Implementation: The Art and Design curriculum is purposeful and relevant to the pupils. The knowledge and skills pupils acquire, build on their previous learning, allowing them to transfer key skills, knowledge and concepts to their long-term memories.
Impact: We are proud of the achievements of our pupils in Art and Design. Our pupils fluently apply their skills and knowledge within Art and Design and make connections to their existing knowledge and to other curriculum areas.
At Stanford School, pupils are encouraged to develop their understanding and enjoyment of a variety of media and processes so that they can record, communicate and express their ideas, thoughts and feelings in many different ways. The pupils gain a developing awareness of the wide range of work by artists and designers from different times and cultures including those from their own locality. The pupils are encouraged to respond and evaluate their own and other’s work.
We have visiting artists to the school to enhance the pupil’s knowledge and learning and to provide further inspiration.
Our Intent: For Art and Design at Stanford School we offer the children:
From the Early Years to Year 6 children develop a wide range of art skills and use these to create fantastic work to display.
A parents guide to the new National Curriculum (not Foundation/Seedlngs class). More information can be found on the Rising Stars website
Exploring Mark Making Techniques
Year 1 and 2 Collaboration Work: Imagining Sarah Stanford
Using Art to express ourselves
Pumpkin class make Frottage pictures
Combining art skills - Avocados
Drawing: Exploring Mark Making TechniquesDrawing: Exploring Mark Making Techniques
Art at Humber Bridge Country Park
Considering composition and proportion when planning a still life
Year 3 - Romans on the Rampage
For their Hook Day, the Year 2 children enjoyed dressing up as artists and getting really creative! They learnt different ways to make marks, using a range of materials. They created patterned surfaces to explore texture and add detail to their drawings.
H- I liked drawing with charcoal. It is burnt wood from a willow tree and you can make light grey marks and thick black marks.
T- I’d never used graphite before. I drew thin lines and thick lines with it.
L- We learnt how to do make lots of different marks, like cross hatching, stippling and squiggling.
E- We felt the textures of different objects like feather and shells.
S- I liked using paint and making marks with feathers, sticks, straws and Lego bricks. We made all our marks look like different textures.
M- I liked listening to the story called ‘Paddington the Artist.’ Paddington was a good painter.
E- It was fun to dress up and look at famous paintings in the art gallery online.
On our transition week the class learnt about Anglo Saxons and the amazing brooches that they made. We tried to make some ourselves using cardboard, string, tin foil and gems. Don’t they look amazing on our Art Gallery display?
In art this week we created our own Georgia O’Keeffe inspired abstract drawings.
In a framed section, we sketched what we could see, including the lines and outlines of shapes into one of the rectangles. We then chose one composition to draw as a final piece on a larger scale. This linked to work we had already completed in science linking to plants, so we could already scientifically name the different parts we were drawing.
“I used oil pastels to shade my art work in”
“I chose to draw the leaf”
“I liked looking at all the different flowers that people have grown for our school to look nice”
Year 1 and Year 5 enjoyed an amazing event together this week. Celebrating the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, we all GOT ACTIVE and had a great deal of fun!
The carefully planned route took us through a park, a football field and past many buildings in Laceby; but the highlight for most was the walk through the very long grass in a field! Year 1 children thought it was like a Bear Hunt – SWISHY SWASHY! Year 5 pupils enjoyed looking after the Year 1s, keeping them safe and having lots of conversations en-route.
When we returned to class Year 1s drew their favourite moment from the walk and I’m sure you’ll agree their pictures are FABULOUS.
The children realised that there aren’t any photographs, paintings or drawings of Sarah Stanford.
They tried to imagine what she might have looked like. Together they researched clothing in the 1700s. They looked at paintings and portraits of ladies and produced sketches and finished drawings.
“I think her clothes would have been made from beautiful fabric because she was a rich lady.”
“She would have worn a long dress and a smart hat.”
“Ladies in the 1700s had big skirts and I think she would have worn a big skirt with a bustle at the back.”
“Sarah Stanford would have a kind face because she was a kind lady leaving money to build Stanford School.”
“I think she was an old lady, so I have given her grey hair and wrinkles.”
“I have drawn Sarah Stanford with a fancy hat and lots of decorations on her clothes. I think she might have worn jewels.”
“There aren’t any photos of her because cameras hadn’t been invented then.”
“I gave Sarah a blue dress like the Stanford badge.”
This week in year 6, we were being artists 🧑🎨 We have started a new project focussing on the concept of self and today we learnt about how art can be used to express ourselves. We analyzed the sculptural works of Nicola Anthony and Yinka Shinibare and then we were set a challenge to plan, create and evaluate a sculptural piece that expresses something about us using limited natural/recycled resources including: newspaper, sticks, leaves, stones, cardboard, wire and wool. The resilience and determination shown through this lesson was superb and the final products are fantastic! 🎨🖌️
In art this term Year 1s are looking at 3D pictures, these are created using paper and card.
Children have learnt to fold, bend, twist, cut and glue paper in order to form different shapes. These are then attached to a base – which acts as the background to their picture.
First we learnt how to create cylinders and attach these to a base.
This week we have created loops, twists, spirals, zig-zags and tables. We love creating these 3-Dimensional pictures. We hope you like them too.
Pumpkin class have been joining materials in different ways this week in art. We tried to secure our 3D shapes in different ways, and used team work to problem solve. Some of the techniques we used were slotting and tabs.
“I rolled my card to make it three dimensional”
“To make my ‘stairs’ I folded the card forwards and backwards”
Barley class have been studying Lubaina Himid this week, exploring how art is used to convey messages and raise awareness of cultural and social issues. Pupils first worked in pairs to draw a piece of art by Himid- one was the described, the other the interpreter, this was trickier than we thought!!
The Year 2 children have been out on a texture hunt around the school grounds and they have photographed some really interesting textures and patterns. They had great observational skills as they looked closely at every day items and natural objects. Here are a few examples of their
wonderful work.
Year 1s have combined an artist study with their colour mixing skills this week. They have been looking at this piece of art work by Jasper Johns called ‘Numbers in Colour’. They then recalled their mixing of Primary Colours to make Secondary colours and used these to re-create his work of art. Look at our fantastic results:
Today in Art Pumpkin Class explored how natural products produce pigments to make different colours, we used different spices as our pigments.
As well as this, another group used different materials to recreate the rough texture of a cave wall, ready to paint over the surface when it is dry using the pigmented paint. We will be continuing this activity next week so that both groups have had a good at doing both activities!
The children have been developing their knowledge of colour mixing.
They can name the primary and secondary colours and describe what happens when they mix two secondary colours.
C- It was fun to drip and splash paint. I kept moving my paper around so the colours mixed.
C- Painting like this reminded me of the artist Jackson Pollock. Mrs. Brady showed us a video of him and we found out how he splashed paint on to really big pieces of paper on the floor. I would like to do that.
M- I made lots of different colours. I liked the different shades of purple that I made.
H- It was a bit messy, but I enjoyed watching my paint splatter and run on to the wet paper.
In Art this week we took rubbings of different textures to make Frottage art work. We them ripped the paper of the rubbings to make a textured flower picture inspired by artist Maud Purdy.
This term, year 4 have been learning about a range of skills to draw and paint still-life. We learned how to tint and shade, as well as particular techniques such as stippling, dabbing, creating a wash, etc. We combined these skills to draw and paint some avocados this week. We were really pleased with the results!
This week, year 4 contributed their work to the metal flowers project. We learned about the work of the artist Barbara Hepworth and looked at her use of shapes, lines and colours. We used this to inspire the abstract art that we painted onto the flowers. We came up with our designs first and then used different tools to paint with, including brushes, cutlery and even gift cards. It was a really enjoyable afternoon and we are proud of our work.
Year 6 pupils learnt about the drawing and painting technique of chiaroscuro in art this week. They applied their understanding of using light and dark to create form and impact to create Maya- inspired word art. Well done Barley class, these are incredible! 🤩
Today Pumpkin class were the first class to start the metal flowers project with VANEL. Year 3 created designs linking to their class artist Maud Purdy. They then painted these designs onto the metal flowers using key terms such as strokes, light, dark, pattern, layering. We were then joined by year 2 who came to have a look at how we were getting on and looking at the different designs we had created!
"I had lots of fun painting"
"I think they looked really pretty once they were finished"
"I liked mixing different colours to get the colour I wanted"
"I can't wait to see all the flowers when they are up!"
Year 6 pupils have been using the Maya belief that everyone has a spirit companion to discover their own as a drawing. Using combined inspiration from the Maya and the style of modern artist Dan Fenelon, pupils developed their symbols to represent themselves, creating a drawn tile of line, pattern and colour. They then used different media to bring their art to life!
Today in art we have been using our designs to make Egyptian scrolls on papyrus paper we have previously made. We worked out what information we wanted to convey onto our scrolls using imagery, colours and patterns.
The children Year 2 have been finding out all about the life of American artist, Alma Thomas. They were very shocked to learn that during her life she had been treated very unfairly because of the colour of her skin. The children learnt the meanings of the words; ‘racism’ and ‘discrimination'. The children enjoyed exploring her art work and found her colourful pictures inspiring, and so they decided to create some of their own.
The children have been learning about Mayan Art. They learnt about Diego Rivera who likes to create murals on buildings in Mexico. They were then given examples of Mayan Art for them to use to create a mood board in their sketch books.
We used natural material to create our faces.
For their Hook Day, the Year 2 children enjoyed dressing up as artists and getting really creative! They learnt different ways to make marks, using a range of materials. They created patterned surfaces to explore texture and add detail to their drawings.
W- I had never used charcoal before. I found out that it is burnt wood from a willow tree.
K- If you press on with charcoal, you get a darker colour. If you use it sideways and add some white chalk, it makes a softer grey colour.
S- We learnt how to do cross hatching.
L- I made lots of different marks with my pencil crayons. I loved squiggling and stippling.
E- I loved being an artist and I think I enjoyed painting outside the best!
C- I painted like Jackson Pollock. I loved splattering the paint! M- We did observational drawing. Some people drew toy frogs and some people drew teddies. When I drew Mrs. Brady’s teddy, I made marks like fur to show the texture.
M- I enjoyed some stories about artists. I liked ‘Paddington the Artist.’
J- It was good to visit an art gallery (virtually).
Year 5 have enjoyed getting back into their learning this term! We have started looking at portraits in Art, using and mastering some different techniques. Today, we tried drawing ourselves using the continuous line method- we had to try our best to not take our pencil off the paper! We can't wait to develop these over the coming weeks!
The Year 2 children have really enjoyed their visits to Laceby Library this term.
Mrs. Wink has inspired everyone to enjoy reading a wide range of books.
Mrs. Wink asked the children for lots of ideas for an adventure story that she wanted to write for them. The children thought of lots of weird and wonderful ideas, such as a castle with a forest and beach, animals and monsters enjoying a sports day with Pokemon spectators and unusual food being eaten like ladybird sandwiches. The children came up with lots and lots of ideas.
Today, Mrs. Wink wowed them with her amazing story. She had included all of their ideas! The children loved listening to her read it and then were inspired to draw illustrations for her story. They decided on the title of the story: ‘The Wonderful Outside: The Best Summer Holiday Ever!’
Thank you so much Mrs. Wink. We have really enjoyed working with your this term!
The Year 2 children enjoyed creating art work at The Humber Bridge Country Park. They had lots of fun creating natural sculptures with clay and sketching observational pictures of The Humber Bridge.
E- The first activity we did at the Country Park was Art. We made forest faces out of clay, sticks, stones, grass, berries, feathers- well anything we could find really. We stuck them to the tree trunks and then we all had a look at each other’s. They were all different and we thought we would leave them in the park for other people to enjoy.
H- We did some more Art. We did observational sketches of The Humber Bridge. I loved it, as it was so relaxing. We used binoculars and telescopes to try and see more detail.
Today in Year 1 we went outside to create some outdoor Art. We used things we could find on the ground like leaves and twigs. We didn't pull anything up to use as this would have been harmful to the enviroment. We also used chalk to enhance our pictures.
"I have made a reindeer!"
"It's a cat!"
"I've written my name in sticks"
Today in Year 6 we have been exploring assemblage.
We have linked this with our time at Stanford, to create an abstract sculpture about our memories at primary school. We began by sketching images and shapes to best represent our favourite memories and began assembling a 2D, abstract structure.
We can't wait to finish these and move onto the 3D version in the coming weeks!
In art today we learnt about what composition means. Together we created a still life composition based on Victorian schools. Then in pairs we created our own 2023 school life composition. We photographed our finished design and then made a pencil sketch
Pumpkin Class have been exploring the way clay can be shaped and joined and have developed a range of skills. They have been learning about the sculpture of Rachel Whiteread and this week they created their own clay house tile in response to her work.
Juniper Class had an excellent time in Art yesterday, we looked at a variety of full room installations and used this inspiration to create our own 'installation in a box'. We used a variety of materials to create our own explosions of work- we really enjoyed this task!
Once again you have outdone yourselves with the costumes the children were wearing. They looked amazing.
The children had lots of fun taking part in Roman based activities. They used their creative skills to make laurel wreaths which the Romans are famous for wearing. The children also learnt about mosaics which the Romans loved. They were really engrossed in creating their mosaics of Roman ladies, citizens and soldiers. For a bit of fun the children learnt how to play Rota which is a Roman strategy game similar to ‘noughts and crosses’, then it was back to the grindstone for a bit of drill practise to prepare them for going into battle. This has been a very busy week for the children but they loved it!
Pumpkin Class researched the French artist Henri Rousseau. They looked at books, posters of his work and listened to stories about his life. They were inspired by his jungle and animal paintings and wanted to experiment with his style in their own work.
H- We found out that Henri Rousseau had never visited a jungle. He had seen some wild animals in the zoo. He liked visiting the botanical gardens to make drawings of exotic plants.
J- We used our sketch books first to work out some ideas for our paintings.
R- It was fun to paint a wild animal and then hide it in the jungle.
A- I created lots of layers of paint to make my jungle really interesting.
S- I have enjoyed looking at Henri Rousseau's paintings. I think his paintings were really good. I think that they sort of tell a story.
In Art we used our research of Masks from Ancient Maya as inspiration for our own mask creations.
We had a great day on our fieldtrip to 'sunny' Cleethorpes. Nothing was going to stop our fun....rain, drizzle...we didn't care!
We looked at the differences between the human and physical aspects of Cleethorpes. The changing coastlines with the sand dunes and the vegetation which keeps the sand in place compared with the built sea defences. The children loved exploring the marsh land for creatures, shells and pebbles, trying to guess which types of rocks they were. We explored the sand dunes then we went to the bandstand to shelter from the elements and sketch some local wildlife. The sun finally came out for us so we had a brisk walk to get chips & ice cream! Yum! As the children had been so great we had a little free time on the beach then another walk back to the bus! We were all shattered but everyone loved the adventure we had!
Juniper class had a lot of fun in art trying out using different mediums on one piece of art, we were inspired by a range of seascape artists and set out creating our own piece of seascape art! We used coloured crayon, water colour and oil pastels to create our pictures, lots of patience and concentration was needed to ensure we created a beautiful piece of art.
Today we used our trip to The Deep to inspire us to do some printing of animals we saw. We used pears, forks, string, and feathers to create our prints.
In our art lessons the children learned how to shade their drawings. It was quite tricky as they had to hold their pencils differently then use their fingers to blend the shading together.
We are currently looking at artwork based on plants. Some artists used their observational skills to capture the intricate details of the plants they were painting. We tried to develop our observational skills. First we did a quick sketch of leaves and then we looked at them closely to draw the finer details.
Pumpkin Class enjoyed creating pictures of different kinds of penguins on their laptops, using the 2paint program on Purple Mash.
A- I love drawing pictures and trying out the different colours and different sized pens.
G- I looked at pictures of real penguins first, so I could get the shape and colours right.
J- I like drawing pictures on Purple Mash because I can save them and work on them later.
Sometimes I do some more drawing at home.
L- I like penguins. I like to draw them.
Here are the finished sunsets & cave paintings. We hope you like them!
In the morning we had 4 activities.
Activity 1 - Making cave art with handprints. We used chalk to draw around them then we smudged the chalk outlines.
Activtiy 2 - Sunsets. We changed the tone of colours by adding white to make it lighter and creating a sunset effect. When they are dry we will create a silhouette of Stone Henge to make them look even more beautiful.
Activity 3 - Cave walls. The children used the end of their brushes to create a blended effect for cave walls, This is called stippling.
Activity 4 - Research & sketching. The children researched prehistoric creatures and sketched them in their sketch books. We will use charcoal to draw them on out 'cave walls' once they are dry.