Stanford School is an inclusive school. We can offer a wide range of support to ensure that all children make good progress and are happy in school.
SENCO: Mrs Hill
SEND Governor: Mrs Wink
Learning Mentor: Mrs Jones
The SEND Code of Practice makes it clear that the governing body/trustees or proprietor of all schools and academies must publish a report containing SEND information. This report must set out their arrangements on its website for identifying, assessing and making provision for pupils/students with SEND.
We have set out our SEND information in the following parent-friendly format which we trust you will find helpful.
Should you have any queries, please don't hesitate to contact the school office and ask to speak to Mrs Hill, our SENCo.
SENDIASS is now in-house with the Local Authority, but is still the same free, confidential, and impartial service that it was before.
Our priority is to offer parent carers and young people within the area accurate advice and guidance on a variety of SEND topics.
We are a very small team, and we are developing the offer for you all the time.
We are establishing new links with other support groups as well as maintaining the useful links we have already.
We have an answer machine on our contact phone number or an email address of where you can contact us, and we aim to respond within three working days.
Our new website is: external site .
Follow us on the new Facebook page: Sendiass North East Lincolnshire | Facebook- external site .
North East Lincolnshire SENDIASS
They have also launched theirSpecial Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Local Offer website!
The Local Offer is updated regularly with updates from local services, links to SEND support, learning, fun and advice for SEND children and young people, their parents and carers and professionals.
YMM are offering training for parents and carers, which is as always aiming to help increase understanding of mental health issues and build confidence in supporting their own children in the family home.
YMM currently have online sessions for:
All of YMM training is accessed via the Young Minds Matter website.
Oak National Academy SEND curriculum
A group of our Learners made planters in preparation for our Christmas Fayre. The plants were kindly donated by Pennells Garden Centre.