Sunflower Class Blog

On this page you can see updates over the term of our activities and learning.

Oak National Academy Virtual School Library

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Virtual School Library

5 July
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Walking To Pa2is Event

Year 1 and Year 5 enjoyed an amazing event together this week. Celebrating the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, we all GOT ACTIVE and had a great deal of fun!

The carefully planned route took us through a park, a football field and past many buildings in Laceby; but the highlight for most was the walk through the very long grass in a field! Year 1 children thought it was like a Bear Hunt – SWISHY SWASHY! Year 5 pupils enjoyed looking after the Year 1s, keeping them safe and having lots of conversations en-route.

When we returned to class Year 1s drew their favourite moment from the walk and I’m sure you’ll agree their pictures are FABULOUS.

5 July
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Transition assembly with Compass Go

Zowie, our link worker Compass GO. NEL Mental Health Support Team came and delivered a whole school assembly to our pupils on transition. She shared how pupils may be feeling as they move to a new class, gave us strategies to help if we are feeling a little worried or scared and what may help us. Thank you Zowie!

28 June
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Summer Activity event – 28th June

Year 1 and Foundation paired together to enjoy the Summer activity event that Year 5 and 6 children had prepared for them.  A super opportunity for coaching and collaboration as well as excellent Enterprise skills from the Year 5 and 6.  A great time was had by all!

Tuesday 25th June
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

FS and KS1 Sports Day!

On Tuesday we had a fabulous morning of sports with our Foundation and Key Stage 1 pupils! Everyone tried their very best and it was great to have the support of parents and carers who attended. The behaviour of the children was amazing and they all showed a great sporting spirit. I'm sure you will join us in feeling proud of our school and all the children for such an amazing event! A wonderful event!

20 June
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Year 1 Reading Picnic

It was a beautiful sunny afternoon for our Reading Picnic event yesterday. Children in Year 1 invited their grown-ups from home to enjoy decorated cakes and juice and to show off their reading talents. We were pleased to host parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters. All enjoyed listening to the children read and enjoying the books. Comments included: “It was great to hear my child read, he has made so much progress with his reading this year,” “thank you for letting us visit again this year, I am so impressed how much their reading has come on since Foundation,” “It has been great to see what they have been doing, thank you.” We also enjoyed seeing Mrs Wink (our governor for English and Library co-ordinator in Laceby) she commented on how good it was to see so many visitors in school and all enjoying reading.

Children said:
“We loved icing the cakes this morning to get ready,”
“My Grandad came and it was great to see him too,”
“I shared my Dad with my friend and he read to us both,”
“I love reading outside!”

18 June
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Map Skills and Research in Geography

The Year 2 children used a range of maps to locate the Humber Bridge and they considered why the Humber Bridge is so important to people. They then researched some interesting facts about the bridge.

R- My dad has to travel across the bridge every day for his work. If the bridge wasn’t there it would take him ages to get to work.
J- If you walk across the bridge and back again, it would take you one hour at least.
J- I found out that one side of the bridge is in North Lincolnshire and the other side is in East Yorkshire.
W- I travel across the Humber Bridge when I visit The Deep in Hull.
K- I spotted some other places on the maps that I have been to like Immingham and Grimsby.
C- The river the bridge goes over is the Humber Estuary.
S- I can’t wait to see the Humber Bridge when we go on our trip!

14 June
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Spectacular Celebration

This week all Year 1 pupils have worked hard at their Phonics Screening Test.

We are all so proud of them and wanted to celebrate their achievement.

Today has been amazing, children have made their own ‘spectacular spectacles’ and designed and made a fruit kebab.

Choosing which fruit they want to include and learning how to cut safely into chunks the Year 1s have made delicious looking treats. We then tasted these and talked out which fruit was our favourite.


Pupil A: I love the spectacles because it is my favourite celebration in phonics!
Pupil B: I have had a great day making fruit kebabs.
Pupil C: Best day ever!
Pupil D: I wrote to Mrs Hackfath to invite her and she came too.
Pupil E: Today has been great, thank you.

6 June
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

The Key Stage One Singing Festival 2024

The Year 2 children had a wonderful time performing at Grimsby Auditorium for the Key Stage One Singing Festival. They sang songs in a large choir with children from lot of other local schools. The performance was led by music director Steve Roberts and his band of professional musicians.

C- I loved singing with everyone.
S- I liked the Kindness Song best.
J- The songs were all about how we should treat each other; working together and being kind.
M- I had never seen so many people before. My mum was singing and clapping along with the songs.
N- It was amazing to be part of such a big choir.

7 June
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Following directions

Year 1s have been learning all about directions this week. We went outside with a partner to give and follow directions using our vocabulary: forwards, backwards, right, left, half turn, quarter turn and full turn.
We always love maths outside and this week the children had really understood the new vocabulary!
Well Done Year 1s.

Super History Home Learning!

Well done to our fantastic Year 1 pupil who delivered her own History lesson all about
The Great Fire of London to the Year 1 children. She had done lots of research at home and made a very interesting powerpoint presentation. The children all enjoyed learning lots of new facts and making observations of the fascinating illustrations and paintings of London.

23 May
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Happy Birthday Stanford School!

The Year 2 children enjoyed learning about the rich history of our school and celebrating together on Founder’s Day.

S- I Know when Stanford School was founded and how old the school is. I found 1730 on my timeline. I think it’s amazing that the school in 294 years old!

D- We have been investigating the past. We asked the question- How do we know about Sarah Stanford? Mrs. Brady showed us her deed and I saw her name on it. She had written it with a quill. We also found other information in the Stanford Centre, on Google and we looked at old black and white photos. I was interested in the silver plate which had the Stanford badge on it.

C- Mrs. Brumfield told us about the Stanford Coat of Arms. I noticed that the colours were a bit different to our school badge. It is really special because it came from King Henry VIII.

F- Sarah Stanford’s legacy is that the money she has left has given hundreds of children a school to go to, so that they got the chance to learn reading, writing and maths. Even today, she is helping me and my friends. I think the children in the future will get her help too.

17 May
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Year 1 and 2  Collaboration Work: Imagining Sarah Stanford

The children realised that there aren’t any photographs, paintings or drawings of Sarah Stanford.
They tried to imagine what she might have looked like. Together they researched clothing in the 1700s. They looked at paintings and portraits of ladies and produced sketches and finished drawings.

“I think her clothes would have been made from beautiful fabric because she was a rich lady.”
“She would have worn a long dress and a smart hat.”
“Ladies in the 1700s had big skirts and I think she would have worn a big skirt with a bustle at the back.”
“Sarah Stanford would have a kind face because she was a kind lady leaving money to build Stanford School.”
“I think she was an old lady, so I have given her grey hair and wrinkles.”
“I have drawn Sarah Stanford with a fancy hat and lots of decorations on her clothes. I think she might have worn jewels.”
“There aren’t any photos of her because cameras hadn’t been invented then.”
“I gave Sarah a blue dress like the Stanford badge.”

13 May
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

PSHE: Groups and Communities

In PSHE the children talked about the different groups that they belong to, not only in school, but in the wider community. The children talked enthusiastically about the clubs they go to, what they wear when they go and the different activities they enjoy. One child was keen to tell everyone that ‘it is important to go to different clubs and meet new people because it is good for your mental health and nice to make new friends!’

More pupil comments:

‘I get lots of rosettes and trophies for my dancing. I love it!’
‘I felt very proud when I got my first football trophy.’
‘I wear a special white belt when I do karate.’
‘I’ve been going to a reading club. At the moment I am reading lots of animal books because I want to be a vet.’
‘I like winning medals for my football playing.’
‘Lots of children go to Beavers like me. You learn lots of new things and it’s lots of fun.’
‘I enjoy going to my swimming club and I am getting really good at swimming.’
‘I go to lots of clubs. I am a very busy person.’

10 May
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Year 2 Maths: Learning About Time

The children have been learning facts about time and have been using analogue clocks to show different times during the day.

This week they have looked at o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past times.
Next week they will be learning about five past, ten past, twenty past, twenty to etc.

It would be great if they could continue practising telling the time at home too.

D- I know that there are 60 seconds in a minute.
S- 60 minutes equals 1 hour.
E- There are 24 hours in a day.

1 May
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Intra School Javelin Competition 

The Year 2 children had great fun competing against each other and developing their skills at throwing the javelin. Everyone tried their best and cheered each other on! Well done Year 2.

29 April
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Year 1 3D Pictures

In art this term Year 1s are looking at 3D pictures, these are created using paper and card.
Children have learnt to fold, bend, twist, cut and glue paper in order to form different shapes. These are then attached to a base – which acts as the background to their picture.
First we learnt how to create cylinders and attach these to a base.

This week we have created loops, twists, spirals, zig-zags and tables. We love creating these 3-Dimensional pictures. We hope you like them too.

26 April
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Y1 Fieldwork

Year 1 have been using their fieldwork skills to search the school grounds.

We are studying plant life and our challenge was to discover different kinds of plant life around the school.

Next we will draw plans of the grounds and mark where the plant life is.

19 April
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Year 2 Hook Day: Can I think like an engineer?

The children enjoyed a very busy and informative day learning about bridges and designing and making their own.

D- We watched a video that told us all about engineers and how they design and build things to solve problems. It was interesting.
O- I enjoyed the story called ‘George Makes a Bridge.’ I could answer all the questions and I drew a picture of the bridge that George made to help the chicks cross the river.
L- It was interesting to look at the photos of different kinds of bridges all around the world.
W- I could tell what the bridges were made out of and we talked about why they were built.
C- I loved the Lego challenge. I made a really good bridge that crossed my river.
M- I learnt lots of new words, like pier, reinforce and stable. I found out that lots of bridges have triangle shapes and these make them stronger.
A- I found out different ways to make cardboard bridges. When I made mine, I joined my cardboard together by cutting slots and then I used pencils to reinforce my bridge to make it stronger.>

19 April
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Year 1 Plant Life Cycles

This week Year 1s have begun their plant studies in Science by reading a story called ‘The Tiny Seed’.

The story gave us information about the growth and re-growth of a sunflower. We have been making our own life-cycle pictures by sequencing real photos of sunflowers. Next week we will be planting our own and helping them to grow.

Child 1: The story goes round and round and round again.
Child 2: I liked when we pretended to be a seed floating in the air and then growing in the ground.
Child 3: I think it’s sad that the sunflower goes droopy and dies. But the seeds live on so it’s happy.
Child 4: I worked with my partner as a team to get the cycle right.

19 April
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Year 1 Hook Day Puppet Making

In Year 1 this week we had our ‘Hook Day’ to start the Summer Term.

Our focus was to design and make a sock puppet as part of our DT work.

We all drew a design and wrote down a list of things we would need.

Next we set to work making the puppets. Our DT skills were to select and use the appropriate tools for joining different materials. We were so good at this that we persevered even when some skills became tough! We are so proud of the results.

We also learnt how to evaluate a product by looking at how successful it is. What do you

Child A: I love the long hair and ribbons on my puppet.
Child B:  My puppet can breathe fire and has spikes all down its back.
Child C: My puppet talks in a funny voice.
Child D: I have had the best day ever and I loved making my puppet.

28 March
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

An Easter Thank You

The Year 1 and 2 children would like to say a big thank you to their helper Mrs Bennett for making  them all such lovely knitted Easter chicks.

 Thank, Mrs Bennett we all love them!

27 March
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Easter Bonnets 

Well done to all the Year 1 and Year 2 children for making such lovely Easter bonnets. Everyone who took part enjoyed some sweets at the end of the day. Well done to the class winners!

27 March
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Happy Easter from all the Sunflowers!

22 March
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Body Parts

As part of our science learning this term Year 1s have been learning about different parts of the body.

We had fun labelling our friends!

Pupil 1: It was so funny sticking labels on our friends!
Pupil 2: I learnt what elbows do
Pupil 3: We had to write and read the labels too

19 March
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Maths Basic Skills

Every day the children practice their basic skills in Maths. They work on the four operations; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. They have been doing this in fun and creative ways.

C- I love the Top Marks challenges that I play on the ipad. I am getting a better score!
D- I have really liked the different challenges that we go and do around the room.
P- We use Base 10, Numicon, cubes and whiteboards to help us.
N- I loved it when we used chalk to challenge our friends to multiply two numbers.

18 March
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

British Science Week 2024

‘Disappearing Dinos’

The Year 2 children got involved in some debating and research about the extinction of dinosaurs.  Before they looked in books and went on the internet, they discussed their own scientific theories about what they thought had happened to the dinosaurs long ago.

J- I think that the dinosaurs are extinct because there was a meteorite, exploding volcanoes, a sand storm and a flood. I think it was so powerful that it killed all the dinosaurs.

N- I think an asteroid hit the Earth and that killed them.

B- Maybe they all got eaten by cave men who killed them.

N- I found out that there was an ice age and I think the cold conditions would’ve been too hard for the dinosaurs to survive.

15 March
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

British Science Week 2024

Sunflower Eco Warriors!

The Sunflowers really enjoyed an amazing Virtual Reality workshop led by Carys Jones from the Education Group. They virtually visited the planet Earth and were guided by the expert droid Glido and his friends. Glido brought to their attention the important topic of climate change. The children discussed real-life issues such as pollution, over-fishing, agriculture and plastic waste.

15 March
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Comic Relief 2024

The children in Year 1 and 2 enjoyed dressing up in red and raising money on Red Nose Day.

P- We pulled funny faces.
H- I told my friends some jokes.
H- We sang a song called ‘Put a nose on it’. I thought it was funny.
C- We raised money by buying and wearing our red noses.
J- We learnt that we have Red Nose Day, so we can help people all over the world.
The money goes to help people who need help. Some people are living in poverty and some people are poorly or disabled.
S- We saw a video about a boy who was struggling with his mental health and the Comic Relief people used the money to get him some help.

11 March
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Loving Laceby Library

The Year 2 children thoroughly enjoyed their visit to the library today.

W- Mrs. Wink showed us some different kinds of books.
E- Mrs. Wink had a very old book that was seventy years old. It was a special book she liked to read when she was a little girl.
P- It was lots of fun to look at all the different books.
C- I was looking for scary story books!

The children also spent some time researching information about gardening, growing, plants and trees by reading lots of non-fiction books. They did this in preparation for their new Science topic next term.

Mrs. Brady would like to thank Mrs. Wink and Mrs. Harrison for making everyone feel so welcome.

8 March
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Science Field Trip

This week Year 1 visited The Deep as part of their science learning about animals.

The children had an amazing time using their Geography skills on the way, spotting landmarks and got very excited as we crossed The Humber Bridge!
Once in The Deep we explored different animals and used our categorising skills to find mammals, fish, birds and amphibians.

We also learnt from a teacher their about the differences between sea turtles and river turtles.

Take a look at our photos.

Children shared their learning with these comments:

Pupil 1: I loved the swordfish best of all, we got see underneath it as it swam past us in the bubble lift.
Pupil 2: I liked helping out with the turtle story.
Pupil 3: I liked the teeny, weeny jellyfish; they were just so small!
Pupil 4: My favourite were the penguins because one dived into the water.
Pupil 5: I’ve learnt about the claws on the river turtle and I liked making my turtle too.

7 March
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

World Book Day Fun

The Sunflowers loved dressing up as their favourite story book characters.
They enjoyed sharing books and reading a new book called ‘Star in the Jar’ by Sam Hay.
They wrote book reviews and created art work of treasure that they would like to find and keep in a jar.

J- Mrs. Brady organised a treasure hunt outside. It was fun to find things to put in a jar.

M- I liked being David Attenborough because I got to investigate things outside. I found a fragment of pottery which might have come from a hidden temple under the playground.

M- We realised that some things might be treasure to some people or just old rubbish to other people.

R- I found all sorts of treasure like coins, jewellery and shiny beads.

C- The treasure in my jar would be money and gold jewellery that might have belonged to a rich princess.

4 March
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

The History of Communication: Telephones

The Year 2 children have been finding out about the history of the telephone.

They enjoyed a very interesting and informative talk from Mrs. Griffith who told them all about her time working at the telephone exchange in Grimsby. She explained how older phones worked and showed them pictures of the switchboard and explained what an operator or telephonist did when answering and connecting calls.
In the classroom, the children had fun exploring the old phones in their phone museum and also making string telephones to talk to their friends.

H- Alexander Graham Bell was an inventor and he also liked teaching deaf people.
C- Alexander Graham Bell if famous for inventing the world’s first telephone.
J- Mrs. Griffith told us about phones with a dial and she had to use a pen with a round end to move it round to dial a number.
E- Queen Elizabeth was the first person who could make a phone call to someone else without having to call the operator first.
J- Mrs. Griffith showed us how to say telephone numbers clearly over the phone.

1 March
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

EYFS and Year 1 Maths Collaboration

Today the Year 1 children went into our Early Years Class to be ‘mini-teachers’. The aim of the session was to help the younger children with their maths learning and fill our Year 1 children with confidence to explain problem solving to others. The session was really successful. Pupils enjoyed the collaboration and said:

Pupil 1: I like the big children coming to help me.
Pupil 2: I explained to A that 1 more than 9 is 10.
Pupil 3: I helped some children count the keys up to 15.
Pupil 4: B helped me make numbers in the dough.

1 March
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Maths Collaboration

The Year 2 children helped the Year 1 children learn all about money. They were really good teachers; explaining how to count with coins, showing them ways to solve shopping problems and how to work out change.

C- I used the visualiser to explain the question to everyone.
C- I used my fingers to show how to take away.
N- I explained how to work out the answer.
A- The Year 2 children read the prices and helped me.
O- I drew ten 1p coins to show the Year 1 children how to exchange.
P- If something was 12p, I showed the Year 1 children how to start with a 10p and then add on the ones.

21 February
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Speak Out and Stay Safe!

Neil from the NSPCC came to visit Year 2 this week.

C- Neil told us that if someone is hurting you that you should tell a safe adult who can help you.
J- Sam was upset because she didn’t have enough food and she was hungry. She did the right thing and she told her teacher. Then her family got some help and she was happy again.
A- A safe adult could be a teacher, someone who is over 18 that you know, parents and nannas and granddads.
D- Buddy is a mascot for the NSPCC. He is the shape of a speech bubble and he reminds us to speak to adults if we are worried.
S- If children are worried or upset, they must tell a trusted adult.
L- Childline has people who can help children. You can ring them up or go on their website.

8 February
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Friendship Disco

What a wonderful time the KS1 and Foundation Stage children had their disco this week.
The teachers really enjoyed dancing too!

W- I love dancing with all my friends.
H- I won some sweets for my dancing.
C- I really liked doing the action songs, they were funny and everyone was laughing.
M- Miss Purshouse liked dancing with me.
E- I liked my glowstick, it was shining when the lights went off.
J- I liked my crisps and cakes.
L- I danced with some new friends from a different class.

7 February
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Music Making is Fun!

The Year 1 and 2 children have been enjoying singing and making music together.
They have learnt the names of a wide range of percussion instruments and have found out the different ways that they can be played. They can play their instruments in time to keep a steady beat and sing tunefully together in unison. They are now learning to play the glockenspiel.

S- I just love singing the rainbow song because it is so bright and cheerful.
O- The song makes me get up and dance.
J- I learnt that the scraper instrument is called a guiro.
F- If you let the triangle ring out, you can feel it’s vibration.
C- The wood block is my favourite instrument. If you tap it with a beater; it is loud!
W- I’m really enjoying learning the glockenspiel. You have to find the right notes, concentrate and watch the music on the board. I am getting better at it.
D- Mrs. Brady showed us a xylophone player called Evelyn Glennie. She was amazing, she could play with four beaters. I was so surprised when Mrs. Brady told us that she is deaf. She has to feel the vibrations with her body.

2 February
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

We are photographers!

Exploring Texture and Surface

The Year 2 children have been out on a texture hunt around the school grounds and they have photographed some really interesting textures and patterns. They had great observational skills as they looked closely at every day items and natural objects. Here are a few examples of their
wonderful work.

2 February
Posted by:
Mrs Smith


Year 1s have been learning how to double numbers up to 20.

Using cubes we challenged ourselves to make doubles practically before recording this in our books.

Take a look at our pictures.

26 January
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

An Amazing Learning Share!

Well done to the Year 2 children for sharing their wonderful learning with their parents, carers and family members this week.

N- I loved reading out my winter poem.
E- We did some penguin jokes to make everyone laugh.
C- My joke broke the ice!
M- We shared lots of penguin facts. We had found out a lot of information.
W- I loved the penguin dance and it was funny when the parents joined in!
H- I liked the penguin poems and I could remember all the words.
L- It was nice that we showed our parents the 3D penguins that we had made.

19 January
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

 Colour Mixing & Artist Study

Year 1s have combined an artist study with their colour mixing skills this week. They have been looking at this piece of art work by Jasper Johns called ‘Numbers in Colour’. They then recalled their mixing of Primary Colours to make Secondary colours and used these to re-create his work of art. Look at our fantastic results:

15 January
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Year 2 Artists: Colour Magic

The children have been developing their knowledge of colour mixing.
They can name the primary and secondary colours and describe what happens when they mix two secondary colours.

C- It was fun to drip and splash paint. I kept moving my paper around so the colours mixed.
C- Painting like this reminded me of the artist Jackson Pollock. Mrs. Brady showed us a video of him and we found out how he splashed paint on to really big pieces of paper on the floor. I would like to do that.
M- I made lots of different colours. I liked the different shades of purple that I made.
H- It was a bit messy, but I enjoyed watching my paint splatter and run on to the wet paper.

11 January
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Being Historians

Year 1s have been Historians this week. They have been finding out about Amelia Earhart and what she has done. Firstly, the children looked at the questions on the Learning Wall and the photos of two women. They used talk partners and shared their thoughts:

Child A: I think they are very old or not alive any more because the pictures are black and white.
Child B: I think they could have been actresses because they look good.
Child C: They look happy in the photos.
Child D: Maybe they are in the same family.

We then watched an interactive version of Amelia’s story and the children wrote what they had found out. Look at some of our work.

11 January
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Tens and Ones

Year 1s this week have been representing the ‘teen’ numbers using different equipment. They have also been able to record how many tens and ones in each number.

Pupil 1: I like using these tens and ones ‘cos they help me.
Pupil 2: I can use all the ‘teen’ numbers really well.
Pupil 3: sixteen has 1 ten and six ones, look (showing me their work).

8 January
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Year 1 and 2 Arctic Hook Day

The children have experienced a wide range of activities to introduce them to the Arctic and Antarctica.
They enjoyed going on virtual tours, reading information about arctic animals, creating 3D penguins, painting textured pictures of polar bears and making snowflakes.

C- I read that Arctic Foxes like to eat Arctic Hares. This worried me, as I dressed up as an Arctic Hare today!
M- I enjoyed making my 3D penguin. I have been making one at home too.
C- It was quite tricky to make my penguin, especially getting the size and shape of the feet right.
E- I liked dressing up as a penguin.
R- I dressed up as an explorer. I had snow goggles and binoculars, so I could look for animals.

20 December
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Christmas Party Fun!

In Key Stage One we had a fantastic Christmas party!
It was lovely to see Santa again.

S- I enjoyed pass the parcel because I won sweets and shared them with my friend.
O- I liked dancing and playing musical statues.
M- I enjoyed playing musical bumps.
L- I loved dancing.
E- I won sweets for my dancing.
E- The cakes were delicious.
I- I ate all my party food.

13 December
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Christmas Superstars!

A very well done to the lovely Year 2 children for their amazing performance of ‘Little Angel Gets Her Wings.’ Their acting, speaking, dancing and singing was wonderful. Well done everyone.

C- I can’t believe that I managed to sing on my own on the stage.
C- I loved being a shepherd.
F- I liked being a narrator and telling the story.
C- I really loved singing all the songs.
J- I played two parts in the end. I had to quickly learn what to do.
J- Being a king was lots of fun.
M- All the parents enjoyed our show: they gave us a big clap at the end!

13 December
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Santa’s Storytime

The Year 2 children had a wonderful surprise when Santa arrived in their classroom to read his favourite festive stories to them!

L- I thought it was very nice of him to come all the way from the North Pole to come and see us.
P- I liked listening to his stories.
P- It was really nice to talk to Santa. He asked me if I had been good and I told him I had.
W- I really want Santa to come back and see us next week!
C- I would like to read my story book to Santa next time.

11 December
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

2D Shapes

This week Year 1s have been using sticks gathered from outdoors to make different 2D shapes.
We started with triangles and went on to make squares and rectangles.

Pupil 1: I used 3 sticks to make a triangle.
Pupil 2: we needed 1 more than 3 to make a square or a rectangle
Pupil 3: Maths is great when we get to go outside.
Pupil 4: I never knew we could make shapes with sticks!
Pupil 5: We made triangles and squares.

11 December
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Christmas Dinner

On Friday we enjoyed a special Christmas Dinner at lunch time. Provided by Chartwells and prepared by our lunch cooks, we had roast turkey and all the trimmings.

Pupil 1: I liked listening to music whilst we ate our dinner.
Pupil 2: Mini sausage is the best!
Pupil 3: I love the Christmassy cake for pudding.

8 December
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Christmas Jumper Day 2023

The Year 2 children enjoyed celebrating this special day by wearing their festive jumpers.
The children learnt that their donations all go to help children in both the UK and all around the world.

L- We watched an assembly about why people wear Christmas jumpers.
F- In English, we read about the Save the Children charity and answered lots of questions about Christmas Jumper Day.
P- I think it’s nice to be kind to other people.

7 December
Posted by:
Mrs Brady & Miss Perrin

Year 1 and 2 Maths Collaboration:
Problem Solving and Reasoning Skills Involving 2D and 3D Shapes

Together, the children have been exploring 2D and 3D shapes.
The extra challenges (continuous provision) in the classrooms have enabled the children to extend their learning. They challenge and support each other in small groups and enjoy problem solving together.

Pupil Comments

I’ve liked the Year 2s teaching me things I didn’t know. I  know lots of names of shapes now.
My Year 2 partner has been giving me ideas about how to sort shapes into different kinds of groups.
We’ve been counting sides of shapes and putting them in order.
The Year 2 children told me about vertices and I learnt how to count them on 2D shapes.
With my friend, I found all the shapes with fewer vertices than a hexagon.
Next time, I have seen some other problems solving challenges that I want to have a go at!

6 December
Posted by:
Mrs Brady & Miss Perrin

Eating Five A Day!

As part of the Year 2 children’s Design and Technology and PSHE work, the children enjoyed a very informative workshop led by Chef Gavin from Chartwells.

M- We learnt about eating different kinds of fruit and vegetables and that we should try and eat five every day.
M- Chef showed us lots of different kinds of vegetables, some of them I had never seen before.
J- Chef Gavin told us how he grows his own vegetables and cooks different healthy recipes.
A- He gave us some vegetable soup to taste. He had made it with fresh ingredients. I liked it and I liked dipping in his homemade bread too!
T- Mrs. Brady liked the soup and she was asking lots of questions about healthy meals she could make too.

2 December
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

We Love Phonics

One group of children wanted to share with you their super progress in reading. In our small phonics groups, we have learnt all the Set 2 sounds and can blend them for reading and segment them for writing. We are reading a book about horses and learning new vocabulary as we read. We are all so proud of our achievements this half term and can’t wait to get started on Set 3 sounds next week!

2 December
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Year 1 Pizza Making

This week, Chartwells – our lunch providers – visited us to teach us about healthy eating. We learnt that we should have 5 pieces of fruit or veg every day. We thought about every fruit of vegetable that matches the colours in a rainbow and talked about which we liked best. Then came the best part! We learnt how to make our own pizzas and choose from a rainbow of toppings to make them look great and be healthy to eat. This was so much fun and we want to say a huge thank you to Chartwells for this amazing learning experience. Take a look at all our pizzas.

1 December
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Sharing Our Space

The Sunflowers enjoyed welcoming their family members into their lovely Sunflower Classroom.

R- We sang The Sunflower Song together.
E- It was good when the parents joined in and we all sang ‘The Red Red Robin’ song.
C- I showed my mum and dad all the interesting things on the walls.
O- I let my grandad sit in my seat.
E- We all ate biscuits and mince pies.
S- I showed my mum the bookmark that I had made.

Parent- Thank you for inviting me. I enjoyed looking around my child’s classroom.
Parent- It’s a lovely big classroom. I enjoyed my child telling me about their learning.
Parent- My little one loved looking at all of Mrs. Brady’s frogs!

1 December
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Festive Fun in Year 2!

The children loved all the excitement of the Christmas Fayre.
There was dressing up in fancy dress, setting up their Christmas Enterprise stall, decorating the classroom and singing Christmas songs to their parents and friends.

P- I liked going around all the stalls and buying things.
J- It was exciting to see Santa in school.
J- My mum enjoyed hearing me sing outside.
P- I really enjoyed making my Christmas wreath and seeing it for sale on our stall.
F- It was funny to dress up in fancy dress.
C- Mrs. Bennett made us some lovely knitted snowmen with chocolates inside.
M- Year 2 would like to thank Mrs. Drury for helping us make the wreaths, Mrs. Bennett for making all the knitted snowmen with chocolates inside and also to Mrs. Lawson for helping with our stall.

21 November
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Using a Number Line

Year 1s have been using number lines to subtract this week. They were able to work practically and transfer word problems into number sentences. Using jumps back on the number lines, pupils were able to answer problems accurately. Well done Year 1s.
Next step is to work with abstract number sentences.

20 November
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Road Safety Week

Road Safety Week is an event to help people learn how to stay safe on the roads.

A charity called ‘Brake’ organises Road Safety Week every November.

The children have been watching road safety videos, acting out scenarios, explaining The Green Cross Code and challenging themselves to recall facts and answer lots of questions in a tricky road safety quiz. Well done everyone!

17 November
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Children in Need

The Year 1 and Year 2 children kindly supported the Children in Need charity.
Thank you to everyone for their kind donations.

We had watched a video all about Children in Need.
J- I learnt the word ‘mascot’. Pudsey the teddy bear is the mascot for the charity.
J- I wore a Pudsey t-shirt, some people dressed in yellow and some people had teddy ears on.
T- We read a story about Pudsey Bear and then we had a quiz about it.
L- I liked the quiz about the story, as we all got into teams and helped each other work out the answers.

17 November
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

World Diabetes Day

This week the children learnt all about diabetes and the people living with this condition. They had a special assembly with Mrs. Hill, they researched facts about diabetes in their PSHE lesson and wore their blue clothes.

L- I know someone with diabetes and they have insulin injections every day.

H- Mrs. Hill told us that there are two kinds of diabetes.

C- I’m wearing blue clothes to show that I am thinking about people who have got diabetes.

17 November
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Recycling Poster Competition

The children have been learning all about recycling. They have been thinking about the things they could recycle at school. Well done to our lovely Y2 pupil for winning the recycling poster competition. Her poster will be displayed in the classroom to remind everyone to keep recycling.

17 November
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Anti-Bullying Week and Odd Socks Day

The theme for this year’s Anti-Bullying week is ‘Make a Noise’.

The children in Year 1 and 2 learnt what bullying is and how important it is to ‘Make a Noise’ and tell someone if they are being bullied. The children attended a special assembly, learnt about different types of bullying in class and during ‘Well-being Wednesday’ enjoyed making a new friend and working on activities together.

M- If someone was hurting me, I would tell a trusted adult- someone like my teacher or my mum.
C- Bullying is when someone is upsetting and hurting a person over and over again.
P- I wore my odd socks to show everyone that it is OK to be different.
B- We should be kind to one another. It’s good to make new friends.

16 November
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Being Scientists….

This week Year 1 have been studying Deciduous and Evergreen Trees. We went searching around school and found both types of tree. It was a windy day and we sat in the Nature area watching the leaves falling from the deciduous trees. We collected different leaves and took them back to class.

Because the Gardening Club have been working so hard making improvements in the wild area, we were able to use the new paths and seats to stay out of the mud. Thank you Gardening Club from all Year 1.

Pupil 1: I know that Evergreen trees stay green all year.

Pupil 2: Yes Evergreen trees never drop their leaves either.

Pupil 3: Deciduous trees have leaves that fall off.

Pupil 4: We drew Deciduous trees in the Summer with lots of green leaves and in Autumn with yellow, orange and brown leaves fallen to the floor.

Pupil 5: I loved going to the wild area and seeing the leaves falling.

Pupil 6: It was so windy the leaves blew around!

8 November
Posted by:
Miss Perrin

Year 1 - Animal Gymnastics

In PE we were looking at moving around the hall in different ways and at different levels pretending to be animals. If they encountered puddles (mats) they had to slither like snakes, on treetops (benches) they moved like giraffes and tree frogs, at the burrows (hoops) they were rabbits and anywhere else they would be any animal of their choosing. The children really enjoyed this and had lots of fun!

8 November
Posted by:
Miss Perrin

Year 1 - Computing

We have been learning about pictograms. This is where pictures are used to show data in graphs and charts. First we made a pictogram as a class then the children worked in pairs to create their own.

8 November
Posted by:
Miss Perrin

Year 1 - Science - Investigating Materials

The children were set a challenge to find the best material to cover a shelter and keep us dry. They decided that we should put water on different materials to see if the water stayed on the top of the materials or soaked through. If the material stayed on top of the material this meant that the material was waterproof.

We found out that rock and wood were waterproof. The children thought that rock might be too heavy for a shelter so the best material would be wood.

6 November
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Times Tables

The Year 2 children are enjoying learning their 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables.

Every day they love to sing along to their favourite Maths songs.

They are getting more and more confident each day, as well as having lots of fun.

3 November
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

More Wonderful Home Learning

It has been so lovely to see how keen the Year 2 children have been this term to work on all their home learning tasks. Every week Mrs. Brady and Miss Perrin are so excited to see what they’ve been doing at home to further their learning. Well done everyone!

31 October
Posted by:
Mrs Smith


Year 1 have been learning how to make a whole from two parts. We can split one whole into two parts in different ways. We use stem sentences to explain the parts of a whole.

31 October
Posted by:
Mrs Smith


After learning all about Diva lamps as part of the Hindu celebration of Diwali, Year 1 made their own Diva lamps to hang in the windows of the classroom. We followed instructions to select the correct materials and use our DT skills of folding, cutting and joining, to make the lamps. We hope you like them.

Pupil 1: I learnt about Rama and Sita coming home in the dark.

Pupil 2: They followed the lamps in the windows of the houses to get home.

Pupil 3: I got better and better at the folding.

Pupil 4: I thought it was tricky but my friend helped me.

Pupil 5: I loved the story in assembly.

Pupil 6: I liked making divas.

20 October
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Halloween Fun!

The children had a great time at the KS1 Halloween Disco.

They all looked very scary!

W- I liked dancing with my friends.

M- I liked dancing in the dark and I wore a glow stick bracelet.

K- I loved seeing everybody else in their costumes.

R- I dressed up as a witch. I think I looked really scary.

E- I ate crisps, cakes and had some juice.

T- I loved winning sweets.

20 October
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Well-being Activities Are Fun!

The Year 2 children love to choose different activities each week to boost their well-being. This week they chose to read with a friend, do some practical maths, dance, listen to a story on the big board in the hall and also enjoy some relaxing yoga.

C- We are practising counting in 100s. We like doing maths together.

J- I feel happy when I look at my favourite books.

D- I love watching stories on the big board because it makes me feel like I’m at the cinema.

P- Yoga helps me to relax and it also helps me keep fit.

19 October
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Well-being Wednesday

Year 1 enjoyed some yoga on Wednesday afternoon as part of our ‘Well-being Wednesday’ choice.

We love to follow the instructions and relax and have fun at the same time. During today’s adventure we travelled in a hot air balloon, climbed a tree and found treasure at the bottom of the sea.

Pupil 1: ‘I love Cosmic Kids Yoga’

Pupil 2: ‘I’m really good at balancing on one leg.’

Pupil 3: ‘It’s always a fun story adventure.’

19 October
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Using Maths Games to Practise our Computing Skills

This week in Year 1 we have been developing our computer skills, learning to ‘grab and drop’ using a laptop.

We got really good at using the two handed skill to sort shapes and other objects in different ways on the Purple Mash Games site.

Pupil 1: ‘I found it tricky but I’m getting better with practise.’

Pupil 2: ‘I worked with my partner and showed her how to do it.’

Pupil 3: ‘I love using the laptops, we can all have our own.’

19 October
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Parts of a whole

Year 1 have been learning how a whole can be partitioned into different parts. Taking 5 bean bags, we threw at the target and recorded how many landed in and out of it. We found many combinations of how the bean bags landed. Back in the classroom we drew the combinations. We had lots of fun and learnt so much about number.

Child A: ‘We did a kind of PE – Maths lesson it was great!’

Child B: ‘My group found 6 different ways of doing it.’

Child C: ‘We had 5 as a whole and then 2 different parts.’

Child D: ‘We love maths outside.’

15 October
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Designing, Making and Evaluating Our Healthy Fruit Smoothies

The Year 2 children had some great ideas for making healthy fruit smoothies.

They carefully selected their fresh ingredients and learnt how to prepare their smoothies using a range of techniques. Under the expert guidance of Chef Christie, they whizzed up some amazing drinks.

S- It was fun to make a fruit smoothie.

C- I enjoyed it so much that I wanted to make another one.

E- Mine was a bit sour, I think next time I would choose some sweeter fruit.

J- I loved the colour of mine.

L- I used milk in mine, next time I would like to try adding apple juice.

P- I want to make fruit smoothies at home!

15 October
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

SMSC: Our Ethos, Our Values

In Year 2, the children have been learning about The Five C’s: care, challenge, community, creativity and curriculum. They have been discussing the meaning of each word and sharing examples.

They looked at the new Five C’s poster that has been designed by pupil voice and created a special class charter of class rules to help keep their class a safe, fair and happy place.

C- I care for my friends. I help them if they feel sad.

D- I love to do harder challenges in Maths.

L- We enjoy doing special things with community members, like the Macmillan Coffee Day.

C- Year 2 had an artist’s day- it was all about creativity. We enjoyed painting and drawing.

J- The curriculum is all about what we learn. I’m enjoying the lessons in Year 2. I really love the story about Egg Box Dragon.

13 October
Posted by:
Miss Perrin

Being Geographers

In year 1 we have been learning about human and physical geographical features. Human features are things around us that have been made by humans and physical features are things which are natural items such as the seasons, the weather, plants and coasts. We then went on a hunt around the school to see what geographical features we could find.

13 October
Posted by:
Miss Perrin

Playtime fun

In year 1 we love having the chance to play and learn together. Wet play doesn’t dampen our spirits, it just an opportunity to explore the classroom and see what exciting things the teachers have left out for us to play with.

10 October
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Hello Yellow: World Mental Health Day 10th October

By wearing some yellow and giving kind donations to the Young Minds charity, the Year 2 children came together to show their support for World Mental Health Day.

The children learnt about the importance of looking after not just their physical health, but their mental health too. They had a special assembly with Mrs. Brady, where they found out that people can experience a range of different emotions: Some emotions can make us feel good and some can make us feel uncomfortable.

The children created posters to show that taking some time out to do the things we enjoy has positive effects on our mental health and well-being.

9 October
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Black History Month

The children Year 2 have been finding out all about the life of American artist, Alma Thomas. They were very shocked to learn that during her life she had been treated very unfairly because of the colour of her skin. The children learnt the meanings of the words; ‘racism’ and ‘discrimination'. The children enjoyed exploring her art work and found her colourful pictures inspiring, and so they decided to create some of their own.

9 October
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

The dragons are taking over the classroom!

6 October
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

26 September
Posted by:
Miss Perrin

Harvest Festival

The Harvest Festival was an amazing event. Each of the classes prepared something to share - pieces of art, letters, poems and songs. It was lovely seeing the Foundation children join us to share their song. Rev Chris came to talk to us about harvest and spoke about how it is important to share and care for each other, qualities which we treasure within our school.

24 September
Posted by:

Mrs Smith

Representing Numbers

Year 1 have been learning how to represent numbers in digits and as words. We have enjoyed playing Match the Pairs and Bingo this week to help us.

24 September
Posted by:

Mrs Smith

Year 1 Geography Fieldwork Skills

We have been learning about different types of houses, especially those in our village of Laceby. We had a great walk to find all the different styles we had learnt about. Detached, semi-detached, terraced, bungalow and flats. Year 1 children were so polite as they walked around spotting the houses. Take a look at our photos.

When we returned to school, we used a map and an aerial photograph to follow our route and spot the different features we passed on the way.

24 September
Posted by:

Mrs Smith


As part of our learning about what makes a good friend, Year 1 have been discussing and sorting what actions show ‘Good Friendship’ and which show ‘Not Good Friendship’. We worked with a friend to do this activity. Children said:

Child A: We should show kindness when someone is sad.

Child B: We help each other when we need help.

Child C: We share all of our toys.

Child D: We play nicely together.

24 September
Posted by:

Miss Perrin

Year 2 - Being Scientists

Over the last 2 weeks we have been learning about Materials. We looked at different objects both inside and outside of the classroom. The children were asked to identify objects and then the material that it was made from. It’s amazing how many materials we have around us.

18 September
Posted by:
Mrs Brady


A Super Reading Breakfast

The Year 2 children enjoyed sharing books and delicious food with their family, friends and community members. It was great to see everyone enjoying reading together!

P- My mum got to read with me and she had a smile through the whole entire thing!

C- I really enjoyed eating the fruit and talking to my friends about books.

F- My mum and dad both came. We all read together!

C- It was the best day ever! W- I loved reading to my mum.

R- It was a lovely morning. I enjoyed reading two books and loved eating my breakfast!

O- I liked reading with Grandma and eating lots of yummy food!

R- I really enjoyed my mummy coming into my school to read with me.

Parents and Carers Feedback:

*It was great for parents to get involved.

*A lovely morning, thank you. Lovely food, welcoming atmosphere, so nice to see all the children back to school and happy.

*Thank you very much. I have enjoyed my morning reading books to my little boy and meeting his new teachers.

*Absolutely lovely event! Excellent range of books and refreshments.

*It was a nice experience to sit down with my child in his school environment.

*We thoroughly enjoyed today’s reading breakfast. It’s lovely to see other pupils and parents, along with hearing our own children read.

11 September
Posted by:
Mrs Brady


Drawing: Exploring Mark Making Techniques

For their Hook Day, the Year 2 children enjoyed dressing up as artists and getting really creative! They learnt different ways to make marks, using a range of materials. They created patterned surfaces to explore texture and add detail to their drawings.

W- I had never used charcoal before. I found out that it is burnt wood from a willow tree.

K- If you press on with charcoal, you get a darker colour. If you use it sideways and add some white chalk, it makes a softer grey colour.

S- We learnt how to do cross hatching.

L- I made lots of different marks with my pencil crayons. I loved squiggling and stippling.

E- I loved being an artist and I think I enjoyed painting outside the best!

C- I painted like Jackson Pollock. I loved splattering the paint! M- We did observational drawing. Some people drew toy frogs and some people drew teddies. When I drew Mrs. Brady’s teddy, I made marks like fur to show the texture.

M- I enjoyed some stories about artists. I liked ‘Paddington the Artist.’

J- It was good to visit an art gallery (virtually).

9 September
Posted by:
Mrs Brady

Welcome to Year 2

It has been lovely to welcome all the Year 2 children back to school this week and see all their smiley faces! Miss Perrin and Mrs Brady wowed them with their amazing new classroom! The children have all made a great start and have produced some wonderful work.

7 September
Posted by:
Mrs Smith

Year 1 Friendship Day

On Thursday all the Year 1 children enjoyed a great ‘Hook Day’ about Friendship. We had a super time appreciating our friends by making and exchanging cards with them, sharing games and activities with them and being kind to each other. We made our own friendship bracelets with beads are were so proud of our finished products. We read a story called Lubna and Pebble about a little girl who made a friend and shared her friend with a boy who was alone. We made predictions about what might happen when the girl moved to a new house. All children learnt a new song with actions which we look forward to sharing with you soon.

This is what we loved about Friendship Day:
Child A: I liked making a card for my friend with unicorns on it because I know she likes them.
Child B: I drew Spiderman on my card because I know he likes Spiderman.
Child C: I liked sharing the marble run game with my friends and taking turns.
Child D: I love my friendship bracelet best.
Child E: I wrote a sentence on my own about Lubna making new friends.
Take a look at some of the photos we took today.