and learning how to make different shapes with our bodies